
選修7 第1 單元同步驗收題

2020-09-10 23:34王振良
考試與評價·高二版 2020年1期





1. Where is Wallace now?

A. In the hotel. B. At home. C. At the lab.

2. Who is ill?

A. George. ????????????????? B. George?s wife. ??????? C. George?s father.

3. What will the man probably do?

A. Go to study in the dining room. B. Go to the classroom.

C. Go to bed.

4. When did the woman become ill?

A. On Tuesday. ????????????????B. On Wednesday. ????????? C. On Thursday.

5. What are the speakers talking about?

A. The latest news. ?????????? B. The origin of a word. C. Dictionaries.




6. Where are the speakers?

A. In a restaurant. ??????? B. On a farm. ???????? C. In a store.

7. What does the woman want?

A. Ten eggs. ???????????????? B. Some black tea. ?????? C. Eggs and tea.


8. What do you think the woman is?

A. A librarian. ?? B. A student. ? C. A teacher.

9. What is the woman?s suggestion?

A. Sharing the expense of the books. B. Borrowing some magazines.

C. Asking some experts for advice.


10. What happened to Jenny?

A. She had a fight with her sister. B. She lost her sister?s pet.

C. She lost her money.

11. What does the man advise Jenny to do?

A. Turn to her parents for help. B. Buy her sister some new clothes.

C. Apologize to her sister and buy her a cat.

12. Who will lend some money to Jenny?

A. Her sister. B. Jack. C. Her parents.


13. When will they take their exams?

A. In two weeks. ?? B. In a year. ?? C. In this summer.

14. What?s the woman?s mother tongue?

A. Chinese. ??? B. English. ?? C. Not mentioned.

15. What can we know the man from the dialogue?

A. The man?s mother tongue is Chinese. B. The man was in China last year.

C. The man has studied Chinese.

16. What are they mainly talking about in the dialogue?

A. Taking exams. ? B. Teaching a foreign language.

C. Planning in the summer.


17. Who gave Frank Marshall the Chinese name?

A. His teacher. ?????????????? B. His friend. ??????? C. His parents.

18. How long had Simon Fan studied Chinese before he came to China?

A. One year. ?????????????? B. Two years. ???????? C. Three years.

19. When does Simon Fan have difficulty in using Chinese?

A. When talking with Chinese people. B. When writing to Chinese people.

C. When listening to the talk among Chinese people.

20. How many Chinese cities has Simon Fan visited?

A. Fewer than three. ??????? B. Only three. ???????? C. More than three.


I. 閱讀理解。(30分)

第一節 (22.5分)



You probably know Arthur Conan Doyle, who created the famous characters Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson, was once a doctor. Let?s have a look at what these writers below did before their big breaks!


Arthur Conan Doyle set up a not very successful medical practice in Portsmouth and famously penned A Study in Scarlet during the long waiting times between patients. He later opened a small office dealing with diseases of the eye in London, but he never saw a single patient.


Salman Rushdie spent many happy years at Ogilvy & Mather where he came up with “Look into the Mirror tomorrow—you?ll like what you see” for the Daily Mirror. Even F. Scott Fitzgerald worked at Barron Collier for some time. Not only did he give us The Great Gatsby, he also produced—for the Muscatine Steam laundry in Muscatine—“We keep you clean in Muscatine”.

Cinema manager

James Joyce earned a living by teaching English in Trieste. With the help of Italian friends he opened the Cinematograph Volta in Dublin, but couldn?t stick to it for more than seven months. Ulysses would never have been written without the support of publisher Harriet Shaw Weaver, who gave Joyce an income of £200 a year to support his work.

Airline ticketing clerk

Harper Lee worked as a reservation clerk for Eastern Air Lines and BOAC for more than eight years. This only changed in 1956, when her friends Michael Brown and his wife Joy gave Lee an entire year?s salary with a card that said, “You have one year off from your job to write whatever you please. Merry Christmas.” Lee produced the first draft of To Kill a Mockingbird within 12 months.

1. We can know as a doctor, Conan Doyle is a(an) ???.

A. success B. failure C. expert D. celebrity

2. Who once worked as a teacher?

A. Harper Lee. B. Harriet Shaw Weaver.

C. James Joyce. D. Michael Brown.

3. Which work came out thanks to a Christmas gift?

A. Ulysses. B. A Study in Scarlet.

C. The Great Gatsby. ??????? D. To Kill a Mockingbird.


We were driving along a road in the middle of nowhere, a few trees on each side, mountains in the distance. There hadn?t been a town for ages and no road signs except one with “Bungee Jumping, 5km” on it, and an arrow pointing to the left.

We drove on for what seems much more than five kilometers to me. Then we heard voices of people shouting and laughing. We pulled over and walked to where the noise and people were. In the middle of a bridge were a big group of kids who were all leaning over and looking down into the ditch, shouting and laughing. Another person was hanging from a long piece of elastic rope in the middle of the ditch. He was screaming like mad. The other people slowly pulled him up to the bridge. As the guy came to the top he looked scared and shocked, but also very, very happy.

Seeing your sparkling eyes, I knew what you were thinking—“Let?s try it, Daddy!”—But I didn?t want to. “Danger?。?! Damage to internal organs! Damage to your eyes! You can get tangled up in the rope! What happens if the rope breaks? Who knows who these people are? Have you any idea how far away from a hospital we are?” But then I remembered how I felt when I used to take a bike without brakes and go down a big hill on it as a kid myself. Eventually I bit my tongue before all those rushed out.

I breathed in, closed my eyes, and jumped, thinking I was going forever and wondered when I would stop. But it felt great. I felt scared and thrilled and alive. Yes, it was dangerous, and thrilling. But the most exciting, thrilling, and wonderful thing of all was seeing your smiling face as I came back up to the bridge.

4. Why was the “Bungee Jumping” sign mentioned in Paragraph 1?

A. To lead to the following experience. B. To arouse readers??curiosity.

C. To explain what bungee is. D. To show he was careful enough.

5. From Paragraph 2 we know ???.

A. we aimed to find the place of bungee jumping

B. kids on the bridge were too frightened to bungee

C. the man performing the bungee jumping was mad

D. people there had great fun through bungee jumping

6. What does the underlined part “I bit my tongue” in Paragraph 3 suggest?

A. I couldn?t help speaking out my worries.

B. I held back those thoughts and kept silent.

C. I tried to stop my son trying the dangerous activity.

D. I was so anxious that I hurt my tongue with my teeth.

7. We can infer from the last paragraph that the author ???.

A. replaced his son to perform bungee B. felt fortunate to survive the bungee

C. realized what true love was for his son D. was regretful for performing bungee


While still a young child, Morales Casanova saw neighborhood children harm local trees and even their own pets. So she formed a group called Humanity United to Nature to deal with the problem. Through small group meetings, she taught friends to grow plants and care for pets, inspiring a new respect for nature.

A few years later, at age 13, she sent the president a proposal for creating a protected area to train children about environmental issues. He awarded her the National Youth Award for Environmental Protection.

That backing helped her group to expand its grassroots youth conservation projects through her home state. In 2007 the state capital donated land that let her realize a long-held dream of opening an environmental education park.

Opened in 2013, Ceiba Pentandra Park provides a free, interactive learning experience for children and teachers on topics ranging from climate change to wildlife protection and the effects of pollution. The park?s unusual aspect is its teachers: other children. “I think children have great potential to be leaders,” Morales Casanova says.

Park students who show leadership ability are trained to be educators. They learn to speak in front of groups, plan activities, and do fundraising for projects that they design and manage themselves.

“When kids see other kids making a real difference, it gives them confidence that they can do it, too,” Morales Casanova says. “The children we work with are growing up with new values... They are already taking action to change not only their own lifestyles, but also the minds of families and teachers.”

8. Which can best replace the underlined word “backing” in Paragraph 3?

A. request B. protection C. support D. opportunity

9. What is special about Ceiba Pentandra Park?

A. It has children educators. ????????? B. It trains teachers for schools.

C. It focuses on reducing pollution. D. It involves local government leaders.

10. What does Morales Casanova stress in solving environment problems?

A. Education. ? B. Donation. ????? C. Experience. ? D. Confidence.

11. What is the best title for the text?

A. Respect for Nature ????????????????? B. New Values in Life

C. Building Leadership Skills in Students

D. Saving Environment Through Children


How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? Do you think you function best after ten o?clock at night? People who like to get up early in the morning are called “larks” while people who like to burn the midnight oil are called “owls”. Why do you think some people are “larks” and others are “owls”?

Our body rhythms, known as our biological clocks, follow the rhythms of the solar system that change night to day and they influence how our bodies change throughout the day. Over one hundred separate body functions have been shown to change with cycles related to the time of day. Some are fastest or highest in the morning, some in the evening.

Researchers are studying these natural rhythms to find out what makes people sleepy. They have learned that a person?s temperature, blood pressure and hormone levels go up and down in a regular pattern. During the day, a person?s blood pressure rises by as much as twenty percent. Body temperature varies by as much as two degrees.

The daily cycle of body temperature affects how a person feels at different times during the day, and the ups and downs of body temperature determine whether you will be a “lark” or an “owl”. Suppose you are a lark. Your body temperature rises sharply in the morning, reaching a peak between late afternoon and early evening. This is when larks are the most productive. But as body temperature decreases, so does the energy level. By nine o?clock, larks are getting sleepy. Owls work on a different schedule. Their body temperature rises more gradually and peaks later in the day. This allows them to keep going while larks are getting ready for bed.

Living to be 100 means staying in rhythm. If your life gets too far out of rhythm, chances are that you won?t make it. Know your body rhythms and keep your life beat in rhythm.

12. If you are used to staying up late, you are probably ???.

A. a lazy person B. an “owl” ??? C. a “lark” D. a diligent person

13. According to Paragraph 2, our biological clocks may have their roots in ???.

A. our body functions ?????????????????? B. solar system rhythms

C. eating habits ????????????????????? ??? D. our lifestyles

14. We can infer from the text that ???.

A. our hormone levels rise and fall irregularly

B. our body functions are similar to each other

C. our body temperature is related to energy level

D. our blood pressure keeps rising in the day

15. According to the last paragraph, the author indicates that ???.

A. we should live as we like ? B. we can live as long as we can

C. we should have a healthy lifestyle ? D. we?d better follow our body rhythms

第二節 (7.5分)


Studying sometimes becomes stressful and tiresome due to disturbance and the complexity of some study topics. Numerous individuals find it difficult to concentrate on a task they are attempting to finish. ?16??It can be achieved by the following tips.

A suitable study ground. ?17??Places without televisions and radios are also best for studying. At times, low music helps to smooth nerves and at some point, it is good while an individual is studying.

18??Breaks are essential while studying—for example, taking a ten minute break after studying for 45 minutes. Breaks are important because they offer the brain the time to relax and recharge after it has absorbed lots of information. During the break, one can stand or walk around, and even jog in order to refresh the brain.

Satisfying the digestive (消化) system. Hunger is a distraction while studying, so it is important to eat a snack and have some functional drinks. This aids in improving the mood and raising the energy. ?19

Avoiding negative distraction and having a change of view. Avoiding distractions like social media websites while studying online can aid in study concentration. Also, it is best for an individual to remove distracting objects like electronics from sight in order to improve concentration while studying. ?20??For instance, a positive point of view helps in improving one?s mood.

A. Taking more exercise.

B. Taking strategic breaks.

C. How can people stay focused while studying?

D. A change of view is also important while studying.

E. A quiet environment is probably the best place for one to study.

F. Snacks like gum, chocolates, and nuts help one stay alert and awake when studying.

G. It is a good idea, but make sure you get a full night?s sleep or you likely won?t remember nearly as much!

II. 完形填空。(30分)


Coffee shops are cool, but in Wilmington, North Carolina, Bitty ﹠ Beau?s Coffee is known for its warmth.

At the heart of the shop?s popularity is its ?1??staff: Almost everyone who works there has an intellectual or developmental disability, ranging from Down syndrome (唐氏綜合癥) to autism (自閉癥). For many ?2?, it?s their first job, and their ?3??fills the air.

It s the vision of Amy Wright, ?4??by two of her four children, Beau and Bitty, who have Down syndrome. When Wright and her husband ?5??that nearly 70% of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities do not have ?6?, they decided to do something about it. “It ?7??me like a lightning bolt(閃電): a coffee shop!” ?Wright said. “I realized it would be the perfect environment for bringing people ?8?. In this place, taking ?9??and serving coffee, they?d realize how ?10??they are.”

The shop opened in January 2016 and immediately had ?11??out the door. National press attention ?12?, and six months later, it had to move to a ?13??space. Today, the Wilmington store employs 40 people with ?14?, as well as two managers who have degrees in special education. The team works like a ?15??machine. “Well, our ?16??time is no longer than any of our competitors,” Wright said. “They?ve all gotten really good at their jobs and step up ?17??somebody else needs help.”

All the money made from the coffee shop goes to Wright?s nonprofit(非營利組織). But she?s most proud of the ?18??it?s built in the community. “Creating this has given people a way to communicate with people with disabilities,” she said. “This is a place where people can ?19??how much more alike we are than ?20?. And that?s what it?s all about.”

1. A. brave B. unique C. hardworking D. creative

2. A. employees ?? B. employers ?? C. customers ?? D. volunteers

3. A. imagination ??? B. silence ?? C. joy ??? D. voice

4. A. solved ?? B. improved ? C. inspired ? D. advised

5. A. discovered ? B. remembered ? C. predicted ? D. ignored

6. A. houses ? B. hobbies ?? C. hopes ?? D. jobs

7. A. affected ? B. hit ? C. attracted ? D. changed

8. A. up ? B. around ? C. back ? D. together

9. A. pictures ? B. questions ?? C. orders ?? D. suggestions

10. A. patient ? B. useful ? C. healthy ? D. confident

11. A. lines ? B. advertisements ? C. competitors ?? D. teams

12. A. returned ? B. continued ?? C. moved ?? D. followed

13. A. larger ? B. quieter ?? C. remoter ? D. safer

14. A. dreams ? B. disabilities ? C. degrees ? D. similarities

15. A. newly-designed B. time-consuming ?? C. cost-saving ? D. well-oiled

16. A. wait ? B. free ? C. work ? D. plan

17. A. so ? B. since ? C. if ?? D. unless

18. A. shops ? B. bridges ? C. models ? D. houses

19. A. pretend ? B. regret ? C. realize ?? D. admit

20. A. important ? B. famous ?? C. helpful ?? D. different

III. 閱讀下面材料,在空白處填入適當的內容(1個單詞)或括號內單詞的正確形式。(15分)

Nowadays, many westerners are worried that drugs may have side effects ?1??the body and turning to Chinese treatment like acupuncture (針灸) to replace western medicine.

Last year, an experience made me examine my own attitudes towards acupuncture. After ?2??(suffer) from insomnia(失眠) for a few months, I was feeling mentally and physically ?3??????(exhaust). My friend Tony, ?4??was studying acupuncture at college suggested that I visit an acupuncturist. Since I have a fear of needles, I was unwilling to take ?5??(he) advice at first, but by this time I was so tired that I ?6??(overcome) my fear to turn up at an acupuncturist?s room the following morning.

After taking my pulse, looking at my tongue and asking a few ?7??(question) about my diet and lifestyle, the acupuncturist ?8??(definite) deduced that I was worn out, which was really impressive since he hadn?t asked me about my symptoms. He then inserted ?9??needle in my right foot between my first and second toe and, to my ?10??(astonish), I fell asleep immediately despite my anxiety. At the time I considered the whole experience to be close to a miracle.

IV. 閱讀下面句子,根據語境及漢語提示,寫出單詞的正確形式。(10分)

1. These toys are not ????(合適的) for children under five.

2. You can use it to make more  ???(有益的) choices in your life.

3. His ????(行為) is not consistent with what he says.

4. Have you heard of his intention to ????(辭職)?

5. I ????(祝賀) myself on my narrow escape.

6. We had ????(充足的) food for a week?s journey.

7. The only ????(通路) to that building is along the track.

8. His long ????(不在,缺席) raised our fears about his safety.

9. I saw little or nothing of him after ????(畢業).

10. They attribute their success to their teacher?s ????(鼓勵).

V. 結合本單元所學內容把下列漢語句子翻譯成英語。(15分)

1. 她說她很遺憾沒有見到你。


2. 她的志向是成為國家隊隊員參加下一屆奧運會。


3. 他似乎已經忘了他在找什么。


4. 對我們來說知道未來有什么很困難。


5. 看到警察,他就藏在樹后了。


6. 今天的天氣和昨天一樣晴朗。


7. 他躺在床上,眼睛盯著樹上那最后一片葉子。


8. 我們搬到法國后,孩子們很快適應了這個變化。


9. 眾所周知,取笑別人是不禮貌的。


10. 那個人一直在我前面來回走動,這使得我很惱火。


VI. 書面表達。(20分)


1. 建議她來中國工作;

2. 闡述你的理由;

3. 自己將盡可能提供幫助。


1. 詞數100詞左右;

2. 開頭和結尾部分已經寫好,不計入總詞數;

3. 可以適當增加細節,以使行文連貫。

Dear Kate,

I?m glad to have received the letter you send me.



Li Hua
