
Cultural Messenger—Yu Xi

2017-07-03 14:08TextbyLiuDongli
Special Focus 2017年6期

Text by Liu Dongli

Cultural Messenger—Yu Xi

Text by Liu Dongli

Culture is the soul of a nation. The priority of my cultural mission is to influence the influential, to maximize the spread of Chinese culture, and to broaden China’s influence on the international community.

—Yu Xi



In November 2016, Mr. Stefan Skjaldarson, the Icelandic ambassador to China arrived in Wuhan and visited the city mayor Wan Yong. When they met for the first time, Mr. Stefan Skjaldarson presented Wan Yong a well-prepared gift—a book entitledA Date with the Northern Lightswritten by Yu Xi, which specially described Icelandic customs. Surprisingly, without prior consultation Wan Yong gifted Mr. Stefan Skjaldarson with a book entitledExplorations of Sister Cities—also written by Yu Xi—in which one article introduces the city Kópavogur in Iceland.

Who is Yu Xi? How is his writing prowess great enough that itwas his books that were chosen by both sides as gifts in a first diplomatic encounter? Actually, he works as a journalist ofChangjiang Daily, and is a two-time China News Award winner. In his office located in the ninth floor of the newspaper building, a world map hangs on the wall with different kinds of newspaper clippings and books stored neatly in the bookshelf nearby, all of which has demonstrated Yu Xi’s achievements as a cultural messenger in the past few decades.

As a writer, he has published 26 books in both Chinese and foreign languages. As a painter and a photographer, he has held 37 personal photographic art exhibitions in China, Europe and America, and his collections of personal photography albums have been published. Furthermore, he is an orator, who has delivered more than 100 speeches for a variety of topics in more than 60 countries all over the world. Obviously, he is the remarkable cultural exchange activist between China and foreign countries, who has interviewed more than 50 foreign leaders and over 100 foreign ambassadors to China.

He has done it all for a simple reason: promoting bilateral understanding between the world and China. In August 1991, Yu Xi held an exhibition in Switzerland and over 100 paintings were snapped up in only a few days. With a great sense of delight, Yu Xi felt the Swiss people’s love and curiosity about China and Chinese culture. “Many people then asked me whether Chinese women still practice foot binding, or if my father’s generation had still kept their braids?” Many foreigners had rather dated and stereotypical impressions of China from the old Qing dynasty, which was both astonishing and disquieting, and so he was desperate to broaden westerners’ knowledge of contemporary China.

Therefore, Yu Xi made a proposal to Swiss Rotary Club to arrange a special lecture for him to introduce China. The sponsor accepted with great pleasure. Thus, Yu Xi delivered his first overseas lecture entitled China’s Contemporary Culture & Arts in Olten, Switzerland. Yu Xi’s speech about Chinese culture and social status seemed to open a window for people to understand China, which was warmly welcomed by local citizens.

Since then, Yu Xi visited more than 60 countries in a row, including France, Germany, the United States and Bulgaria. He introduced Chinese culture to the world by giving a voice to a variety of Chinese imagery like, painting, calligraphy, photography and lectures.

In 2005 Yu Xi visited Iceland at his own expense, and was honored to be a visitor to the presidential mansion of Mr. Olafur Grimsson, the then- president of Iceland. In their conversations, he was surprised to know that there had never been a cultural exchange event with any Chinese literary and art organizations since China established diplomatic relations with Iceland more than 30 years ago. The president told him, the high expense of international travel was the biggest obstacle, to which Yu Xi retorted persuasively that holding a Chinese cultural event in Iceland would be of great benefit. He narrated lively stories of Chinese cultural arts, including Beijing opera, acrobatics, Chinese folk music and ink-wash paintings, saturating the elegant Nordic study where they sat with the hues and colors of classical Chinese cultural fare. The President sat there fascinated and wholly absorbed by the tales.

After four years of preparations, the First Sino-Icelandic Cultural Festival was successfully held in Kópavogur, Iceland on September 29, 2009. During the two months, nearly 100 Chinese artists showed the “magic” of Chinese culture to the people of Iceland with a Chinese “voice” that resounded throughout Iceland.

To further understanding of China, Yu Xi devoted himself in amplifying the Chinese voice so that it can be heard world-wide and expanding cultural exchanges with other countries in the following years. The distinguished politicians whose names have graced Yu Xi’s honored list of interviews include former Cuban leader Fidel Castro, former French President Sarkozy, Russian President Vladamir Putin, South African President Jacob Zuma, former Australian President John Howard, former US President George W. Bush, former South Korean President Kim Dae-jung, former Canadian Prime Minister Chretien and former Singapore’s Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong.

Consequently, some have praised him as “the people’s diplomat,” or“China’s Marco Polo.” For those honors,Yu Xi modestly replies that he is just doing what any good Chinese citizens should do.He prefers to consider himself a messenger of Chinese and foreign culture, a cultural diplomat spreading universal values and the glory and grandeur of Chinese culture to the world in a very humanitarian way, while introducing sophisticated foreign culture to China.



● On Oct. 28,2008, Mr.Yu Xi interviewed Mr.Purvanov (left), then president of Bulgaria, in Beijing.2008年10月28日,余熙在北京采訪時任保加利亞總統珀爾瓦諾夫(左)







● Yu Xi's photographic work余熙攝影作品


●In Nov. 2013, Mr. Tommiichi Murayama, the former Prime Minister of Japan, presented his new book to Mr. Yu Xi. Photo by Zhou Jianwen 2013年11月,日本前首相村山富市(右)向余熙贈書 周健文攝

● A watercolor painting by Yu Xi 余熙創作的水彩畫






文 |劉冬莉

范姜鋒 從“追夢人”到“擺渡人”