

2018-05-09 08:42朱原之楊之玥周煒
文化交流 2018年5期



李約瑟博士(Joseph Needham,1900-1995)是英國著名的生物化學家、中國科技史家,因編寫多卷本《中國科學技術史》和提出“李約瑟難題”為世人所熟知??谷諔馉幒笃?,他接受英國政府派遣出使中國,任英國駐華科學考察團團長,并組建中英科學合作館,兩次造訪當時在遵義、湄潭等地辦學的浙江大學。

















“這篇報道基于同年的另一篇報道,該報道記錄了李約瑟與UCCL(Universities China Committee in London)的一場談話。從李約瑟當時的記錄本中可以看到,上面寫著‘Zheda的提示詞?;蛟S就是在那次談話中出現了著名言論‘東方劍橋?!惫趴硕Y教授稱,李約瑟每次談話都會提前寫幾個關鍵詞,那一次寫的是Zheda。





竺可楨老校長與李約瑟保持了長達30年的書信往來。在浙大期間,竺可楨是李約瑟全程的向導和陪同,是李約瑟在日志里的“Guiding Chu”。



In autumn 2017, Zhejiang University received a donation of historical documentation from the Needham Research Institute located on the grounds of Robinson College in Cambridge, England. Professor Christopher Cullen, a staff member with Cambridge University and honorary director of the Needham Research Institute, came with the donation all the way from England.

On October 19, Professor Cullen presented the donation to Zhejiang University on behalf of the Needham Research Institute. The donation includes Dr. Joseph Needhams journal and captioned photos of his tour in South-West China August-October in 1944, an official report on his journey dated August-October 1944 he wrote and presented to the UK embassy in China, and his correspondences with Zhu Kezhen, president of Zhejiang University during these years. All the documents are scanned copies from the originals. The documents will be housed at the Archives of Zhejiang University.

Joseph Needham (1900-1995) was a British scientist, historian and sinologist known for his scientific research and writing on the history of Chinese science and technology. He is also well known for The Needham Puzzle: Why Industrial Revolution Did Not Originate in China. Toward the end of Chinas resistance war against Japanese aggression, he was appointed by the British Government to tour China. He visited Zhejiang University twice, which journeyed all the way from Zhejiang Province to avoid war and temporarily settled down at Zunyi and Meitan, Guizhou Province in southwestern China.

At the donation ceremony, Luo Weidong, on behalf of Zhejiang University, expressed his gratitude to the Needham Research Institute for the valuable historical documents. He said that people of the 120-year-old Zhejiang University are quite familiar with Joseph Needham and the donation adds material testimonials to the important events in the history of the university. As the university is putting together a history of the university, Luo hoped more historical information would certainly make the compilation more accurate and authoritative.

After the ceremony, Professor Cullen gave a lecture on how Joseph Needham interacted with Zhejiang University over 70 years ago.

Zhejiang University began its westward odyssey after the outbreak of the nations resistance war against Japanese aggression in 1937. In early 1940, it reached Guizhou and settled in Zunyi and set up campuses respectively in Meitan, Qingyan and Yongxing. In April and October 1944, Joseph Needham and his wife Dorothy Moyle visited Zhejiang University twice. His wartime China mission was to help Chinese scientists. Before him, the west was under the impression that China was a nation of laborers and poems and that it was a nation without science. Needham published an article in Nature in October 1945, reporting what he had seen in wartime Guizhou and Guangxi. In the article, he mentioned world-class Chinese scientists such as mathematicians Chen Jiangong and Su Buqing and nuclear scientists Lu Hefu and Wang Ganchang.

How did Needham come to recognize Zhejiang University as the best higher-education institute of China? Needham read academic papers, gave lectures and talked face-to-face with people of Zhejiang University. Needhams journal reveals that he gave many lectures. The scientists with the University responded earnestly and the questions they raised and the discussions that followed indicated their world-class knowledge and perspective and insight. Needham made notes of every scientist he met in Zhejiang University. These notes were all made on 5x7 inch cards: a name and a brief comment. All the cards are packed in six drawers at the Needham Research Institute. The professor suggested that it would be very valuable if someone sorted them out systematically and traced them to see what happened in their lives and careers later.

On many occasions Professor Cullen said that Needham had a true love for Zhejiang University. His journal reveals that he bought laboratory supplies and devices in India and donated them to Zhejiang University during the wartime. By the end of 1945, he purchased nearly 300 books for Zhejiang University. Through his recommendation, Professors Luo Dengyi, Tan Jiazhen, Wang Ganchang and Shu Xingbei published their papers in renowned science journals such as Nature.

In 1948, Needham received five cartons of books from President Zhu Kezhen with a manifest of the objects shipped all the way from China. Needham considered the books as “a princely gift”. These books served as a rich source of reference s for his landmark book .

Professor Cullen was very happy to visit a valuable section at the library of Zijingang Campus of Zhejiang University. On the shelves in the section are the books Needham bought and donated to Zhejiang University in the 1940s.

Introduction: Needham’s intellectual heritage