

2008-12-17 10:00

金 紳

Step 1(for Section A)

Ⅰ. 漢譯英。

1. 考慮,思考________________

2. 去釣魚 ________________

3. 去野營 ________________

4. 觀光旅游 ________________

5. 劃船 ________________

6. 決定 ________________

7. 去度假________________

8. 騎自行車旅行________________

9. 成長,長大 ________________

10. 去散步________________

Ⅱ. 單項選擇。

( )1. —How long are they going to the USA?

—They are going to stay there ______ two months.

A. at B. for C. with D. over

( )2. —Whats your agreement?

—After discussion, we ______ Australia.

A. decided to B. decided on

C. decided D. decided for

( )3. ______ is my favorite.

A. Go camping B. Going camping

C. To going camping

D. To go camping

( )4. —When is she leaving?

—Shes setting off ______ the morning of December 12th.

A. on B. in C. at D. during

( )5. —Can you come to dinner with us this evening, Zhao Ming?


A. Sure, Id love to

B. I ll stay at home

C. Yes, please D. Thank you

( )6. I have too ______ homework to do ______ this weekend.

A. many; at B. much; on

C. much; / D. many; /

( )7. —What are you doing for vacation?

—We are ______ in the mountain next


A. go camp B. going camping

C. going camp D. going to camp

Ⅲ. 閱讀理解填詞。

One day two brothers went fishing. They had a dog w___1___them. When they c___2___near the river, they p___3___their caps on a big stone and went to the river bank (岸) to l___4___for fish. It was c___5___that day, and soon they wanted to w___6___the caps. They told the dog to go back for them. When the dog got there, he tried to take both caps together in his m___7___, but it was very difficult. Then the dog saw that one of the caps was smaller than the other one. He put the smaller cap in the b___8___one and then he could carry both caps at the s___9___time. How c___10___the dog was!

1. w______ 2. c______ 3. p______

4. l______ 5. c______ 6. w______

7. m______ 8. b______ 9. s______

10. c______

Step 2 (for Section B)

Ⅰ. 單項選擇。

( )1. —Can you ______ me your photos in the zoo?

—Sure, here you are.

A. let B. have C. make D. show

( )2. —What does your father often do after supper?

—He often ______ walks after supper.

A. hasB. makes C. gives D. takes

( )3. —Why are you so ______?

—I saw a very ______ movie just now.

A. exciting; excited

B. exciting; exciting

C. excited; exciting

D. excited; excited

( )4. —Can you ______ me your ticket, please?

—OK. Here you are.

A. show B. let C. have D. make

( )5. —When will you finish ______ the novel?

—Next Monday.

A. read B. reading

C. to read D. reads

( )6. Can I ask you ______ questions about your vacation plan?

A. a few B. few

C. a little D. little

( )7. —Whats your mother doing ______ vacation?

—Shes going to Beijing.

A. with B. by C. to D. for

Ⅱ. 完形填空。

On the first day of the school, the new teacher had a look at the list. The___1___names were on it. How pleased the teacher was!Guess what she found? After each students name was a number, such as 138,140,154 and so on. “Look at these high IQ students,” she thought to herself. They have given me a terrific (極好的) ___2___.

As a result, the___3___teacher worked ___4___with this class than with her others. She tried some teaching___5___. She thought these ways would interest the students and hold their___6___. And it___7___. The class did___8___than any of her other classes. She taught herotherclasses___9___the usual way—the traditional way. Later she found out that the number after each student meant___10___but the number of his or her clothing box in the school.

( )1. A. students B. teachers

C. students D. teachers

( )2. A. school B. class

C. grade D. classroom

( )3. A. exciting B. excite

C. excitedly D. excited

( )4. A. harder B. hardly

C. hard D. more hardly

( )5. A. roads B. idea

C. ways D. places

( )6. A. interested B. interest

C. interesting D. hobbies

( )7. A. worked B. works

C. will work D. is working

( )8. A. much well B. more better

C. very well D. much better

( )9. A. by B. in C. on D. with

( )10. A. everything B. something

C. nothing D. anything

Step 3(for Self-check)

Ⅰ. 單項選擇。

( )1. —______ does your mother go to the supermarket?

—She takes a bus.

A. How B. How often

C. How long D. How far

( )2. —______ are you going to Paris for vacation?

—About a week.

A. How long B. How often

C. How D. When

( )3. The supermarket is far from Marys house. So she ______ only once a week.

A. goes sightseeing B. goes shopping

C. goes fishing D. goes hiking

( )4. —I dont know ______Mr Green will come to see us.

—Because he will help us with our English.

A. why B. when C. how D. where

( )5. She didnt stop crying ______ her mother came back.

A. after B. when C. until D. because

( )6. Liu Ying plans ______ to Italy next summer.

A. going B. goes C. to go D. went

Ⅱ. 完形填空。

Last year I went to Australia to study and travel. I stayed in Sydney for two years. I visited places of ___1___in the morning and took English lessons in the afternoon. A friend and I stayed___2___a family in Sydney. The homestay parents and brothers were___3___to us. We talked about a lot of things with each other in English.

My spoken English improved___4___in Australia. I spoke very little English in China. But in Australia, I had to use it very often. I was soon able to communicate with my teachers and homestay family___5___.To me, the best place in Australia is the Sydney Opera House. You can look at it from___6___sides. It is beautiful to___7___. I cant sing very well, but when I was inside, I really wanted to sing.

Time___8___while I was in Sydney. Soon came Christmas. Then the New Year. I had never___9___the New Year___10___my family. But that year, I was so far away from them. I felt___11___homesick. I missed them so much. I wondered___12___my parents missed me___13___I missed them. In the evening, I___14___my family. When I heard their___15___,I began to cry. My homestay mother held me in her arms and comforted me.

( )1. A. fun B. value C. interest D. use

( )2. A. in B. with C. of D. to

( )3. A. friendly B. rude C. generous D. serious

( )4. A. strongly B. greatly C. hardly D. widely

( )5. A. difficulty B. fast

C. politely D. freely

( )6. A. important B. necessary C. different D. the same

( )7. A. look on B. look at C. look after D. look up

( )8. A. ran B. jumped

C. flew D. walked

( )9. A. spared B. improved

C. took D. spent

( )10. A. with B. without

C. as for D. but for

( )11. A. a little B. little

C. a few D. few

( )12. A. why B. if

C. when D. that

( )13. A. as soon as B. as soon as possible

C. as much as D. as many as

( )14. A. said to B. rang to C. told D. phoned

( )15. A. voices B. faces

C. pictures D. smiles

Section B
Step 4
Let it goChris