

2017-11-15 15:36
新東方英語·中學版 2017年11期


Social media is one of the fastest-growing industries in today's interconnected world, attracting more users every day. At the forefront of this movement are teens—a Pew Research Center1) study stated 92 percent of teens report going online daily, making them the most active social media participants of any demographic2).

"For people entering college next year, social media will be ubiquitous3)—next year's freshman class will have largely been born in 1998," said Paul Booth, associate4) professor of media and cinema studies at DePaul University. "They will not remember a world without YouTube, Facebook or Twitter ... They're certainly more 'plugged in5)' than earlier generations because that's the world they grew up in."

As a result of this ubiquity, teens have seen a monumental shift in nearly all facets6) of adolescent life.




Changing Relationships

Lyons Township junior Elly Cooper said she thinks that social media often detracts7) from face-to-face communication.

"I think it definitely makes in-person relationships harder because of people's attention given to their phones or devices instead of their friends," Cooper said.

Beyond diminishing friends' time spent together, some think there's a greater possibility for things to get lost in translation over social media.

"You also lose a more personable8) experience because if half of your relationship is over social media, you don't really know how the other person is reacting, and it may not feel as intimate as other relationships," St. Charles East junior Sienna Schulte said.

Though there may be a greater risk for disconnect in teen relationships over social media, some argue that bonds are more easily initiated9) and accessible through the online platforms.

With this accessibility, teens are able to generate relationships with anyone, regardless of location.

Tricky Parenting

M. J. Wallace is the mother of two teens, one of whom is a Cary-Grove junior. She said she thinks social media is beneficial in the way it keeps people connected.endprint

"Family out of town gets to see as they grow up (with) activities being posted like choir, plays and stuff," Wallace said. "Family out of town used to have to miss performances and then never got to see it."

On the other hand, Wallace said she recognizes the danger in how much teens post on social media. Future employers or college admissions officers can search and find whatever kids put online. Despite this reality, she said she doesn't actively supervise her kids' social media accounts but she does try to be aware of what's going on.

"I don't have time to monitor their social media things, but I am on Facebook so if I do see something that's a little inappropriate, I will give them a call to take it down," she said.

Wanting to Be "Liked"

The rise of social media has granted more opportunities to meet new people and begin relationships, but it also has changed the way teens view themselves and compare each other.

This trend made news recently when 19-year-old Instagram star Essena O'Neill announced that she was quitting social media because it made her miserable and obsessed with appearing perfect online.

Negative posts or comments also can do great damage to a teen's self-esteem. According to a Livescience Health study, about 23 percent of teens report being targeted in some means over social media.

In particular, anonymous apps such as Yik Yak function as incredibly large and easy outlets for cyberbullying and targeting. The app allows users within a five-mile radius10) to create and add to discussion threads about anything and everything. Cooper said that teens targeted anonymously on these sites can't help but feel embarrassed and hurt.

Opening New Doors

On the other hand, Lyons Township junior Armin Korsos takes advantage of the feedback he receives over social media. Korsos runs his own YouTube channel and uses the reactions and comments to his video—positive or negative—to help him improve his channel for the future. Through social media, his videos reach people across the world.

"Social media can help people show themselves and their talents to the world in a way that has never been possible before," Korsos said.

Nonetheless, Korsos recognizes the distraction that social media has become.

"People begin to forget that social media isn't a necessity to live," he said. "Yes, it helps people connect with their friends and stay updated on what's going on, but it's not all necessary."endprint

















特別是一些像Yik Yak一樣的匿名應用軟件,它們被用作了網絡暴力和網絡攻擊的大型便捷發泄渠道。這款軟件允許半徑五英里以內的用戶創建并參與關于任何事情的討論。庫珀說那些在這類網站上被匿名攻擊的青少年都不由自主地覺得尷尬和受傷。






Social media has forever changed teens' lives, making them more connected—and disconnected—than ever before. But for everyone labeling social networks a social disaster, professor Booth said it's just the latest change in technology. "And in 60 years, when a new form of communication technology comes out, people who are teens today may look at each other and think about how much better it was when people were texting and sending emojis back in 2016."


1. Pew Research Center: 皮尤研究中心,美國的一個獨立性民調機構,對那些影響美國乃至世界的問題、態度與潮流提供信息資料,總部設于華盛頓特區。

2. demographic: 請參見P8注釋11

3. ubiquitous [ju??b?kw?t?s] adj. 無所不在的,普遍存在的

4. associate [??s?????t] adj. 副的

5. plug in: (用插頭) 與電源接通; (用導線) 和另一電器相接

6. facet [?f?s?t] n. 方面

7. detract [d??tr?kt] vi. 減損;貶低,常與from連用

8. personable [?p??s?n?bl] adj. 動人的;討人喜歡的

9. initiate [??n??ie?t] vt. 開始,發起

10. radius [?re?di?s] n. 半徑endprint

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