
Simple future story

2015-10-21 19:26虢望
第二課堂(課外活動版) 2015年6期


On Thursday, Katie will be one year old. Katies parents are going to have a birthday party. The party is going to begin at noon on Saturday. Many people will be at the party. Katie will have so much fun!

Katies dad is going to cook hamburgers. Katies grandmother is going to bring ice-cream. Katies aunt is going to bake a cake. It will be a chocolate cake. Katie will love her cake!

All of Katies relatives will bring presents. Katie is going to open her presents after lunch. Then, everyone will eat cake and ice-cream. Katie is going to have a good first birthday!

A. 用一般將來時回答下列問題。

1. How old will Katie be on Thursday? What time is her party going to start?


2. Who is going to bake the cake? What kind of cake will it be?


3. When is Katie going to open her presents? What will happen then?


B. 用否定句、一般疑問句、特殊疑問句(就劃線部分提問)和反義疑問句改寫下列句子。

Examples for the sentence “Alex will make dinner tonight.”

Negative: Alex will not make dinner tonight.

Yes/No Question: Will Alex make dinner tonight?

WH-Question: Who will make dinner tonight?

Tag Question: Alex will make dinner tonight, wont he?

1. Katie will be one year old.



Yes/No Question: _____________________ ________________________________________

WH-Question: _______________________


Tag Question: ________________________


2. Katie is going to open her presents after lunch

Negative: ____________________________ ________________________________________

Yes/No Question: _____________________ ________________________________________

WH-Question: _______________________


Tag Question: ________________________


C. 結論:

The Simple Future is a form of the verb that shows the action or state will happen in the future.



1. Katie will be one year old on Thursday. Her party is going to start at noon.

2. Katies aunt is going to bake the cake. It will be a chocolate cake.

3. Katie is going to open her presents after lunch. Then, everyone will eat cake and ice-cream.


1.Negative: Katie will not be one year old.

Yes/No Question: Will Katie be one year old?

WH-Question: Who will be one year old?

Tag Question: Katie will be one year old, wont she?

2. Negative: Katie is not going to open her presents after lunch.

Yes/No Question: Is Katie going to open her presents after lunch?

WH-Question: What is Katie going to do after lunch?

Tag Question: Katie is going to open her presents after lunch, isnt she?

Parents and Kids
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