

2008-09-03 09:18王可欣
中學英語之友·下(綜合版) 2008年8期



1. Tom, you should not ____ the silly earrings.

A. put on B. wear C. in D. dress

2. Twelve-year-olds are not ____ to drive.

A. enough serious B. serious enough

C. enough young D. young enough

3. ——What do you think of this perfume(香水)? I want to buy it for my mother as a birthday present.

——It smells ____; I like it very much.

A. bad B. terrible C. wonderful D. well

4. David, an ____ boy, can write in Chinese.

A. eight-years-old B. eight-years

C. eight-year-old D. eight-years old

5. They didnt tell us what ____ next.

A. would they do B. they do

C. they will do D. they would do

6. ——I think teenagers shouldnt be allowed to smoke.

——I agree ____ you.

A. with B. on C. about D. for

7. ——Hello!Would you like to go to the concert with me together tonight?

——Im sorry, I cant. Mother wont ____ me to go out in the


A. let B. allow C. offer D. ask

8. Stop talking!I have ____ to tell you.

A. anything imporant B. something important

C. important anything D. important something

9. You are so silly to refuse his gift. If I ____ you, I ____ accept his gift.

A. am; will B. was; will C. were; would D. were; will

10. The newcomers walked round and round. They didnt know ____.

A. where they will go B. they will go where

C. where will go D. where to go

11. ____ you dont pass the exams?

A. What if B. What whether C. What will do D. What to do

12. Today many old people get some pets at home, ____ a rabbit, etc.

A. as B. like C. example D. such

13. He is a kind man and easy ____.

A. to get along B. getting along

C. to get along with D. getting along with

14. In bed last night, I suddenly ____ a way to work out the problem.

A. came up B. came along

C. came up with D. came along with

15. ——Do you often ____ grandparents when you are at home?

——No. They live in the countryside and they seldom come to the city.

A. stay B. stay with C. stay for D. stay together


About a year ago, I was taking care of a little girl named Maddie. She was four and a half years old. She __1__ to swing on the swings.

One day in a park, as I was pushing Maddie on the swing, we saw some __2__ crowding around a chair in the park. We walked over and saw a woman sitting on the chair. She was about 50 years old. And she was all dirty __3__ terribly smelt. It looked like that life had been very __4__ for her.

When I was going to take Maddie away from the woman, I found that she __5__ by the woman and was holding her hands. The woman looked at Maddie, __6__ kindly. All the other kids left and Maddie gave the woman a hug and she, too, left happily.

On the way home Maddie was very __7__. “Maddie, why did you do that just now?” I asked.

“Did what?”

“Why did you go up to that woman and hold her hands, Maddie?”

Maddie __8__ me and said, “I held her hands and gave her a hug. In this way, she might feel better.”

I thought I was smart, but the little girl more than I was. She showed me what love really was.

1. A. didnt love B. loved C. love

2. A. girls B. boys C. kids

3. A. and B. but C. or

4. A. lucky B. hard C. good

5. A. had already sat B. have already sat

C. has already sat

6. A. smiled B. cried C. shouted

7. A. worried B. sad C. pleased

8. A. looked like B. looked at C. looked after



The Year of the Dog has gone and this year we have pigs. What words can we think of for pigs? Some bad words maybe, like silly, dirty, greedy(貪婪)…But, are these true?

When we see pigs they are usually in dirty water or behind dirty fences. But pigs also want to be clean if they can. Pigs have no sweat glands(汗腺), so they have to get cool in water when they feel hot.

If people are greedy, we say they “pig out”. Yes, pigs love eating a lot. But they are useful to people. People not only eat their meat, but also use other parts of pigs. Pig skin is used for glue and shoes. The hair can be used to make brushes. Sometimes, pigs are even used to make medicine.

“He is as silly as a pig!”This expression is wrong. Pigs are very smart animals. Among all animals, they are the third cleverest—monkeys, dolphins and pigs. Scientists think the training of pigs is easier than the training of dogs and cats. Pigs have a very good sense of smell(嗅覺). They can find things nearby or faraway. They can also help the police to sniff out drugs(毒品) at an airport or at a train station!

1. In this passage, the writer mainly wants to tell us that ___.

A. pigs are always very silly, dirty and greedy

B. pigs are as clever as monkeys and dolphins

C. peoples ideas about pigs are not always correct

2. Pigs usually like to stay in water in hot weather because they can

____ there.

A. clean themselvesB. drink water C. get cool

3. The ____ of pigs can be used to make glue.

A. skin B. meat C. hair

4. The training of pigs is easier because ____.

A. they are smarter than dogs and cats

B. they can do everything easily

C. they have a very good sense of smell

5. The underlined phrase “sniff out” probably means ____ something by


A. smell B. discover C. feel


Being safe in your everyday life needs knowledge(知識). If you remember the following information, your life will be much safer.

●Always notice the environment around you. You shouldnt walk alone outside. Make sure where the public phones are. If anything dangerous happens, you can find them easily.

●Your bag should be carried towards the front of your body instead of putting it on your back. When a bus is full of people, it is easy enough for a thief to take away the things in the bag on your back.

●If you are followed by someone you dont know, cross the street and go to the other way, let the person understand that you know he or she is after you. Next, dont go home at once. You are safer in the street than you are alone in your home or in a lift (電梯).

●If you have to take a bus to a place far away, try to get to the stop a few minutes earlier before the bus leaves. This stops other people from studying you. On the bus, dont sit alone. Sit behind the driver or with other people. Dont sleep.

1. Which of the following is NOT safe when you are out? ____.

A. Go home alone late at night

B. Make sure where the public phones are

C. Dont get to the bus stop too early

D. Always notice the environment around you

2. Youd better put your bag ____ when there are too many people on a


A. on your back B. beside you

C. in front of you D. behind the driver

3. When you are followed by someone on your way home, you should ____ to make yourself safe.

A. run home

B. find a lift and go in

C. turn back and walk towards him or her at once

D. cross the street and go to the other way

4. When you take a bus alone, its safe for you ____.

A. to sit behind the driver or with other people, but not to sleep

B. to talk with the driver

C. to call your friends

D. to get off the bus at once

5. What can you learn from the text? ____.

A. How to notice the environment around you

B. How to be safe in your everyday life

C. How to cross the street

D. How to use the public phones


The world is divided(分為) into two main parts. The difference is that one part is rich and the other is poor. In the poor part, a lot of people never get enough to eat. In the rich part, a lot of people eat too much. In one part, children starve(餓死) and in the other,a lot of people get fatter and fatter and have to go on diets (節食), or do specialexercises in order to lose weight.

The poorer countries have special problems. Sometimes the land is too poor to grow anything on. The land can be improved (改善), but a lot of things must be done first. The people must be educated and water must be found.

But rich countries have problems, too. There are not always pleasant places to live in. Sometimes the air is too dirty to breathe, and the rivers are too dirty to swim in or to take water from. The roads are too crowded to drive along. Large numbers of people do not have decent(像樣的)houses to live in. Some things will have to be done about these problems. The air and the river will have to be cleaned, and more houses will have to be built.

Answer the questions:

1. Whats the difference between the two parts?


2. Do the poorer countries have many problems? What for example?


3. Can anything be done about it?


4. What must be done, for example?


5. Can all these be done easily?



1. I spent two hours in finishing my homework. (改為同義句)

It ____ ____ two hours ____ finish my homework.

2. The teachers should allow students to use their dictionaries.


Students ____ ____ ____ to use their dictionaries.

3. My sister is too young to dress herself. (改為同義句)

My sister is ____ old ____ to dress herself.

4. I will ask someone to clean my room tomorrow. (改為同義句)

I will ____ my room ____ tomorrow.

5. Mary likes Chinese and Tom likes Chinese, too. (改為同義句)

Mary likes Chinese and ____ ____ Tom.

6. The shoes are not pretty but comfortable. (改為同義句)

The shoes are comfortable ____ ____ pretty.

7. Who should be asked to volunteer at your local school?


Who should ____ ____ to volunteer at your local school?

8. Id say yes if someone asked me to be in a movie. (對劃線部分提問)

____ ____ ____ ____ if someone asked you to be in a movie?

9. He has a lot of friends. (改為同義句)

He has ____ ____ friends.

10. You are probably pretty confident. (改為同義句)

You ____ ____ pretty confident.


G—girl B—boy

G: Where are you going, Larry?

B: __1__ Toms party.

G: Lucky you!Id __2__ to go to that party!

B: Yeah, well, Im a little nervous. I dont know __3__ to wear.

G: If I __4__ you, Id wear a shirt and tie.

B. What if everybody else is wearing jeans and T-shirts?

G: Oh, you shouldnt __5__ about what other people are wearing.

B: And I dont have a present. __6__ if everyone brings a present?

G: If I were you, Id take a small present, a pen or something. Keep

it __7__ your pocket and if everyone has a present, you can give

him yours. If __8__, you can keep it.

B: OK. But what if I dont know anyone?

G: If you dont know anyone, you can talk to Tom. Hell __9__ you

to other people.

B: I guess I can do that.

G: Look!You are __10__ to have fun. But if youre still nervous,

you can leave.








Parents and Kids