

2014-04-29 06:07
高中生學習·高三版 2014年3期

1. The government has shown great , about childrens safety since the last few traffic accidents.

A. attention B. concern C. curiosity D. sympathy

2. The mother doesnt treat her children equally. Obviously, she shows too much to her little son.

A. favor B. approval C. security D. dignity

3. The teacher explained to the students what she uses when judging the quality of a students work.

A. setting B. division C. criteria D. method

4. I am crazy about his songs, but I know it is impossible for me to make the of the famous star, let alone marry him.

A. decision B. discovery

C. achievement D. acquaintance

5. My mothers main to buying the big house is that it will cost too much. So we have to give it up and look for a cheaper one.

A. adaptation B. devotion

C. reduction D. objection

6. After the quarrel, John made a(n) to apologize for what he had done, but his wife wouldnt even talk to him.

A. promise B. attempt C. complaint D. campaign

7. Many countries have carried out the examinations of doctors , aimed to standardize the doctor quality.

A. regulation B. preparation

C. qualification D. distribution

8. He broke the law, and now he must take the of his actions and spend the rest of his life in prison.

A. consequences B. circumstances

C. instructions D. expressions

9. There were many injured people, but only the most serious were treated at the accident scene.

A. conditions B. occasions C. cases D. sections

10. To our great , more and more parents are ready to take more time to improve their childrens mental health.

A. credit B. surprise C. delight D. advantage

11. John studied hard at his lessons and got to a key university last year.

A. approach B. admission

C. permission D. agreement

12. There has been a close between these two companies in the recent 20 years.

A. affection B. explanation

C. association D. motivation

13. I began to learn how to surf the Internet with the of getting some new information in my field.

A. appreciation B. intention

C. occupation D. destination

14. It was due to her elegant and gentle temper that she has won the respect of her students.

A. principle B. competence

C. behavior D. action

15. Being too anxious to help an event develop often results in the to our original intention.endprint

A. contrary B. adventure

C. distance D. limitation

16. I would appreciate it if you could teach me the of pouring wine without dropping any.

A. custom B. feast C. theme D. trick

17. Having worked with her for a year, Ive discovered that her main is the critical thinking ability.

A. belief B. limit C. strength D. weakness

18. Under the command of the government, the to this illegal website has been blocked.

A. application B. approach C. track D. access

19. Many cities have started a free bike rental service, for riding bikes is a good way to exercise as well as a great to the heavy traffic.

A. contrast B. addition C. relief D. shelter

20. I started moving the china ornaments(裝飾物) with great care, but unfortunately I dropped a vase in the .

A. routine B. edition C. deadline D. process

21. Though you are busy all day long, you should spare some time for exercise, because poor health may be a(an) to success.

A. dilemma B. barrier C. aspect D. negative

22. He put in a special for an extra days holiday so that he could attend his daughters wedding.

A. request B. demand C. permission D. proposal

23. Hard work is no of an excellent school record. You have to pay equal attention to your learning methods.

A. guarantee B. cooperation

C. evidence D. outcome

24. If you must stick to your idea, you can do it. But as far as Im concerned, its not worth the it involves.

A. effect B. effort C. trial D. practice

25. The editorial work has always had a great to me as I have some ability in writing and editorial work.

A. advance B. shadow C. appeal D. ambition

26. To our relief, scientists have made a great in the treatment of cancer in recent years.

A. assumption B. breakthrough

C. discovery D. prediction

27. When buying a car, many people have a strong for silver cars, which seem to be more likely to avoid accidents.

A. preference B. desire

C. distinction D. possession

28. It was rather a that she appeared in front of him at the exact moment when he couldnt help thinking of her.

A. conclusion B. technique

C. convenience D. coincidence

29. She went through a period of emotional after her marriage broke up.

A. adjustment B. settlement

C. appointment D. commitment

30. In dealing with public relations, we should make every effort to prevent the in personality.endprint

A. contact B. conflict

C. relationship D. observation

31. Some economists were sent to study the local market to find the there for further investment.

A. drawback B. potential

C. program D. challenge

32. The pop singer rejected his concert scheduled for tonight because the can not pay him the money he asked for.

A. champion B. suspect C. sponsor D. amateur

33. Its reported that many wars broke out in the Middle East. Whats your of the situation there?

A. assessment B. adjustment

C. argument D. assignment

34. More and more teaching are being developed across the globe, which are sure to help to make classroom teaching more lively and interesting.

A. equipment B. assistance C. aids D. materials

35. Encourage your children to reach a(n) between what he wants and what you want.

A. achievement B. expectation

C. compromise D. adaptation

36. Recent researches indicate that ones behavior is a of his family environment and his social background.

A. recognition B. reflection

C. prediction D. selection

37. Its important to have regular physical examination to check for any sign of severe diseases that may not have any .

A. sample B. symptom C. scheme D. statementendprint

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