
Hit the park

2015-10-21 18:55李瀟
第二課堂(課外活動版) 2015年8期



TFK Kid Reporter Emily Valentino joins actress Bella Thorne at the Find Your Park for the beginning of the Find Your Park movement. This movement encourages kids and their families to visit national parks and share their experiences with others.

The National Park Service (NPS) will celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2016. NPS workers care for the 407 national parks located throughout the country.

Actress Bella Thorne is a spokesperson for the NPS anniversary. She and other program leaders attended the Find Your Park launch event. “We spend so much of our time on social media that we dont really get to realize the beauty and the greatness around us,” she told TFK. “I hope that I get my generation and hopefully generations to come to get out there and get active.” Thorne says her favorite national park is the Santa Monica Mountains(圣塔莫尼卡山脈), in California.

Sally Jewell was also at the event. She is in President Obamas Cabinet(內閣), or group of advisors. As the U.S. Secretary of the Interior(內政部長), Jewells job is to help protect the countrys natural resources and wildlife. She talked to TFK about Every Kid in a Park, which is another program that the government created for the NPS anniversary. Right now, all kids get free admission to national parks and other federal lands and waters. But starting next school year, this program will give free admission to the entire families of fourth grade students.

“We chose fourth graders partly because they still have a homeroom so its easy for us to find their teachers and tell them about this program,” Jewell explains. “Some fifth graders start to divide into different subject areas and its harder for us to reach them.” Other reasons include fourth graders interests in science and the world around them. Jewell hopes kids learn about national parks and maybe even work for them one day, as park rangers, interpreters, or historians. The government hopes to continue to offer free park admission to fourth graders and their families in the years to come.


anniversary n. 周年紀念日

attend v. 參加,出席

generation n. 一代人

federal adj. 聯邦的

homeroom n. (美)年紀教室(學生定期接受導師指導的教室)

park ranger 公園管理員

interpreter n. 口譯員



My Country, My Parents 《我和我的父輩》觀后感
巧借它山之石 鋪寬轉型之路——赴新沂市鹽務管理局考察學習感悟