

2013-05-28 06:43
閱讀與作文(英語高中版) 2013年5期

《中國好聲音》雖然落下帷幕,但是具有搖滾范的年度冠軍梁博的歌聲依然響徹大街小巷,到底什么是搖滾?讓我們看一下世界上頂級的搖滾樂隊都有哪些吧。從滾石樂隊到ZZ Top樂隊,讓我們來細數一下影響力曠日持久的十大傳奇搖滾樂隊,包括兩個已經成立50周年的樂隊。

The Rolling Stones

Though the Rolling Stones have endured the death of Brian Jones and the loss of members such as Bill Wyman, Ian Stewart, and “Little Mick” Taylor, they are still making music after 49 years. Last year, the tempestuous relationship between Mick Jagger and Keith Richards added a contentious new chapter. But the band may still reunite for a golden-anniversary tour in 2012. Jagger addressed the rumor:“I have no idea if there is going to be a tour.” The Stones front man said in an interview.“We havent really discussed it. We are talking about if the year is the 50th anniversary, sort of. It depends where you are counting from.”


雖然滾石樂隊歷經了布萊恩·瓊斯的去世,也歷經了一些成員的離開,比如比爾·威曼、 伊恩·斯圖亞特,以及有“小米克”之稱的泰勒,但他們在49年之后依然在做音樂。去年,米克·杰格和凱斯·理查斯之間惡劣的關系又為滾石樂隊載入了新的有爭議性的一章。但他們還是有可能在2012年重新聚首,進行他們的黃金50周年巡演。杰格回應傳言時說:“我對于是否會有巡演并不知情?!边@位主唱在一次采訪中說:“我們還沒有正式地討論過,現在我們在談的還是2012年是否算是50周年,因為這要看你是從哪一年開始算起的?!?/p>

ZZ Top

Theyve got beards and they know how to use them. But in 1969, when ZZ Top first started playing together, Billy Gibbons and Dusty Hill had only a modest set of whiskers. Over the past 42 years, the little band from Texas has sold more than 50 million albums, had six No. 1 hits, and was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2004. As for the secret to their longevity, Gibbons said in 2008: “We still enjoy doing what we do, more than most anything else that a given day might offer.”

ZZ Top樂隊

他們蓄著胡須而且他們知道怎么去利用好它。但是ZZ Top在1969年剛剛組隊的時候,比利·吉本斯和達斯蒂·希爾還只是蓄著中規中矩的胡須。在過去的42年里,這個從德州來的小樂隊賣出了5000萬多張專輯,有六支最佳單曲,并于2004年被列入搖滾名人墻。當談到樂隊魅力長存的秘密時,吉本斯在2008年時曾說過:“我們每一個成員都熱愛我們所做的事情,比每天所能想到的任何一件事都要熱愛?!?/p>


While the lineup has changed considerably over the years—most notably when Peter Cetera left in 1985—Chicago has been playing mellow rock with horns since 1967. It has had an impressive five No. 1 albums and 21 top-10 hits over the past 44 years, including If You Leave Me Now, its first No. 1 single, in 1976. “It is original music, and most of the songs are very, very good, very sophisticated,” founding member Robert Lamm says of Chicagos staying power, “and people around the world, they sense that the music is authentic, and thats what keeps us going.”



Earth, Wind & Fire

Like those of Chicago, the members of Earth, Wind & Fire(EWF) have varied throughout the decades, but their sound—soulful funk thats heavy on the horn section—has always remained elemental. Founded in 1969 by Verdine and Maurice White, EWF has as its signature voice Philip Baileys falsetto, but its the blending of many musical influences that has fueled the bands staying power. In 2000, when Earth, Wind & Fire was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, the original lineup reunited for the first time in 20 years.


和芝加哥樂隊一樣,地球、風與火樂團在過去的幾十年里也經歷了多次成員的變換,但他們的聲音——深情的注重管樂的鄉土音樂—— 一直都是主旋律。EWF樂隊于1969年在弗代恩和莫萊斯·懷特的帶領下成立,他們有菲利普·貝利標志性的假音,但EWF的持久的影響力卻是受到了諸多音樂元素的共同影響。2000年,該樂隊被列入搖滾名人墻時,這支樂隊的首創成員在20年里第一次聚首。


They wanted to rock and roll all night and have a party every day, and nearly 40 years later, Kiss is still living the dream. Founded in New York City in 1973, Kiss became one of the defining glam-metal bands of the 70s with its Kabuki makeup, outrageous costumes, and blood-spitting performances. At the height of its popularity, the band had its own eponymous comic book, a tradition that lives on today: in November last year, the wholesome gang from Archie teamed up with Kiss in a new comic.




What has powered AC/DC throughout its 38-year career?Consistency. “Weve always stuck to that hard-edge thing, and weve kept that all the way through,” guitarist Angus Young told VH1.“We havent drifted off into different things like disco or raps. We havent sort of tried to take on whats the latest thing.” Founded by Young and his brother Malcolm in Sydney in 1973, the pioneering heavy-metal band has sold more than 200 million albums worldwide and was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2003.




When Steven Tyler threatened to quit Aerosmith in 2009, guitarist Joe Perry immediately called his bluff. “Well probably find somebody else that will sing in those spots where we need a singer,” Perry said of Tylers departure, “and then well be able to move Aerosmith up a notch, move the vibe up a notch.” Then again, when youve played together—off and on—since 1970, creative conflicts are bound to occur. But the results speak for themselves: Aerosmith is the bestselling American rock band of all time and was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2001.




By the time Santana had its big breakthrough, performing Soul Sacrifice at Woodstock in 1969, the band had already been together two years. Founded in San Francisco in 1967, Santana has defined Latin rock for four decades and was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1998. Among the keys to the bands longevity is “discipline,” says its namesake founder, Carlos Santana: “Teens dont want to hear that. They think they can just snap their fingers, and voilà! But with discipline come knowledge, coordination, balance, muscle memory, confidence—things that make it possible to hit the bulls-eye three times in a row. But you must practice.”


當桑塔納樂隊在1969年的伍德斯托克音樂節上演唱Soul Sacrifice實現他們的大突破之時,這個樂隊已經成立兩年了。1967年成立于舊金山,這支樂隊40年來一直定位于拉丁搖滾,并于1998年被列入搖滾名人墻。使樂隊魅力長存的因素之一是“訓練”,與樂隊同名的創始人卡洛斯·桑塔納說,“年輕人可能并不想聽到這個,他們只會打個響指,說‘可不是!但有了訓練才有知識,有協調,有平衡,有肌肉記憶和信心——這可以連續多次使人眼前一亮。但是你需要多加練習。

The Beach Boys

For the past 50 years, the Beach Boys have lived one long, endless summer. “Americas Band” was founded in Hawthorne, Calif., in 1961, where the Wilson brothers—Brian, Carl, and Dennis—first practiced their surf. Their 1966 masterpiece, Pet Sounds, pushed the Beatles to expand their musical boundaries—they answered with Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band—and Katy Perry would never have written California Gurls if the Beach Boys hadnt dreamed of them first. To commemorate the bands golden anniversary, in November the Beach Boys finally released The Smile Sessions, the legendary album they recorded in 1966 and 1967 but have withheld for decades.


在過去的50年里,沙灘男孩樂隊仿佛置身于一個漫長而沒有盡頭的夏季之中。這個“美國樂隊”成立于1961年的加利福尼亞的霍桑市,在那里威爾森兄弟——布萊恩、卡爾和丹尼斯剛開始學習沖浪技巧。他們1966年的大作Pet Sounds使披頭士樂隊不得不拓展他們的音樂疆界——他們以一首Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band來回應,且如果不是沙灘男孩一開始想到的話,卡蒂·佩里就不可能寫出California Gurls。為了紀念這支樂隊的黃金50年,沙灘男孩在11月發表專輯The Smile Sessions,這張傳奇的專輯在1966和1967年間就被錄制,但卻擱置了幾十年。

Golden Earring

Though its roster has changed over the years, Golden Earring claims to be the longest-existing rock band. Founded in the Hague in 1961, the Dutch band is best known for its 1973 hit Radar Love and 1982s Twilight Zone. Not only is Golden Earring still touring in its golden-anniversary year, but in last July the band went to Abbey Road Studios in London to record a new album.


雖然他們的成員也改變了多次,但金耳環樂隊據說是歷史最悠久的搖滾樂隊,他們1961年成立于荷蘭的海牙,這支荷蘭樂隊最著名的就是他們1973的大碟Radar Love以及1982年的Twilight Zone。他們不僅要在黃金50周年進行巡回演唱,還在去年7月去了倫敦的Abbey Road錄音棚錄制了新專輯。
