
Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications

2017-08-09 04:15
時代英語·高一 2017年4期


pass vt. 超過

contain vt. 包含;包括

crash vi. (計算機)崩潰

create vt. 創造;發明

design vt. 設計

concentrate vi. 集中(注意力、思想等)

disadvantage n. 弊端;缺點

invention n. 發明

permission n. 許可

access n. 接近;通路

software n. 軟件

source n. 來源;出處

data n. (復)數據

defense n. 保護;防衛

network n. 網絡

percentage n. 百分數;百分率

document n. 文件

essay n. 文章

statistics n. (復)統計數字

fantastic adj. 極好的;美妙的

independent adj. 獨立的

average adj. 平均的

accessible adj. 可進入的;可使用的

sideways adv. 橫著地;斜著地

via prep. 途經;經由


consist of 由……組成

as well 也

become/be known as 作為……而出名;被稱為……

go down 下降

come up with 提出

from that moment 從那時起

concentrate on 聚精會神;集中思想

compared with 與……相比

log on/of 登錄;退出

hard disk 硬盤

personal computer 個人電腦

web browser 網頁瀏覽器


log vt. 記錄;登錄

shorten vt. 縮短

keyword n. 密碼;口令

breakdown n. 故障


download vt. 下載

hesitate vi. & vt. 猶豫

surf vi. (互聯網上)沖浪;瀏覽

site n. 位置;場所;地點

inverted commas 引號

separate adj. 單獨的;分開的

per prep. 每一;每


1. contain vt. 包含;包括;裝有;容納

The book contains twenty pictures.


The classroom can contain 60 people.



(1) contain側重所含的量與成分。

The basket contains a variety of fruits.


This drink doesnt contain any alcohol.


(2) include側重于對比整體與部分,指某整體包含或容納某部分。

The money I gave you included Xiao Zhangs.


This dictionary is 100 yuan, postage included.


(3) include常以including(名詞或代詞前)或included(名詞或代詞后)的形式出現在短語中,用來舉例、解釋或補充說明。

There are ten of us here, including three girls.

= There are ten of us here, three girls included.

Everybody has something to say, me included.

= Everybody has something to say, including me.

2. design vt. & n. 設計

The experiment is designed to test the new medicine.


Who designed the Water Cube?


This building is a bad design.


design for 為……設計

be designed for/to do 專為……而做(設置)

by design 故意地;有意地

3. create vt. 創造;發明

An artist should create beautiful things.


The government plans to create more jobs for young people.




4. shorten vt. 縮短

The days shorten in November in this country.


The teacher told me to shorten my report to one page.


5. breakdown n. 故障;失??;(身體)垮掉

I dont know how to deal with the network breakdown.


He couldnt work after his breakdown.


break down 出故障;壞掉;失??;垮掉;把……分類;劃分;分解

The machine has broken down.


Our car broke down on the motorway.


Negotiations between the two sides have broken down.


Each lesson is broken down into several units.


Sugar and starch are broken down in the stomach.


6. disadvantage n. 弊端;缺點

If you dont speak good English, youll be at a big disadvantage when you try to get a job.


What is the disadvantage of using water power?


常用搭配:to ones disadvantage 對某人不利

7. defence n. 保護;防衛


A thick coat is a good defence against the cold.


People used to build strong walls round their towns as a defence against enemies.


This fort was once the main defence of the island.


常用搭配:in defence of 保衛……;為……辯護

They fought in defence of their country.


Hundreds of people gave their lives in defence of freedom.


8. average adj. 平均的;一般的;普通的

(1) average通常只能放在名詞前作定語,不用作表語,且沒有比較級。

What was the average temperature yesterday?


The average age of boys in this class is 15.


(2) average表示“一般的;普通的”,可用作定語,也可用作表語。

He is just an average student.


There was nothing special about the film—it was only average.


average n. 平均

above/below average 平均水平以上 / 以下

on (an/the) average 平均而言;根據平均標準

the average of ……的平均數

an average of (跟數詞)平均有

注意:“the average of...”作主語,謂語動詞用單數,意為“……的平均數”;“an average of + 復數名詞”作主語,謂語動詞用復數。

9. independent adj. 獨立的;有主見的;分開的

Mozambique became independent in 1975.


My elder sister has moved away from home and is now



常用搭配:independent of sb/sth 不相關的;不受影響的

I am old enough to be independent of my parents.


10. consist of 由……組成

consist of常用整體作主語,表示“整體由部分組成”,引申為“包含有”,不能用于被動語態。

This necklace consists of gold and diamond.


The city consists of five districts.


11. as well 也

as well多用于口語中,語氣較輕。通常用于肯定句或疑問句,一般不用于否定句,且通常放在句末。

Ill come to London, and my sister will come as well.


Are they coming as well?


12. concentrate on 聚精會神;集中思想


I cant concentrate on my studies.


Right now we should concentrate on doing some things for our plan.


13. compared with 與……相比

Compared with our small apartment, our uncles house seemed like a palace.


How does life in Britain compared with life in the States?


短語:compare...to... 把……比作……

compare...with... 把……和……比較

14. become/be known as 作為……而出名;叫作……;


She was known as an excellent dancer.


These chocolate bars are known as something else in the US.


(1) be known for 因……而眾所周知

He was known for his frankness.


(2) be known to 為……所知

Hes known to the police because of his previous criminal record.


15. go down 倒下;(船等)下沉,沉沒,下降;




She stripped and went down with a bump.


The ship went down with all on board.


A glass of wine would go down very nicely.


The price of eggs is going down.


The color of the sky deepened as the sun went down.


16. come up with 提出;趕上

We werent able to come up with any new suggestions.


We came up with a group of tourists.





All around the world, an increasing number of people are spending their time taking part in online volunteering projects. What encourages them to help strangers without expectation of money or even thanks?

Radha Taralekar helped teach Imelda how to protect herself from HIV, though the two have never met, and neither knows the others name. Taralekar received no payment for the job. For Taralekar, the project gave her the chance to use her professional experience. “I want to serve people with my medical knowledge,” she said. For some, the inspiration to volunteer online was far more personal. After losing his wife to cancer, Tony Selman spent many hours online helping Cancer Research to collect information on the illness. “Seeing how painful she was when my wife was dying, I decided to help scientists find a way to treat cancer,” he said.

Interests and hobbies are also one of the reasons. Sam Luk joined other online volunteers to try to help the police solve murder cases. The police posted them online, calling for volunteers to help them to make sense of the messages. “I am interested in this and I love Sherlock Holmes,” said Luk.

For writer Clay Shirky, some large online volunteering projects help millions of people, giving him a sense of achievement. He helps write Wikipedia, the worlds biggest encyclopedia (百科全書), which is written by people willing to use their professional knowledge.

1. We can infer that Radha Taralekar may be a ___ .

A. teacher B. doctor

C. writer D. policewoman

2. Why did Tony Selman decide to help Cancer Research?

A. He had much time to spend online.

B. He saw many people die of cancer.

C. His wife died of cancer.

D. He was a member of Cancer Research.

3. Sam Luk volunteered to help the police because of ___ .

A. his interests and hobbies

B. a sense of achievement

C. money in return

D. his duty of work

4. How many reasons why people help strangers online are mentioned in the text?

A. One. B. Two.

C. Three. D. Four.


Now most children chat daily either online or through their mobile phones. They are connecting to a huge number of other children all over the world. Some are shy “in real life” but are confident to communicate with others online; others find support from people of their own age on relationship issues, or problems at home.

Sometimes the online world, just like the real world, can introduce problems, such as arguments. Going online is great fun, but there are also a few people who use the Internet for offensive(冒犯性的)or illegal aims. Children must be made aware of both the good things and the dangers.

To keep children safe, your management must cover the family computer. Just as you decide which TV programs are suitable, you need to do the same for the websites and chat rooms your children visit. Remind your children that online friends are still strangers. Reminding them of the risks will keep them alert (警惕).

Computer studies are part of schoolwork now, so its likely that your children may know more than you do. We get left behind when it comes to the latest gad-gets and the interactive areas of websites, like chat rooms and message boards, which are especially strange. The language of chat is strange to many parents, too. Chatters love to use abbreviations (縮寫) such as: atb—all the best, bbfn—bye bye for now, cul8er—see you later, gr8—great, Idk—I dont know, imbl—it must be love, kit—keep in touch, paw—parents are watching, lol—laugh out loud, xlnt—excellent!

5. The passage is meant for ___ .

A. children B. parents

C. teachers D. net bar owners

6. Which of the following will the author probably agree with?

A. The Internet is good for children.

B. The chat language is strange to adults.

C. Children shouldnt chat so much online.

D. Fewer and fewer people use the Internet for illegal aims.

7. In order to keep children safe online, youd better ___ .

A. choose suitable websites and chat rooms for them

B. teach them to use correct net words

C. surf the Internet together with them

D. not let them use the Internet

8. If you stand beside him when your son is chatting about something secret online, he may use ___ .

A. bbfn B. lol

C. paw D. cul8er



My daughter was three years old. She was going to a playschool, which had day boarding facilities (寄宿設施). After , the kids used to sleep for 2 to 3 hours. So she was very and active in the evening and always wanted to till mid-night. By that time, I was totally after a whole days work in the office and at home.

One day, as usual she was not to go to bed. She was crying aloud, “I want to play more. No time now.” I hold her in my arms and wiped her tears. She stopped crying. I told her,

“ you sleep happily without crying, a beautiful will come to you in your sleep.” While I was the beauty of the angel, she lowered her to my shoulder and she was asleep in a few minutes.

Many days passed. She used to sleep late, but cried again while going to sleep.

One day, when coming back in the evening, I she was feeling sleepy. Soon I cooked something for her and made her

. That day, she slept early.

I went to the and prepared the dinner. Then, we also thought of going to bed early. Suddenly I saw a smile on her face. Soon, she started quietly. That was very . Never had it happened like this. It lasted for a few . Soon she was deep in sleep.

The next morning she early. Sitting in the bed she called me, “Mama, an angel had come to me yesterday. She

me on my forehead and her face was just like yours.”

1. A. school B. class C. games D. lunch

2. A. small B. fresh C. clever D. strong

3. A. play B. read C. rest D. walk

4. A. pleased B. worried C. tired D. disappointed

5. A. patient B. full C. sure D. ready

6. A. washing B. sleeping C. drinking D. writing

7. A. If B. Because C. Unless D. Before

8. A. flower B. bird C. angel D. girl

9. A. sharing B. checking C. enjoying D. describing

10. A. hand B. head C. foot D. leg

11. A. never B. sometimes C. always D. often

12. A. heard B. noticed C. forgot D. hoped

13. A. run B. study C. eat D. stand

14. A. window B. bed C. bathroom D. kitchen

15. A. sweet B. sad C. shy D. polite

16. A. thinking B. watching C. laughing D. moving

17. A. important B. special C. lucky D. difficult

18. A. seconds B. hours C. days D. weeks

19. A. set out B. came back C. got up D. sat down

20. A. carried B. held C. hit D. kissed



Are you facing a situation makes you feel upset? To be honest, I am.

I usually start the morning by checking the social networking website Facebook, only (see) that Ive already fallen behind. A workmate has written a new book. Two of my (hero) have completed a big project. One of my old college friends has posted a video for an online program she (take) at the moment. She looks successful, shiny and charming Im still in bed, bleary-eyed.

Am I really falling behind? Did these people post any of these things to make me feel bad?

The answer is no. Its (terrible) easy to see social media as a reminder of all the things Im not doing and dreams Im not fulfilling. It is not a social problem a comparison problem. All these years Ive learned one thing:Dont compare your insides someone elses outsides. You have no idea it took for other people to get where they are. Dont act like it was effortless or pure luck. Its much (easy) to look at someone “up there” and be curious about what they have than to be happy for them and make yours better.




Maybe you have seen many kinds of movies. Here lets enjoy some movies that can make you have a feeling to travel.

Romancing the Stone and The Jewel of the Nile

This movie series introduces a romance writer Joan and her adventures with a soldier named Jack. In Romancing the Stone Joan goes to Colombia to save her sister who was kidnapped (綁架). The scenes of the film were shot (拍攝) mostly in Mexico. For The Jewel of the Nile, the scenes were mostly shot in France and Morocco.

The Lord of the Rings

The story is about Frodo, his friends and their adventurous journey through Middle Earth. Filmed in about 150 locations all over New Zealand, this traveling movie shows its beauty. From the rolling hills to the volcanic region, this is the best movie to see New Zealand. The director of the movie Peter Jackson first read the novel on a train when he was just seventeen.

Indiana Jones: The Complete Adventure Collection

Indiana Jones and travel are inseparable. Everyone remembers the red line on the world map that shows up on screen when he flies. The Egypt scenes in Raiders of the Lost Ark were filmed in Tunisia. Temple of Doom was filmed mostly in Sri Lanka and Macau. The Last Crusade was filmed in Italy, Spain and Jordan including an excellent view of Petra. Unlike the other, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was filmed almost entirely in the United States.

1. What is true about the writer Joan?

A. She was kidnapped to Colombia.

B. She was so brave to save her sister.

C. She was asked to write the movie series.

D. She was fond of traveling with a soldier named Jack.

2. What can we learn about the film The Lord of the Rings?

A. It attracted the director long ago.

B. It was shot from Wellington to Auckland.

C. It is the best movie made in New Zealand.

D. It has increased the tourism in New Zealand.

3. If you are interested in Europe, youll probably enjoy watching the film ___ .

A. Temple of Doom

B. The Last Crusade

C. Raiders of the Lost Ark

D. Kingdom of the Crystal Skull


About 21,000 young people in 17 American states do not go to classes in school buildings. Instead, they receive their school education by working at home on computers. The Center for Education Reform says the United States has 67 public “cyberschools”, and that is about twice as many as two years ago.

The money for students to go to a cyberschool comes from the governments of the states where they live. Some educators say cyberschools receive money that should support traditional public schools. They also say it is difficult to know if students are learning well.

Other educators praise this new form of education for letting students work at their own speed. These people say cyberschools help students who were unhappy or unsuccessful in traditional schools. They say learning at home by computer ends long bus rides for children who live far from school.

Whatever the judgment of cyberschools, they are getting more and more popular. For example, a new cybershool called Common-wealth Connections Academy will take in students this fall. It will serve children in the state of Pennsylvania from ages five through thirteen.

Children get free equipment for their online education. This includes a computer, a printer, books and technical services. Parents and students talk with teachers by telephone or by sending emails through their computer when necessary.

Students at cyberschools usually do not know one another. But 56 such students who finished studies at Western Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School recently met for the first time. They were guests honor at their graduation.

4. What can we learn about students of a cyberschool?

A. They have to take long bus rides to school.

B. They do well in traditional school programs.

C. They study at home rather than in classrooms.

D. They receive money from traditional public schools.

5. What is a problem with cyberschools?

A. They get little support from the state government.

B. Its hard to know students progress in learning.

C. The students find it hard to make friends.

D. The equipment costs a lot of money.

6. Why are cyberschools getting more popular?

A. They are less expensive.

B. Students can work at their own speed.

C. They serve students in a wider age range.

D. Graduates are more successful in society.

7. How can students in cybershools ask the teachers questions?

A. By watching TV. B. By writing letters.

C. By attending meetings. D. By telephone or sending emails.



Since the Internet came into homes, the daily life has never been the same again. But the thing that worries most of us is that we can get viruses from the Internet. But can we catch viruses on our cell phones? A new study in the journal Science says yes, but the spread of such mobile software that can bring harm to our cell phones wont reach dangerous levels until more cell phones are on the same operating system.

Computers are easily attacked by viruses because they share data, especially over the Internet. Of course, nowadays, more people are using their cell phones more and more frequently. They use them for emailing, text messaging and downloading troublesome ring tones, etc., so it is obvious that cell phone viruses are a threat as well.

Scientists used nameless call data from more than six million cell phone users to help model a possible outbreak. And they concluded that viruses that spread from phone to phone by Bluetooth(藍牙) are not much concerned, because users have to be in close physical relation for their phones to “see” one another. However, viruses that spread through multimedia messaging services can move much faster, because they can come in disguise(偽裝), such as a cool tune sent by a friend. The good news is that to be effective, these viruses need their victims(受害人) to all use the same operating system, which not enough of us do. Because there is no Microsoft operating system for mobile phones, yet. Thank goodness.

1. When can cell phone viruses be dangerous?

A. Many cell phones work on the same operating system.

B. Microsoft operating system for cell phones is created.

C. Users can see each other on the phones.

D. Bluetooth is widely used.

2. What can we infer about Bluetooth according to the scientists?

A. It can increase the chances of cell phone viruses greatly.

B. It can help us to stop the spreading of cell phone viruses.

C. It wont possibly cause the outbreak of cell phone viruses.

D. It can make users have close physical relation with one another.

3. We can learn from the passage that ___ .

A. it is impossible to catch viruses on our cell phones

B. cell phones are not well connected with the Internet

C. more than one operating system is used for cell phones now

D. it is dangerous for people to download ring tones to cell phones

4. What is the passage mainly about?

A. The operating system of cell phones.

B. The threat of cell phone viruses.

C. The wide use of cell phones.

D. Computer viruses.



Things to know when you write an e-mail message

For most of the most twentieth century, people communicated by telephone or by mail. This is now changing, and e-mail is becoming the preferred method of communication.

Its faster than traditional mail. As e-mail is becoming popular, here are several rules we need to know.

Be polite and friendly.

Start your message with a greeting. If you are writing to a friend, you can begin with Hi, Sandra. If you are writing to your teacher, begin your message with Dear Mr. Astonso. Many people just type their names. Others say Bye, Cheers, or use abbreviations (縮寫) like BFN (by for now).

Look good.

When someone receives an e-mail message from you, they might not know anything about you. They will judge you from your e-mail message, so make yourself look good. Sometimes sentences seem clear when you write down, but dont make sense when you read them back.

If you start to use your e-mail several times a week, your message box will soon fill with mail. After a few weeks, you can have a list of 60 or 70 messages! It is easy to delete (刪除) the messages you dont want any more. If your messages are important, you can save them in folders(文件夾). It only take a few minutes to learn.

A. Organize your email.

B. Its cheaper than a phone call.

C. The e-mail must be addressed correctly.

D. Type your message, and then read it again.

E. You need a closing at the end of your e-mail.

F. If you dont know how to do that, just ask a friend.

G. The most commonly used e-mails are business e-mails.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.




compare definite permission defence short independent

invention contain average frequent design disadvantage

1. This library ____ a large number of books in foreign languages.

2. The computer is one of the most important ____ in the world.

3. You cant take photos here without ____ .

4. The book is ____ to be used in two ways.

5. The washing machine has two serious ____ .

6. He comes to visit me ____ , usually three or four times a week.

7. A week ago you made a(n) ____ promise.

8. In China farming is no longer completely ___ on the weather.

9. My teacher asked me to ____ the report to one page.

10. Im quite a patient person, ____ with him.


1. 委員會由十人組成。(consist of)

2. 油價正在下跌。(go down)

3. 開車時駕駛員的注意力要集中在路上。(concentrate on)

4. 人們都認為那是市內最危險的地段。(be known as)

5. 我想你錯了。你應該拿出更好的想法。(come up with)


Here is two types of cars that may some day take place of todays big cars. Unless all the people drive such cars in the future, there will be fewer pollution in the air. There will also be more spaces for parking cars in the cities, but the streets will not be so crowded. Three such cars can fit the space now being needed by one car of the usually size. The little cars will cost much less for own and drive. Drive will be safer, too, because these little cars can go only 65 kilometers per hour.



1. 焦慮的癥狀(飲食和睡眠方面);

2. 你的看法和建議。



參考詞匯:頭暈 adj. dizzy 食欲不振 lose ones appetite

Dear Li Hua,

I really feel sorry that you get some symptoms of anxiety before exams.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming
