
Part3 So Many Clubs, So Little Time

2014-01-06 08:59
瘋狂英語·口語版 2013年12期

Jeff: ①Are you out of your mind? ②There is no way in hell that the remake of “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” is better than the original!

Cora: ③No, I think youre the one thats losing it! Movie remakes are almost always better than the original.④You know, out with the old and in with the new!

Jeff: Thats ridiculous! I cant even talk to you about this anymore. I feel like my head is going to explode?、軹he only reason I joined the moviegoer club was to take a load off and relax my brain for a while, after doing complicated 1)quadratic equations all day.

Cora: By the way, Im really glad you joined the club. These sorts of debates over which movies are better make the club so much more fun.

Jeff: ⑥I understand, but Im thinking of joining another club, and scaling back on my participation in the movie club.

Cora: You sure thats such a good idea? ⑦Youre already spreading yourself thin as it is.

Jeff: You really think so?

Cora: Yeah. Like you said, the whole idea of watching and discussing movies with friends is meant to be a relief from the daily pressures of college life. If you start devoting a large 2)chunk of your time to another club, the overall quality of your actual schoolwork is probably gonna suffer.

Jeff: You dont have to worry about that. Im an extremely diligent student. Cora: I dont doubt that. But there are only so many hours in the day. Joining too many clubs is not the brightest idea.

Jeff: Maybe youre right. But the truth is, Im not sure if the movie club is really for me.

Cora: Oh, dont say that! You are a valuable member of our club.

Jeff: Be that as it may, if I wanted to argue with a room full of people, I would have joined the debate club or 3)mock 4)trial.

Cora: In that case, if youre not really into the whole atmosphere, I suppose it would be in your best interest to find something that suits you perfectly. But your 5)dissenting opinion would certainly be missed.

Jeff: We can always watch movies in our own time. We dont need some club to tell us what to watch and when to watch it.

Cora: Are you asking me out on a date?

Jeff: Am I? I thought we were just talking about clubs and movies...

Cora: Whatever. Sure, we can catch a film sometime. But what are you gonna do about your club situation?

Jeff: I need something that will not only fit in with my study schedule, but that also creates a balance between 6)leisure and study.

Cora: Thats easier said than done.

Jeff: I was actually 7)perusing the list of clubs last night and I think I found one that fits all my needs.

Cora: What is it?

Jeff: I wanna write for the school magazine!

Smart Sentences

① Are you out of your mind?你瘋了嗎?

out of ones mind: crazy and irrational(瘋了,失去理智)。例如:

You must be out of your mind! No one sensible would participate in the hot dog eating contest.


② There is no way in hell that the remake of “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” is better than the original! 重拍的《德州電鋸殺人狂》沒有可能比原版好!

There is no way in hell that…: used to express a strong disbelief of sth.(用以表示對某事的強烈懷疑)。例如:

There is no way in hell that Lin Dan would lose to Lee Chong Wei!


③ No, I think youre the one thats losing it! 不,我想你才犯渾呢!

lose it: completely out of control(完全失控)。例如:

I think Charles is losing it due to the divorce and we should take him out of the race.


④ You know, out with the old and in with the new!你知道的,汰舊換新!

out with the old and in with the new: used to indicate changes(汰舊換新)。例如:

Out with the old and in with the new, the modeling business is constantly bringing in new blood.


⑤ The only reason I joined the moviegoer club was to take a load off and relax my brain for a while, after doing complicated quadratic equations all day. 我加入電影協會的唯一理由是在做了一整天二次方程后,釋放壓力,緩解大腦的疲勞。

take a load off: relieve ones mind(減輕某人的精神負擔)。例如:

Daily jogging takes a load off from my busy routine.


⑥ I understand, but Im thinking of joining another club, and scaling back on my participation in the movie club. 我明白,但是我正在考慮加入別的協會,減少我參加電影協會的時間。

scale back: reduce the size or amount of sth.(縮減,減少)。例如:

The plan is to scale back funding for the new research project.


⑦ Youre already spreading yourself thin as it is.你已經參加了很多活動,會承受不了的。

spread oneself thin: try to do too many different things at the same time and fail to do them well(同時承擔過多工作致使一樣也沒干好)。例如:

The company has expanded into many different areas and has probably spread itself too thin.


Going on a Picnic