

2008-12-01 10:08趙修江
中學英語園地·教學指導版 2008年11期



一、 考查可數名詞的單數與復數

1. (2008湖北?。?They are from_______ . They're_______ .

A. Germany; Germans B. Germans; Germany

C. German; Germany D. Germany; Germen

【解析】 Germany意為“德國”; German意為“德國人”,其復數形式為Germans。 整個句意為“他們來自德國,都是德國人”。由此我們可知,正確答案應為A。

2. (2008太原市) My mother will go shopping to buy some_______ .

A. potato B. potatos C. potatoes

【解析】 以?o結尾的名詞構成復數時,多數在詞尾加?s, 少數在詞尾加?es。 如: photo→photos, zoo→zoos; 而potato→potatoes; tomato→tomatoes; hero→heroes, 故正確答案為C。

二、 考查不可數名詞的數量概念

3. (2008寧夏回族自治區) There is a lot of_______in the box.

A. cake B. bags of cakes

C. milk D. bags of milk

4. (2008臨沂市) My English teacher always has_______to tell us.

A. some good pieces of news B. some pieces of good news

C. some good piece of news D. some piece of good news

【解析】 許多不可數名詞表示的事物不可簡直地賦予其“數”,但可賦予其“量”的多少,如: bread, money, news等。不可數名詞無復數形式,但在其前可加some, any, much, a lot of, a piece of ..., two cups of ...,即可表示其“量”的多少,故例3和例4的正確答案分別為C和B。

三、 考查名詞所有格的用法

5. (2008汕頭市)_______mothers both work in the same hospital.

A. Tim and Peter's B Tim's and Peter

C. Tim's and Peter's D. Tim and Peter

6. (2008重慶市) —Where is your father?

—At_______ .

A. Mr Brown's B. Mr Brown

C. the Brown's

【解析】 一般來說,在名詞詞尾加上“'s”構成其所有格。如果名詞是以s結尾的復數形式,則在“?s”后面加上上角逗號“'”即可構成其所有格;如果名詞的復數形式不是以“?s”結尾,變所有格時應該在該詞詞尾加“'s”。 表示兩人或多人共有的人或物時,應該在最后一個名詞詞尾加“'s”構成所有格;如果在表述兩人或兩人以上各自擁有的人或物時,則應該在各個名詞詞尾分別加“'s”。 在表示店鋪、某人的家時,名詞所有格后面一般省略它所修飾的名詞。如: at the doctor's = at the doctor's office(在診所)。故例5和例6的正確答案分別為C和A。

四、 根據基本常識考查名詞的用法

7. (2008山東?。?—Do you like to listen to “Mozart”?

—Yes. Listening to_______is my favorite.

A. songs B. music C. stories D. news

8. (2008煙臺市) There are few_______in the fridge. Let's go and buy some peas, carrots and cabbages.

A. vegetables B. fruit C. meat D. eggs

【解析】 應對此類題目時應從基本生活常識來判斷出答案。我們知道,例7中的“Mozart”是著名的作曲家,因此答句的句意為“聽音樂是我最喜歡的”,故正確答案為B; 在例8中, some peas, carrots and cabbages均屬vegetables(蔬菜), 故正確答案為A。

五、 對同義易混名詞的考查

9. (2008湖北?。?Let the children go away. They're making too much

_______ here.

A. noise B. voice C. noisy D. sounds

【解析】 noise表示各種“噪音”或“吵鬧、噪雜聲”,既是可數名詞,又是不可數名詞。如: some strange noises(可數名詞)。 voice指人說話或唱歌的“聲音”,也可指“鳥鳴聲、樂器聲”等悅耳之聲; sound泛指人們用耳朵能聽到的自然界的各種“聲音”。根據句意“讓孩子們離開,他們正在發出太多的噪音”,我們知道,正確答案應為A。

10. (2008海南?。?She has been in Hainan for ten years. Hainan has become her second_______ .

A. family B. house C. home D. room

【解析】 family意為“家庭”,強調家庭成員,用作主語時,謂語動詞可根據句意用單數形式或復數形式; house意為“房屋、住宅、家”,強調家人居住的建筑物; home意為“家”、“住所”,指一個人出生或居住的地方; room指人居住的“房間”。根據題意“她在海南已經10年了,海南已經成為她的第二故鄉”我們可知,正確答案應為C。


1. In China, September 10 is_______ .

A. Teacher Day B. Teachers Day

C. Teacher's Day D. Teachers' Day

2. Would you please pass me_______ ? I want to write a letter.

A. a paper B. a piece of paper

C. two paper D. two piece of paper

3. Mr Smith gave me_______on how to study English.

A. some advice B. some advices

C. some piece of advice D. some piece of advices

4. Look, the_______are fat, but the_______are thin.

A. sheep; goat B. sheeps; goats

C. sheeps; goat D. sheep; goats

5. Mary has a beautiful_______ . Listen! She is singing very well.

A. look B. sound

C. voice D. noise

6. —Excuse me. Is the supermarket far from here?

—No. It's about a_______ .

A. 7 minutes walk B. 7 minute walk

C. 7 minutes' walk D. 7 minute's walk

7. The city_______are full of_______ .

A. street; traffic B. streets; traffics

C. streets; traffic D. street; traffics

8. —I'd like to have something to read.

—OK. Here're some_______ .

A. CDs B. pencils

C. problems D. books

9. This is a photo of his_______ . Is she beautiful?

A. girlfriend B. girlfriend's

C. girl's friend D. girlsfriend

10. I've just been to_______ . I've got a bad cold.

A. the doctor B. the doctor's

C. the doctors D. doctor's

Key: 1-5 DBADC6-10 CCDAB

“how many和how much”的用法知多少