

2017-07-31 19:51ByAndrewKeen
瘋狂英語·新悅讀 2017年8期

⊙ By Andrew Keen



⊙ By Andrew Keen


The Internet Is Not the Answer

英美發音 適合泛聽


在這個無論走到哪里第一句就問Wi-Fi密碼、手指隨便一點什么人都能上網的年頭,作家Andrew Keen是個絕對的異類。多年以來,他一直和互聯網“唱對臺”,批判和分析飛速發展的數據時代將給人類帶來多么巨大的挑戰……

Host: The Internet has1)promised us a lot: You can2)tweet your way to success, attract a Facebook following, get on YouTube,3)gin up a Kickstarter campaign and just4)hit it out of the park. Andrew Keen doesn’t think that’s gonna work out for most of us. He agrees that culture is changing and that the economy is changing, but he worries that the5)implications are more troubling than we think.

Now, you could say, though, that there are people who, you know, developers who make fancy buildings or jewelers who make diamond rings—those things are only6)available to the very rich. But, anybody can join LinkedIn, anybody can be on Facebook, anybody can do a search on Yahoo or Google…

Andrew Keen (Writer): But the truth is that when we’re using these free products, we…ourselves are being transformed into the product. We are being7)mined for our data by these companies who are then essentially selling that data to advertisers. The free model, then, of companies like Google and Facebook, isn’t really free. We’re the ones who are paying a8)tremendous cost.

Host: Is there going to be a real change? Do you think…I mean, are people who are not Internet9)Titans going to demand change?

Andrew: Yeah, we’re still in the very early stages of this. We’re seeing now by 2020, there’ll be 20 billion connected10)devices. We’re seeing the beginnings of something called “the Internet of Things,” of artificial intelligence, of a world where everyone, practically, on the planet will be connected. Smaller and smaller devices, devices that will be sewn into our clothing, into our walls. We’ve got smart cities, smart schools, smart everything, everything networked. And this new data world, I think, will be increasingly11)prone, increasingly12)vulnerable to data catastrophe.

We haven’t had—fortunately or unfortunately—the13)equivalent of a Chernobyl, a Three Mile Island, an Exxon Valdez catastrophe. But, I think, when we have those things in the not too distant future, when someone hacks into all our personal medical records, then I think public14)perceptions, public sensitivity will change, and I think they’ll force politicians to15)address these16)issues.

1) promise ['pr?m?s] v. 許諾,承諾

2) tweet [twi?t] v. 在推特上發布消息

3) gin up 激起

4) hit sth. out of the park 出色完成,創造佳績,原義是指在棒球比賽中擊出了飛出球場的好球。

5) implication [?mpi?'ke??(?)n] n. 含義,暗示

6) available [?'ve?i?b(?)i] adj. 可得到的,可獲得的

7) mine [ma?n] v. 開采,挖掘

8) tremendous [tr?'mend?s] adj. 巨大的,非常的

9) Titan ['ta?t(?)n] n. 巨人,(學術界、政界的)巨頭

10) device [d?'va?s] n. 裝置,設備

11) prone [pr??n] adj. 傾斜的,陡的

12) vulnerable ['v?in?r?b(?)i] adj. 脆弱的,易受攻擊的

13) equivalent [?'kw?v?i?nt] n. 等價物,相等物

14) perception [p?'sep?(?)n] n. 認識,觀念,看法

15) address [?'dres] v. 處理,對付

16) issue ['?sju?] n. 問題,議題


◆ Chernobyl disaster 切爾諾貝利核事故:1986年4月,由于操作人員違規操作,烏克蘭的切爾諾貝利核電站4號核反應堆突然失火,引起爆炸,八噸多的強輻射物質泄漏,致使俄羅斯、白俄羅斯和烏克蘭許多地區遭到核輻射的污染。切爾諾貝利核事故被稱作歷史上最嚴重的核電事故,附近城市普里皮亞季因此被廢棄。

◆ Three Mile Island accident 三里島事故:1979年3月,美國賓夕法尼亞州的三里島核電站第2組反應堆發生堆芯失水而熔化和放射性物質外逸的重大事故,原因在于最初清洗設備的工作人員過失。在這次事故中,由于主要的工程安全設施自行啟動,而且反應堆有幾道安全屏障,因而人員無一傷亡,對環境并未造成太大影響。

◆ Exxon Valdez oil spill “??松ね郀柕掀澨枴庇洼喡┯褪鹿剩?989年3月,美國??松疽凰揖扌陀洼喸诿兰咏唤绲耐踝訛掣浇|礁,原油泄出達800多萬加侖,在海面上形成一條寬約1公里、長達800公里的漂油帶,對附近海域的水產業造成很大損失,當地生態環境遭受巨大破壞。這是一起人為事故:船長酒醉之后昏昏大睡,而掌舵的三副未能及時轉彎,致使油輪一頭撞上暗礁。








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