

2020-09-10 07:22
考試與評價·高二版 2020年2期

I. Knowledge and Usage (知識與用法) (共20小題;26—35小題每小題0.5分,36—45小題每小題1分,計15分)

(A) Please complete the following sentences with one word for each blank by using the Chinese or English hints given in the brackets and the initials. 請根據括號中所給的漢語或英語提示及首字母完成下列句子,每空一詞。

26. There's a l___ (聯系) between smoking and high blood pressure.

27. Two women have been a___ (控告) of stealing in a supermarket.

28. This type of account offers you i___ (瞬間的) access to your money.

29. He knew how difficult she would find b___ a___ (擺脫) from the life she had been


30. The report said that everyone was a___ r___ (處于危險中) of the disease.

31. What a___ (to make someone interested in something) me most to the house was the

beautiful garden.

32. Be careful not to introduce new ideas in the c___ (the end of something such as a piece

of writing) of your essay.

33. They are d___ (very pleased and happy) that the party has been completed successfully.

34. The company is c___ o___ (to give most of your attention to one thing) developing

new products.

35. The train s___ u___ (to move faster) when it left the station.

【答案】 (A) 26. link 27. accused 28. instant / immediate 29. breaking away 30. at risk 31. attracted

32. conclusion 33. delighted 34. concentrating on 35. speeded / sped up

【解析】 本題考查了2個名詞,2個動詞,2個形容詞和4個短語。因為括號中已經給出了應填單詞的漢語或英語釋義,我們可以依據句意和提示,初步確定單詞后,再考慮單詞的詞形變化。如果是名詞要考慮其單復數,是動詞要考慮其時態、主謂一致、非謂語動詞形式等。例如第27題,首先分析句意“兩名婦女被(控告)在一家超市偷竊”,確定應用動詞accuse,在句中做謂語動詞,是“被”控告,應用其被動形式,故填accused。再如第35題,根據句意“火車離開站臺后加速”,首先確定用短語動詞speed up,再依據其后的從句when it left the station,可以確定應該用其過去時形式speeded / sped up。要想做好本題,考生不僅要熟記單詞,還要有扎實的語法知識基礎,才能填出語義準確,語法正確的詞語。

(B) Please complete the following passage by choosing the best of the four choices marked A, B, C and D in the boxes. 請從方框中所給的A, B, C, D四個選項中選出最佳選項完成下面的短文。

36. The Eiffel Tower in Paris was built in 1889 for the Universal Exhibition. ?300 meters high, it was the tallest man-made structure of its time.

37. The tower could be seen from ?in Paris. It was always popular with the public, but not with the artists at the start. The writer Guy de Maupassanthated it

38. ?that he had lunch in the tower restaurant as often as possible because it

39. was only in the tower itself ?you did not have to look at it. Two million people visited 40. the Eiffel Tower in its first year and it became ever more popular as the years ?. Looking at the tower became just as important as looking from the tower. It was painted by

41. important artists and praised by poets and novelists. Today, ?could not imagine

42. Paris without the Eiffel Tower. ?it has become the symbol of the City of Light.

The structure took more than two years to complete. The 12,000 iron pieces were designed separately to give them exactly the shape needed. All the pieces were prefabricated (預制的) and

43. fit together using about seven ?nails.

44. Upon ?, the Eiffel Tower replaced the Washington Monument as the tallest structure in the world. In windy conditions, the tower

45. sways between six ?seven centimeters.

【答案】 (B) 36—40 BADDB 41—45 CCBAD

【解析】 本題考查了名詞、動詞、代詞、數詞、介詞、短語動詞等語法項目,要求考生能在一篇完整的短文中,聯系上下文,選擇正確的選項。做此題時切忌見題解題,應把所給選項放入文中從整體上進行考慮,否則很容易出錯。例如第41題,很多同學一上來就選了it,做形式主語。但其實本題應選one在這里用做代詞,表示“任何人”。第42題所在句子是對第41題所在句子的遞進,應選擇in fact來進一步加強語氣,而不是as if (好像),apart from(此外)或者even though(盡管)。

(B) Please read the following passage and fill in each blank with one word in one of the following three ways: ① based on the context; ② using the proper form of the given word; ③ based on the given letters of the words. 請閱讀下面的短文, 用以下三種形式中的一種填空: ① 根據上下文填空;② 用所給單詞的適當形式填空;③ 根據單詞所給的字母填空,每空一詞。

Many people think that sleep must be important for learning and memory, but until 51. ___(recent) there was no proof. Scientists also believed the hippocampus (海馬體——被認為是感情和記憶中心的部分) plays a role in making long-term memories, but 52. ___ weren't sure how. Now they understand how the process happens and 53. w___ sleep is so important.

A research team at Rutgers University discovered a type of brain activity that happens during sleep. The activity takes new information from the hippocampus to the neocortex (新大腦皮質). The neocortex 54. ___ (store) long-term memories. The researchers call the activity “sharp wave ripples (波紋)” 55. ___ it looks like powerful, short waves. The brain creates these waves in the hippocampus during the 56. ___ (deep) levels of sleep.

In a study, scientists trained the rats to learn a route in a maze. Then they let the rats

57. ___ (sleep) after the training session. They gave one group of sleeping rats a drug. The drug stopped the 58. ___ (rat) wave activity. As 59. ___ result, this group of rats had trouble

60. ___ (remember) the route. The reason? The new information didn't have a chance to leave the hippocampus and go to the neocortex.

【解析】 51. recently??疾楦痹~,until recently意為“直到最近”。

52. they??疾榇~,指代前面的scientists。

53. why??疾殛P系副詞。

54. stores??疾橹髦^一致,主語為neocortex,謂語用單數形式。

55. because/as/since??疾檫B詞,這里用because/as/since引導原因狀語從句。

56. deepest/deep??疾樾稳菰~,這里既可以用形容詞的最高級,也可以用原形。

57. sleep??疾閯釉~,let后要接動詞原形。

58. rats'??疾槊~所有格,名詞復數是加-s的形式,其所有格是在s后直接加'。

59. a??疾楣潭ù钆?,as a result意為“因此”。

60. remembering??疾楣潭ù钆?,have trouble doing sth. 意為“做某事有困難”。
