

2017-08-04 21:40
小天使·六年級語數英綜合 2017年8期

It was sunny last Sunday. I went to the park with my friends. We saw many interesting signs. Look at the sign in the tree. It means "No climbing". We can't climb up the tree. Here is a sign on the grass. It means "No parking". We can't park our bikes or cars here. We walked on. Yang Ling picked a flower for me. I told her, "Can you see the sign near the garden? It means 'No picking'. We can't pick flowers. There is a sign near the river. It means 'No swimming'. We can't swim across the river. There is a sign too. It is on the bins, it means 'No littering'. We can't litter here."

I know a lot of signs. Do you know?

(指導老師 陳燕華)

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A Special Day
An Interesting Lesson:潘奕函
My Favourite Book:周鑫玚
My Dream