
A How the British and American Tell Children’s Stories

2019-12-07 01:22ColleenGillard
英語學習(上半月) 2019年12期

Colleen Gillard

If Harry Potter and Huckleberry Finn were each to represent British versus American children’s literature,a curious dynamic would emerge:In a literary duel for the hearts and minds of children,one is a wizard-in-training at a boarding school in the Scottish Highlands,while the other is a barefoot boy drifting down the Mississippi,beset by con artists,1.duel:決斗;beset:困擾,使苦惱;con artist:騙子。slave hunters,and thieves.One defeats evil with a wand,the other takes to a raft to right a social wrong.Both orphans took over the world of English-language children’s literature,but their stories unfold in noticeably different ways.


The small island of Great Britain is an undisputed powerhouse of children’s bestsellers:The Wind in the Willows,Alice in Wonderland,Winnie-the-Pooh,Peter Pan,The Hobbit,James and the Giant Peach,Harry Potter,andThe Lion,the Witch,and the Wardrobe.2.The Wind in the Willows:《柳林風聲》,是英國作家肯尼斯·格雷厄姆創作的童話,發表于1908年,主人公是身穿人類服裝并且能說會道的鼴鼠、河鼠、狗獾、蛤蟆和水獺;James and the Giant Peach:《詹姆斯與大仙桃》,出版于2009年,是羅爾德·達爾第一部兒童文學成名作;The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe:《獅子、女巫與魔衣櫥》,是《納尼亞傳奇》系列的第二部,作者是英國作家C.S.劉易斯。Significantly,all are fantasies.Meanwhile,the United States,also a major player in the field of children’s classics,deals much less in magic.Stories likeLittle House in the Big Woods,The Call of the Wild,Charlotte’s Web,The Yearling,Little Women,andThe Adventures of Tom Sawyerare more notable for their realistic portraits of day-to-day life in the towns and farmlands on the growing frontier.3.The Call of the Wild:《野性的呼喚》,是美國作家杰克·倫敦創作的一部動物小說,通過一只文明世界的狗在主人的逼迫下走向荒野的經歷,反映了“優勝劣汰,適者生存”的現實主題;The Yearling:《鹿苑長春》,是美國作家羅琳斯創作的長篇小說,通過小主人公裘弟和小鹿的故事,描寫了美國南北戰爭后佛羅里達州墾荒區普通人的勞動和斗爭;Little Women:《小婦人》,由美國女作家奧爾科特創作,以四姐妹的生活瑣事為藍本,是一本強調女權意識的半自傳體小說。If British children gathered in the glow of the kitchen hearth to hear stories about magic swords and talking bears,American children sat at their mother’s knee listening to tales larded with moral messages about a world where life was hard,obedience emphasized,and Christian morality valued.Each style has its virtues,but the British approach undoubtedly yields the kinds of stories that appeal to the furthest reaches of children’s imagination.




It all goes back to each country’s distinct cultural heritage.For one,the British have always been in touch with their pagan4.pagan:非基督教的。folklore,says Maria Tatar,a Harvard professor of children’s literature and folklore.After all,the country’s very origin story is about a young king tutored by a wizard.Legends have always been embraced as history,from Merlin to Macbeth.“Even as Brits were digging into these enchanted worlds,Americans,much more pragmatic,always viewed their soil as something to exploit,”says Tatar.Americans are defined by a Protestant work ethic that can still be heard in stories likePollyannaorThe Little Engine That Could.

Americans write fantasies too,but nothing like the British,says Jerry Griswold,a San Diego State University emeritus professor of children’s literature.“American stories are rooted in realism;even our fantasies are rooted in realism,”he said,pointing to Dorothy who unmasks the great and powerfulWizard of Ozas a charlatan5.charlatan:騙子,冒充內行的人。.

American fantasies differ in another way:They usually end with a moral lesson learned—such as,surprisingly,in the zany works by Dr.Seuss who has Horton the elephant intoning:6.zany:古怪的,滑稽可笑的;Dr.Seuss:蘇斯博士(1904—1991),創作了許多教育繪本,是20世紀最卓越的兒童文學家、教育學家之一,戴帽子的貓、大象霍頓和鬼精靈(綠毛怪格林奇)等都是他筆下的經典形象?!癆 person’s a person no matter how small,”and,“I meant what I said,and I said what I meant.An elephant’s faithful one hundred percent.”EvenThe Cat in the Hatrestores order from chaos just before mother gets home.InOz,Dorothy’s Technicolor quest ends with the realization:“There’s no place like home.”And Max inWhere the Wild ThingsAreatones for the“wild rumpus”of his temper tantrum by calming down and sailing home.7.atone:彌補,補償;rumpus:喧鬧,騷亂;temper tantrum:大發脾氣。




Landscape matters:Britain’s antique countryside,strewn with moldering8.molder:腐朽。castles and cozy farms,lends itself to fairy-tale invention.As Tatar puts it,the British are tuned in to the charm of their pastoral fields:“Think about Beatrix Potter talking to bunnies in the hedgerows,or A.A.Milne’s Winnie-the-Pooh wandering the Hundred Acre Wood.”9.Beatrix Potter:比阿特麗克斯·波特(1866—1943),英國童話作家,彼得兔、湯姆小貓等都是她筆下的著名童話形象;A.A.Milne:艾倫·亞歷山大·米爾恩(1882—1956),英國著名劇作家、小說家、童話作家。Not for nothing,J.K.Rowling set Harry Potter’s Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the spooky wilds of the Scottish Highlands.Lewis Carroll drew on the ancient stonewalled gardens,sleepy rivers,and hidden hallways of Oxford University to breathe life into the whimsical prose ofAlice in Wonderland.10.Lewis Carroll:劉易斯·卡羅爾(1832—1898),英國數學家、邏輯學家、童話作家,代表作有《愛麗絲漫游奇境記》《愛麗絲鏡中奇遇記》;whimsical:怪異的。

America’s mighty vistas,by contrast,are less cozy,less human-scaled,and less haunted.The characters that populate its purple mountain majesties and fruited plains are decidedly real:There’s the burroBrighty of the Grand Canyon,the Boston cop who stops traffic inMake Way for Ducklings,and the mail-order bride inSarah,Plain and Tallwho brings love to lonely children on a Midwestern farm.No dragons,wands,or Mary Poppins umbrellas here.



Britain’s pagan religions and the stories that form their liturgy11.liturgy:禮拜儀式。never really disappeared,the literature professor Meg Bateman said in an interview on the Isle of Skye in the Scottish Highlands.Pagan Britain,Scotland in particular,survived the march of Christianity far longer than the rest of Europe.Monotheism had a harder time making inroads into Great Britain despite how quickly it swept away the continent’s nature religions,says Bateman.Isolated behind Hadrian’s Wall—built by the Romans to stem raids by the Northern barbarian hordes—Scotland endured as a place where pagan beliefs persisted;beliefs brewed from the religious cauldron12.cauldron:大鍋。of folklore donated by successive invasions of Picts,Celts,Romans,Anglo-Saxons,and Vikings.

Even well into the 19th and even 20th centuries,many believed they could be whisked away to a parallel universe.Shape shifters have long haunted the castles of clans claiming seals and bears as ancestors.“Gaelic culture teaches we needn’t fear the dark side,”Bateman says.Death is neither“a portal to heaven nor hell,but instead a continued life on earth where spirits are released to shadow the living.”A tear in this fabric is all it takes for a story to begin.ThinkHarry Potter,The Chronicles of Narnia,The Dark Is Rising,Peter Pan,The Golden Compass—all of which feature parallel worlds.



These were beliefs the Puritans firmly rejected as they fled Great Britain and religious persecution for the New World’s rocky shores.America is peculiar in its lack of indigenous folklore,Harvard’s Tatar says.Though African slaves brought folktales to Southern plantations,and Native Americans had a long tradition of mythology,little remains today of these rich worlds other than in small collections of Native American stories or the devalued vernacular of Uncle Remus,Uncle Tom,and the slave Jim inHuckleberry Finn.

Popular storytelling in the New World instead tended to celebrate in words and song the largerthan-life exploits of ordinary men and women:Daniel Boone,Davy Crockett,Calamity Jane,even a mule named Sal on the Erie Canal.13.Daniel Boone:丹尼爾·布恩(1734—1840),美國肯塔基州墾荒先驅;Davy Crockett:戴維·克羅克特(1786—1836),美國政治家和戰斗英雄,在得克薩斯獨立運動的阿拉莫戰役中犧牲;Calamity Jane:野姑娘杰恩,是一個喜愛懲奸除惡的牛仔女,出自1953年的一部同名電影;Sal:騾子薩爾,出自一首名為《伊利運河》(The Erie Canal)的歌。伊利運河歷時八年建造,是美國的第一條國家水道。運河上的駁船在運載物資時,騾和馬會在岸上用繩索拉著駁船在運河中前行。Out of bragging contests in logging and mining camps came even greater exaggerations—Tall Tales—about the giant lumberjack Paul Bunyan,the twister-riding cowboy Pecos Bill,and that steel-driving man John Henry,who,born a slave,died with a hammer in his hand.All of these characters embodied the American promise:They earned their fame.

British children may read about royal destiny discovered when a young King Arthur pulls a sword from a stone.But immigrants to America who came to escape such unearned birthrights are much more interested in challenges to aristocracy,says Griswold.He points to Mark Twain’sThe Prince and the Pauper,which reveals the two boys to be interchangeable:“We question castles here.”



