

2015-07-03 00:48本刊綜合報道
重慶與世界 2015年5期

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□ 文/本刊綜合報道































Chinese Ambassadors Promote “One Belt, One Road”

Li Ruiyu, Chinese Ambassador to ItaIy: Make ItaIy a True “Gateway of New SiIk Road”

On February 25, Li Ruiyu, Chinese Ambassador to Italy attend the workshop of “Gateway of New Silk Road”in Fiumicino, Rome. Airport executive director Lopresti, president of Rome Council of Confindustria, MAE and Lazio Region delegates spoke during the workshop. Over 100 representatives from AirChina, China Eastern Airlines, Hainan Airlines, Cathay Pacific Airlines, Alitalia and many Chinese and Italian media attended the workshop.

Ambassador Ii introduced the updates of China-Italy relationship and spoke highly on the positive role of tourism and partnership between both nations on promoting understanding and friendship of our peoples. He hoped that Italy could capitalize the opportunity of the 45th anniversary of diplomatic relation with China and the World Expo in Milan, offer more convenient services and facilities to Chinese tourists in airports and hotels and thus more and more Chinese tourists will consider Rome as their first stop in Europe and Italy can truly become the “Gateway of New Silk Road”.

The Italian party said in the speeches that the ever growing Chinese tourists bring crucial opportunities to its economy. Hainan Airlines will soon open up a direct flight from Chongqing to Rome on April 27, which will further stimulate partnerships and exchanges between Italy and West China. In recent years, the airport of Rome has performed Chinese etiquette training to its staff to address needs of Chinese tourists, set up Chinese signs, offered free boiled water and tried to raise the satisfaction and comfort level of Chinese tourists with considerate and detailed services. From 2010 to 2014, passengers travel to Chinese mainland and Hong Kong and the other way around via the airport of Rome increased by 60%. With concerted effort from both parties, it is believed that the Italy-China tourism partnership will scale new heights.

After the workshop, ambassador Li also took the interviews from Xinhua News Agency, CRI and Italian media.

Sun Lijie, Chinese Ambassador to Uzbekistan: Vision and Actions on the BeIt and Road Come TimeIy

On March 30, Sun Lijie, Chinese Ambassador to Uzbekistan accepted a group interview to reporters from Xinhua News Agency, CCTV, Economic Daily and Wen Wei Po.

Question: Two days ago, the National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China jointly issued the “Vision and Actions on Jointly Building Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road”. What is the response from Uzbekistan? What role could Uzbekistan play in the process of jointly building the Belt and Road?

Answer: Uzbekistan attaches great importance to the Silk Road Economic Belt initiative raised by President Xi Jinping, and wish to be actively engagedin its construction so as to enhance mutually-beneficial cooperation with China and other counties along the Silk Road. Uzbekistan has hoped that China would bring forth a detailed vision or blueprint at an early date. Therefore, the issue of the Vision and Actions on Jointly Building Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road can be compared to a “timely rain”.

Today, during my meeting with Deputy Foreign Minister Alisher Kurmanov of Uzbekistan, I presented the document to him, and introduced him the background, contents and significance of the “One Belt, One Road”initiative. The Uzbekistan party recognized it as a very important document which will help Uzbekistan and the international community to understand the underlying consideration of the initiative, and Uzbekistan will study the document with thoroughness. I think this document clearly points out the target, principles and contents of the “One Belt, One Road” initiative. Cooperation highlights stated in the document such as enhancing energy pipeline cooperation, upgrading regional power grid and realizing transport infrastructure connectivity fit perfectly with Uzbekistan’s economic and social development, and will become priorities in the China-Uzbek cooperation.

Xu Feihong, Chinese Ambassador to Romania PennedSigned ArticIe on “One BeIt, One Road”Initiative

On February 27, Xu Feihong, Chinese Ambassador to Romania penned a signed article named “Seek New Cooperation in the Silk Road Spirit” on Romania’s most influential newspaper Adev?rul, giving highlights to the strategic vision of the Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and picturing a promising prospect for China-Romania cooperation within the Belt and Road framework.

In the article he writes that “on January 29, I was honored to attend Romanian president Klaus Iohannis’ group meeting with diplomatic envoys, and listened to his speech on Romania’s foreign policy. During his speech, His Excellency proposed the enhancement of trade and energy cooperation in Central Asia and the construction of Black Sea-Caspian Sea Cargo Corridor to link Europe, Central Asia and China. This proposal is highly relevant to China’s strategic vision of the “One Belt, One Road” initiative which will help bring prosperity to countries along the Belt and Road and provide historic opportunity for China to cooperate with European countries including Romania. The Central and Middle Eastern European Countries (CEEC) including Romania stand as gateway countries on the Silk Road and represent indispensable links in the China-Europe connectivity. The connection between Romania and Silk Road could also be reflected from the Silk Road Association in Romania and Bucharest Forum which takes Silk Road as its theme and has become a name card for Romania’s diplomacy. China values the China-Romania relations greatly and would like to work with Romania in the Silk Road spirit to implement series of cooperation outlines between China and the Central and Middle Eastern European Countries, carry out the consensus reached between the Chinese and Romanian leaders, push forward cooperation in areas like energy, railways, ports and agriculture, and let the humming machines, running trains and moving personnel to turn the cooperation intention into real fruits. As the newlyappointed ambassador, I stand ready to work with the Romania side with unremitting efforts to paint colorful pictures of China-Romania cooperation and make fresh contribution to the construction of “One Belt, One Road”.

Deng Ying, Chinese Ambassador to Croatia: “One BeIt, One Road” a Symphony PIayed by MuItipIe Countries

On March 31, Deng Ying, Chinese Ambassador to Croatia published signed article named “Not China'sSolo, but a Symphony Performed by All Relevant Countries” on Jutarnji list, a mainstream newspaper in Croatia, introducing new development concepts of China, the strategic vision of the “One Belt, One Road”initiative and looking into the promising prospect for China-Croatia cooperation.

According to the article, in 2015 China will continue to pursue the independent foreign policy of peace and actively explore an all-round diplomacy with “one key focus and two main themes” as its core. One key focus is to make all-round progress in the “One Belt, One Road” initiative, while “two main themes” refer to the promotion ofpeace and development. At present, both China and Croatia are striving for comprehensively deepening reform and economic structural reform and adjustment. China is opening up its door wider and wider. And with the “One Belt, One Road” initiative in place and the China-CEEC cooperation going deeper, there will be new opportunities for China and Croatia in the development of their relations and in their pragmatic cooperation in various areas.

Zhang Hanhui, Chinese Ambassador to Kazakhstan: “Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe RaiIway” an Eurasian ContinentaI Bridge

Zhang Hanhui, Chinese Ambassador to Kazakhstan gave a group interview to China News Service and Xinhua News Agency, and answered relevant questions concerning China-Kazakhstan pragmatic cooperation and jointly building Silk Road Economic Belt. On March 9, Chinanews.com published an interview article named “Chinese Ambassador to Kazakhstan Zhang Hanhui: ‘Bright Thoroughfare’ to Match ‘Silk Road Economic Belt’’’.

According to the article, for the progress of the Belt construction, Ambassador Zhang mentioned the Eurasian railway which goes pass Alataw Pass and Horgos. Currently, “Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe”, ”Wuhan-Xingjiang-Europe”, “Zhengzhou-Xinjiang-Europe’and “Yiwu-Xinjiang-Europe” railways have been put through. Although those railways are only in trial phase, the significant roles they will play to directly link the hinterland of China and European countries in trade and business has already been reflected.

Qi Yongwei, Deputy Head of Alataw Pass railway station who is responsible for the production told China News Service that in 2014 a few “Five Fixed” trains (fixed stops, routes, train numbers, time tables and prices) were lunched, going from inland China to Europe. “Five Fixed’’ trains are running on a weekly basis. Small commodities from Yiwu city are transported to Central Asia small commodity distribution center in Almaty via “Yiwu-Xinjiang-Europe” railway, while the “Chengdu-Xinjiang-Europe” railway and “Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe” railway are taking IT products produced in Chengdu and Chongqing directly to the European market.

Yue Bin, Chinese Ambassador to Georgia Had Interview with Information Week

At the end of March, Information Week in Georgia used a whole page to cover its interview with Yue Bin, Chinese Ambassador to Georgia. In the interview Ambassador Yue Bin thoroughly introduced the development of China-Georgia relations over the past year, the underlying connotation of the “Silk Road Economic Belt” strategic vision, fruits for the China-Georgia education cooperation, and folk customs at Chinese Festivals.

Question: The strategy of “Reviving the Silk Road”proposed by Georgia is relevant to China. How do your view this strategy? How did China contribute to it?

Answer: More than two millennia ago, China and Georgia were closely linked by the ancient Silk Road. InSeptember 2013, Chinese president Xi Jinping proposed the strategic vision of building “Silk Road Economic Belt”, the main contents of which are highly relevant to Georgia’s national development strategy. First, the Silk Road is a road for development. Georgia stands at the junction of Europe and Asia and represents an important country along the Belt. The Georgian government proposed to build Georgia into a transit hub for commodities and logistics and a transportation center linking Europe and Asia. The construction of the Belt will no doubt bring new opportunities for Georgia to meet its strategic target. Georgian Deputy Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili will soon lead a delegation to visit China. The two sides will sign documents such as the Memorandum of Understanding of Strengthening the Construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt, and the Joint Declaration of Launching the Feasible Studies on China-Georgia Free Trade Agreement Negotiations. At the same time, China will actively support and send delegation to attend the Great Silk Road forum planned to be held in Georgia in October this year.

Second, the Silk Road is a road for cooperation. Currently, more and more Chinese enterprises are showing interest to invest and do business in Georgia. A good example is that China has become the largest investor for Georgia last year.

Third, the Silk Road is a road for friendship. One main content of the China’s “Silk Road Economic Belt”strategic vision is to enhance the friendly relations among people in countries along the Belt and deepen the traditional friendship. At present, China and Georgia have come up with the initial arrangement for this year’s people-to-people exchange. The Georgia side will send delegation to attend 2015 Beijing International Art Festival; the Tbilisi State Academy of Art is actively organizing Georgian painters to join the 2015 Beijing International Art Biennale; and the Chinese side will also send art troupe to perform in Georgia. Besides, education cooperation between the two sides will also reach a new level.

Zhao Bin, Chinese Ambassador to Austria Penned Signed ArticIe on Austrian Mainstream Media

On March 26, Chinese Ambassador to Austria Zhao Bin published singed article named “Behind China’s Focus on Austria” on Austria’s mainstream media Wiener Zeitung.

According to the article, China and Austria have maintained a good and long-term relationship. And the China-Austria relations strand ready for further development. China is rolling out the strategic blueprint of “Four Comprehensives”--"comprehensively" building a moderately prosperous society, deepening reform, governing the country according to law, and enforcing strict party discipline,and are lunching the strategy of Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, which will bring about new opportunities for China-Europe relations and China-Austria cooperation. Austria stands in a favorable position and can play three unique roles in the China-European cooperation. Firstly, as a bridgehead. Austria can serve as a bridgehead for the Chinese investment going into Europe. Secondly, as a transit point. Austria is a country rich in culture. Its time-honored history, splendid culture, unique customs and beautiful natural scenery are attracting more and more Chinese tourists. In 2014, Austria received 500,000 person times of Chinese visitors, and the figure is still climbing. It is foreseeable that with the China-European and China-Austria relations going deeper and the exchanges of people becoming more frequent, Austria’s role as a transit point will become more prominent. Thirdly, as a pacesetter.
