

2017-11-15 17:43
新東方英語·中學版 2017年11期


Our growing love of social media is not just changing the way we communicate—it's changing the way we do business, the way we are governed, and the way we live in society. And it's doing so at breakneck1) speed. Here are six observations and predictions for the way social media is changing the world from experts from the Global Agenda Council2).


Social media is changing how we

govern and are governed.

Civic3) participation and engagement has been transformed with social media. "Social media allows citizens to be the source of ideas, plans and initiatives4) in an easier way than ever before," says Eileen Guo of Impassion Media. In the future, we can expect more and more leaders to embrace this type of transparent governance, as it becomes easier for them to interact with their constituents5). "Whereas politicians and government officials once had to travel to interact with citizens, now online town halls strengthen the connections between them, while providing a platform for direct information on government initiatives."

Social media is helping us better respond to disasters.

From Facebook's Safety Check—which allows users in disaster zones to mark themselves as safe, we've seen many examples of how social media and digital communications more broadly are helping respond to disasters.

In fact, more and more of us will be using social media to contribute to disaster relief from wherever we are. Heather Leson of the Qatar Computing Research Institute says, "Digital responders6) can immediately log on7) when news breaks about a natural disaster or human-created catastrophe8). Individuals and teams are activated. These digital responders use their time and technical skills, as well as their personal networks, in an attempt to help mitigate9) information overload10) for formal humanitarian aid in the field. "These digital humanitarians11) will help close the gap in worldwide disaster response12).

1. 社交媒體正在改變我們


社交媒體使公民參與發生了變革?!吧缃幻襟w使公民比以往任何時候都更容易成為觀點、計劃和倡議的源頭?!盜mpassion 傳媒公司的艾琳·郭說。未來,我們可以預見越來越多的領導者歡迎這種透明的管理方式,因為這讓他們更容易與選民互動?!耙酝渭液驼賳T需要四處奔走才能與民眾互動,而如今的網上市政廳增強了他們與民眾的聯系,為政府行動提供了直接的信息展示平臺?!眅ndprint

2. 社交媒體有助于




Social media platforms may

be the banks of the future.

Imagine being able to pay your rent or make an investment through your favorite social network. That might not be too far off, says Richard Eldridge of Lenddo. "Social media is transforming banking relationships in very significant ways, from improving customer service to allowing users to send money to others via online platforms. New financial technology companies are using social media to help people simply open a bank account. Social media can even impact your ability to get a loan."

But it won't be without its problems: "The biggest challenge is maintaining security standards and ensuring customers knowingly provide personal information. Banks will also have to implement13) sophisticated social media policies."

Social media is shaking up

healthcare and public health.

The health industry is already using social media to change how it works, whether through public health campaigns14) or virtual doctor's visits on Skype. It's also helped groups of people, such as patients suffering from the same condition, stay in touch, say Shannon Dosemagen of Public Laboratory for Open Technology and Science and Lee Aase of Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media and its Social Media Health Network. "Social media has been responsible for relevant changes in both personal and community health, especially by making it easier for large numbers of people to rapidly share information."

That's not always a good thing: while social media does help official agencies and experts share important information fast—such as during a disease outbreak—it has a downside. "Social media is a two-way street, and allows non-experts to share information just as rapidly as health agencies, if not more so." It's this future that the health industry will need to plan for: "Health agencies need to have plans in place ahead of time to be able to respond to and counter misinformation or support accurate information shared via social media."

3. 社交媒體平臺可能就是未來的銀行。



4. 社交媒體正在改變


健康產業已經在利用社交媒體改變自己的運作方式,無論是通過公共健康活動還是虛擬醫生利用Skype給病人看病。社交媒體還有助于群體(如患有同樣病癥的病人)保持聯絡,開放技術公共實驗室的香農·多澤馬根和梅奧診所社交媒體中心及其社交媒體健康網絡的李· 奧瑟如是說?!霸趥€人健康和公眾健康方面,社交媒體都促成了相關改變,尤其是通過讓許多人快速共享信息變得更加容易?!?/p>


Across industries,

social media is going from a "nice to have" to an essential component of any business strategy.

It started in the newsroom, as Claire Wardle of the Tow Center for Digital Journalism explains: "In just seven years, newsrooms have been completely disrupted15) by social media. Social media skills are no longer considered niche16), and solely the responsibility of a small team in the newsroom. Instead social media affects the way the whole organization runs."

It's a trend that is already spreading to businesses beyond the newsroom, whether it be because of digital marketing or new customer service communication channels. Other industries should look to the lessons learned—or not—by the newsroom and ensure that they're one step ahead of this social media-enabled disruption.

Social media is helping us tackle some of the world's biggest challenges, such as climate change.

The capacity for social media to bring together different but like-minded people is also helping fight an enormous challenge: climate change. "Social media has become an important tool for providing a space and means for the public to participate in influencing or disallowing environmental decisions. It has created a way for people to connect local environmental challenges and solutions to larger-scale narratives that will affect us as a global community," says Shannon Dosemagen.

5. 在各行各業,社交媒體都在從“錦上添花”




6. 社交媒體正在幫助我們應對



1. breakneck [?bre?knek] adj. (速度)極快的

2. Global Agenda Council: 全球議程委員會,是由世界經濟論壇(World Economic Forum)發起的一個委員會,是全球最大的世界專家志愿者網絡。每一年會組織來自各領域的專家,將其分成幾十個小組,一起思考和探討全球重大議題,為世人謀求福利。

3. civic [?s?v?k] adj. 公民的;市民的

4. initiative [??n???t?v] n. 積極的行動;倡議

5. constituent [k?n?st?tju?nt] n. 選民

6. digital responder: 也被稱為digital humanitarian,是利用網絡進行人道主義救援的個體,由他們組成的技術團隊會繪制可更新的地圖,建立數據庫、信息庫,甚至是建立線上和線下社區來引導來自四面八方的救援行為。

7. log on: 登錄計算機,這里引申為“開始(用計算機)工作”。

8. catastrophe [k??t?str?fi] n. 重大災難

9. mitigate [?m?t?ɡe?t] vt. 減輕;緩解;緩和

10. information overload: 信息過載,指關于某件事的信息太多,造成理解困難,難以做出有效決定。

11. humanitarian [hju??m?n??te?ri?n] n. 人道主義者

12. disaster response: 災難應急響應,是災難管理循環中的第二個階段,包括很多元素,比如預警、搜救、提供即時援救、損毀評估,以及對基礎設施的立刻修復。

13. implement [??mpl?ment] vt. 履行;實施

14. campaign [k?m?pe?n] n. (社會、政治)運動,活動

15. disrupt [d?s?r?pt] vt. 使中斷;擾亂

16. niche [ni??] adj. (營銷)針對特定客戶群的,細分的;專營的endprint
