

2019-09-03 02:09
時代英語·高一 2019年5期


Time to Dance

Are you the kind of person who likes to move with music?? Even little children start jumping up and down when they hear music.

Scientists say that animals dance, too.? The “dances” of animals send messages to other animals. But when people dance, they express feelings about life and love, or about these very human experiences.

Dances are good for you in many ways. For one thing, dancing is good for you physically. It makes your heart work and makes you breathe fast.? If you go dancing often, you can keep physically fit. You may feel very tired after dancing, but youll probably also feel relaxed and happy. This is another important point about dancing. It gives you a chance to express your feelings and feel better about yourself.

Some dances are for couples and some are for groups. But all kinds of dances give you a chance to meet new people or to do something enjoyable with friends.

The effect of music is so powerful. It doesnt only affect your dopamine (多巴胺) levels, but your heartbeat as well.

A. Its a natural thing to do.

B. But their dancing is different.

C. People like dancing very much.

D. And finally, its a social activity.

E. Our body reacts to the sounds we hear.

F. It also makes you use your arms and your legs.

G. If you are angry or upset, dancing helps those feelings go away.

1.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 3.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 4.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 5.


Willard Franklin came to my class half a year ago. But from his first day here, he shut himself in his own world and he never? to others. As his teacher, I tried to start a talk with him but . It seemed as if he just didnt want to break his? ?.

After the Thanksgiving holiday, we received the news of the? Christmas collection of money for the? in our school. “Christmas is a season of ,” I told my students. “Some poor students in our school might not have a holiday. By giving a little money, you will help? some toys, food, and clothing for these needy students. We will? the collection tomorrow.”

The next morning, , I found out that almost everyone had? this matter except Willard Franklin. He came up to my desk with his head down. , he dropped two coins into the small box. “I dont need milk for lunch,” he said in a? voice.

After school I couldnt help sharing what? in the morning with our headmaster. “I may be wrong, but I? Willard might be ready to become a part of our class.” “I am? to hear that,” he nodded. “And I just received a? of the poor families in our school who most need help. Here, take a look at it.”

As I sat down to , I found Willard Franklin was at the top of the list. At that moment, I felt I really? Willard for the first time: a cold face with a warm heart. From this , I also learnt that whether rich or poor, every child has a kind heart.

1. A. turned B. spoke C. belonged D. listened

2. A. failed B. stopped C. changed D. stayed

3. A. promise B. heart C. sadness D. silence

4. A. daily B. weekly C. monthly? D. yearly

5. A. young B. sick C. poor D. strong

6. A. giving? ? B. enjoying C. receiving D. spending

7. A. free B. happy C. popular D. long

8. A. find B. pack C. buy D. choose

9. A. share B. show C. start D. continue

10. A. therefore B. however C. otherwise D. besides

11. A. forgotten B. discussed C. learnt D. realized

12. A. Personally B. Seriously C. Certainly D. Carefully

13. A. smooth B. tired C. low D. deep

14. A. appeared B. arrived C. happened D. remained

15. A. agree B. fear C. decide D. believe

16. A. glad B. sorry C. surprised D. lucky

17. A. message B. report C. research D. list

18. A. rest B. read C. work D. study

19. A. knew B. admitted C. supported D. accepted

20. A. result B. experience C. survey D. item
