

2020-04-14 04:58
瘋狂英語·讀寫版 2020年2期



Reading Check

1. C? 2. D? 3. B

Language Study

In addition to buying a gift for me, my father also took me to travel.


Reading Check

1. B? 2. A? 3. D

Language Study

She hasn't changed much over the years.


Reading Check

1. D? 2. A

Language Study

1. in? 2. to do? 3. more? 4. to? 5. more


Reading Check

1. C? 2. A? 3. B

Language Study

We kept working in the fields in spite of the rain.


Reading Check

1. B? 2. A

Language Study

We must see to it that every child in the country can be educated.


Reading Check

Any answer is possible.

Language Study

Spending too much time watching TV damages our eyesight.


Ⅲ.? 讀后創寫


Dear John,

I'm Li Hua, an exchange student here. As a member of this community, I, together with some of my classmates, want to take advantage of this weekend to do some voluntary work for our community.

To begin with, in order to relieve the pressure of our local cleaners, we'd like to help them sweep the streets. We strongly believe that with our joint efforts, our community will take on a totally new look. Besides, we intend to pay a visit to the local orphanage and prepare some toys for them, which will bring great joy to the orphans. We'd appreciate it if you can give us some advice.

Looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua


Reading Check

1. clearing? 2. heat? 3. pull out? 4. butterfly

5. signaled? 6. stuck? ?7. gently? 8. eyes

9. guiding

Language Study

Try your best, and you will succeed sooner or later.



Ⅰ. 1. A? 2. B? 3. C

Ⅱ. 1. B? 2. A? 3. A? 4. C



Ⅰ. 1. B? 2. A? 3. C

Ⅱ. 1. B? 2. C? 3. A? 4. A


Reading Check

1. A? 2. C? 3. B

Language Study

It was the first time that I had ridden a horse.


Reading Check

1. Because Tom had many boys paint for him.

2. An apple, a cat with one eye, a piece of broken glass, different kinds of toys, and many other things.

3. Men will desire anything they think they can't easily have.

Language Study

It took me quite a long time to understand the meaning of the painting.


Reading Check

1. Money was tight.

2. The grain store owner.

3. By visiting him every week.

4. The horse Storm.

5. By standing by Storm.

Language Study

1. then? 2. to

3. doing? 4. to? 5. a


Reading Check

1. F? 2. T? 3. T? 4. F? 5. T

Language Study

The harder you work, the greater progress you'll make.


Reading Check

1. D? 2. C

Language Study

We insisted that he (should) go with us.


Reading Check

1. A? 2. B

Language Study

Reading in the morning is a good habit.


Reading Check

1. B? 2. D? 3. C

Language Study

It was only when I reread his poems recently that I began to appreciate their beauty.


Reading Check

1. C? 2. A? 3. C

Language Study

To learn English well is not easy.


Reading Check

1. B? 2. A

Language Study

Evidence has been found that he was also involved in this case.




1. B 2. C 3. C



Ⅰ. 文本填空

1. if; given? 2. that/which; to? ?3. as? 4. that

5. has stepped? 6. Based

Ⅱ. 寫作推薦

1. While we have made great effort, it is nowhere near the point of perfection.

2. The reason why he came late was that he missed the early bus.



Dear Editor-in-chief of Crazy English,

I'm glad to share my opinion about techno-logy and compassion. Personally,? technology should not be the ringleader of the decrease of people's compassion although it's tempting to blame technology for its ill effects like preventing us from regular contact. But it's only a tool, and it reshapes human interactions based on what we design and how we use it.

To become a more compassionate person,there're many things we can do for ourselves as well as others. For example, we can begin with self-compassion because it's we who get the pressure of our harshness. We can also cultivate appreciation because compassion is based upon comparison of sorts between what you and another person experience. Last but not the least, we should learn to give back because acts of generosity and thoughtfulness always inspire more of the same, into a chain reaction of goodness.

When you read my article, how I hope we can be more compassionate and warm the world like the sun!


Li Hua



Critical Thinking

Any answer is possible.





Conflicts with others are common in everyday life. During the basketball game yesterday afternoon, Su Hua and Li Jiang bumped into each other, trying to catch the ball. Then they started shouting and yelling, and it turned into a horrible quarrel.

To be honest, it was Su's fault but Li was also to blame—they were not calm enough and both said some really mean words. They cared too much about winning and losing. As a matter of fact, blocking, pushing and bumping are just part of a tough game.

To avoid such conflicts, we should be kind to others, which is essential to enjoying a harmonious life. It is also a virtue to forgive and forget, especially in such a competitive and stressful society. Instead of blaming each other, we should communicate more and put ourselves in others' place.

Don't be self-centered and try to be considerate. We must learn to handle conflicts calmly and wisely.



Dear fellow students,

It's my great honor to be here to give a speech about relationships between parents and chidren. The relationship between my father and me is what I will share with you.

As a saying goes, the love of father is like a mountain. But frankly, the relationship between my father and me doesn't seem so satisfying. Since he is always occupied with his work, hardly do we have time to communicate with each other. When weekends come, he will go out with his friends instead of accompanying me and mom. If only we could join in some activities together!

From my perspective, most importantly, fathers and children should communicate more with each other. Besides, they should have more interactions, like participating in more activities together. Only in this way can they understand each other.

That's all. Thank you.



Task 1

1~4? DBCC

Task 2

1~5? EDBFG

Task 3


1. A? 聲響太大了以至于Languell認為(assumed)這個聲響來自屋內。

2. D? 聽到異響,人的本能是去查看(investigate),Languell也想去查看一下聲響的來源。

3. C? 由下文Languell往窗外看可知,他確定(definitely)這個巨響來自室外而非屋內。

4. B? 透過窗戶,他發現一輛車被包裹在樹的底部(base)。

5. A? Languell提起一桶水,跑到事故現場(site)。

6. B? 車撞到樹上非常嚴重,幾乎被樹干分裂(split)成兩部分。

7. A? 樹的位置正處于駕駛員所在的位置,仿佛這棵樹是種植(planted)在那里的。

8. D? 由上文提到的車身嚴重受損可知,這個事故非常嚴重,僥幸不死(survived)不是那么容易。

9. C? 這個年僅16歲的男孩突發車禍,肯定會感到恐懼(terrified)。

10. A? 車身變形,他的臉被擠壓在窗戶玻璃上,非常痛苦(pain)。

11. D? 由后面提到的車子起火可知,Languell試圖用那桶水熄火的措施是不成功的(success)。

12. B? 當Languell看到火焰(flames)已經燒到車的前座時,他意識到必須把這個少年救出來。

13. D? 情況緊急,Languell想要(feel like)做的都是當時情形下必須做的事情。

14. A? 根據警察局的一份報告對當時Languell行動的描述可知,他是完全(complete)沒有考慮自己的安危。

15. C? Languell說,Thompson雙腿受傷很嚴重,掙扎著(struggling)想脫身。

16. B? 根據常識可知,駕駛員一定要系上安全帶(belt)后才能開車。

17. B? 車身已經起火,整個(entire)車隨時有爆炸的危險,Languell需要盡快把Thompson拖到安全區。

18. D? 上文提到了Thompson的雙腿受傷嚴重,所以他遭受著巨大的(great)痛苦。

19. A? 在當時的情形下,Languell表現出了那種(sort)促使他幫忙的同情心。

20. C? 當你如此近距離地看到這種痛苦時,你也能直接地(directly)感受到這種痛苦。

Task 4



1. but? 考查連詞。分析語境可知,空前與空后是轉折關系,故用表轉折的并列連詞but。

2. hated?考查動詞時態。根據前半句中的動詞短語used to可知,此處應該用一般過去時態,故用hated。

3. experts 考查名詞。根據該空前的subject可知,此處指的學科專家,應該不止一名,故填名詞復數形式。

4. working 考查非謂語動詞。When it comes to...意思是“一談到……;就……而論”,其中to是介詞,故用動詞的-ing形式。

5. were announced 考查時態和被動語態。根據句尾的時間狀語that year可知用一般過去時態,再根據語境,這里指作者他們被宣告,表示被動,故填一般過去時的被動語態。

6. that 考查同位語從句的引導詞。分析句子結構可知,所填詞引導同位語從句,解釋說明lesson的具體內容,從句中不缺少成分且句子完整,故用that引導。

7. their 考查代詞。根據該空后的名詞短語individual aspirations可知,此處指“他們的”個人抱負,故填形容詞性物主代詞。

8. a? 考查冠詞。根據該空后的單數可數名詞goal可知,此處指的是“一個”共同的目標,故填不定冠詞a,表泛指。

9. exactly 考查副詞。分析句子結構可知,該空修飾系動詞is,故填副詞exactly。

10. to help 考查非謂語動詞。分析句子結構可知,此處為動詞不定式作目的狀語,故填to help。


Dear Jenny,

How are you getting along with your study these months? Now, there is a good chance for you. Our school is planning to hold a Chinese composition competition for middle school students from around the world, whose theme is “China in My Eyes”. Knowing that you are so fond of and good at Chinese, I strongly recommend you join in it and get good results.

As the competition is to be held on Dec. 27, 2020, your writing should be sent to chinesecomposition@bjschool.com before Dec. 20, 2020. Most importantly, it's necessary that you describe the impression that China has on you in detail. Wish you good luck!

Looking forward to receiving your reply as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua
