

2020-09-10 23:34
考試與評價·高二版 2020年1期

Support the Disabled

1—4 ADBD



History of the Alphabet


Tricks of the Trade

1. In 1937.

2. Their customers bought twice as many goods as before.

3. It affects their mood, making them more likely to buy things.

4. The shop plays soothing music for older customers in the morning, and faster, more rhythmic music for younger customers in the afternoon.

5. The shop provides slightly concave mirrors.

6. They put coffee beans under the door mat, so that they give off an aromatic smell when crushed underfoot.

7. It is to make customers feel happy and so, likely to spend or buy more goods.

8. Small change items are small and inexpensive. Such as chewing gum and chocolate bar.

9. Such items are displayed in the checkout aisles or points.

10. It means that an unwise person cannot resist spending money.

選修7 Unit 1詞語專練

I. 1. suitable 2. adapt 3. outing 4. parrot

5. annoyed 6. encouragement 7. adequate 8. access 9. fellows /companions 10. resign / quit

II. 1. adapt to 2. makes fun of 3. meet with 4. cut out 5. out of breath 6. in other words 7. sat around 8. in many ways

III. 1. to 2. adaptation 3. absence 4. ambitious

5. to 6. suitable 7. annoying; annoyed; annoyance; to annoy 8. for ?9. beneficial ?10. with

選修7 Unit 2詞語專練

I. 1. apron 2. envy 3. bound 4. staff 5. awful

6. sympathy 7. elegant ?8. cushion 9. divorce 10. juniors

II. 1. turned around ?2. set aside ?3. in all

4. test out ?5. ?ring up ?6. sat around 7. is bound to ?8. leave; alone

III. 1. alarmed 2. envious 3. satisfied

4. satisfying 5. satisfactory 6. is / was 7. accompanied 8. a 9. of 10. having


A) 1—4 CDAB

B) 1—4 DCAB





Text 1

W: Hello. This is Violet from the Rainbow Hotel. Is Wallace at home?

M: No. He?s at the lab, but he will be back home at four o?clock.

Text 2

M: I wish George was here.

W: He was planning to come, but a moment ago, his wife called to say that he had to take his father to the hospital.

Text 3

W: Hey, George, I can?t get to sleep with the lights so near my bed. Can you study someplace else?

M: Sorry, there is a party going on near the classroom. I suppose I can check the dining room though.

Text 4

M: What?s the matter?

W: I?ve had a bad cold and cough all day and night.

M: Let me see. How long have you been like this?

W: About three days, ever since Tuesday.

Text 5

M: I read on the Internet that the word “news” comes from the first letters of north, east, west, and south.

W: I don?t think so. You can?t believe everything you read. According to my dictionary, “news” comes from a French word meaning “new things”.



聽第6段材料, 回答第6、7題。

M: Good evening. Can I help you?

W: Yes, please. I?d like some eggs.

M: Eggs? OK. How many?

W: A dozen, please.

M: Here you are. Anything else?

W: Yes. Do you have any green tea here?

M: Yes. How much do you want?

W: Could I have half a pound?

M: Certainly. Here you are.

W: How much altogether?

M: Let me see. One pound fifty, please.

W: Thank you.


M: Did you see the list of books for this course?

W: Yes, Dr. Downs said he expected us to have the first five on the list. He is going to discuss them in detail.

M: Are you going to buy them?

W: I don?t know. These books are expensive. And I don?t have enough money.

M: Let?s share them. I will buy three and you buy two of them.

W: OK! I would rather do it this way: we pay fifty-fifty for the books now. And at the end of the course you can take the books you find more interesting and I will take the ones I like.

M: It?s a good idea.

W: Then let?s get the books as soon as possible.


M: This is Jack speaking. Who is this?

W: This is Jenny, Jack. Could you help me?

M: Certainly. What is the matter?

W: My sister had an argument with me yesterday because I lost her lovely pet cat. She was really mad at me. And she hasn?t talked to me for a whole day.

M: Oh, Jenny. In fact, you?re the one who made a mistake.

W: Yes, I know that. But what should I do to make her happy?

M: If I were you, I?d say sorry to her first and then get her another cat.

W: That?s a good idea. But I don?t have.., enough money.

M: Oh, don?t worry. I?ve got some. I can lend some to you.

W: That?s very kind of you.

聽第9段材料, 回答第13至16題。

M: Well, Jenny, the school year is almost over. We just have two more weeks before exams. What do you plan to do this summer?

W: I?m going to teach English to some immigrants in the university?s community service programme.

M: That sounds interesting. Don?t you need to speak a foreign language for a job like that?

W: No, I don?t. I just have to present the language simply and give the students a chance to practice speaking.

M: Come to think of it. That?s the way I was taught to speak Chinese. But speaking Chinese didn?t help me learn to read and write Chinese.

W: My students won?t want to read or write English, at least not now. They are more interested in speaking.

M: You sound very knowledgeable about all of this. How do you know so much?

W: I took a Teaching English as a Second Language course last year when you were in China. I?ve also talked with the programme administrators quite a lot. I think I would like to be an ESL teacher when I graduate.

聽第10段材料, 回答第17至20題。

Nowadays, many foreign students fly to China, a country thousands of kilometers from their own, just to learn Chinese.

Frank Marshall is one of them, though he would rather be called Simon Fan, a Chinese name given to him by his friend. He has been at Shanghai International Studies University for a year. Before this, he had studied Chinese for a year at a university in Germany. ?“So far, I have had no difficulty talking with Chinese people, but when they talk with each other, I cannot easily understand them,” he said, “Learning another language is like stepping out of a door, through which I can look back and see more clearly my own language.”

Simon Fan has been to many places in China. Among them, he likes Xi?an and Suzhou very much. “It?s my wish to learn Chinese and make friends,” he said.



1—5 CCAAB 6—10 CCBAB

11—15 CBABC ?16—20 CBACC


I. 1—5 BCDAD ?6—10 BCCAA

11—15 DBBCD ?16—20 CEBFD

II. 本文是記敘文,Amy Wright開了一間特殊的咖啡店,店里的員工都是殘障人士。

1. B。根據本空后的Almost everyone who works there has an intellectual or developmental disability可知,該咖啡廳雇傭的員工都很“特別(unique)”,無一例外都患有某種殘疾。

2. A。

3. C。根據 it?s their first job可知,對于很多“員工(employees)”來說,這是他們的第一份工作,連空氣中都彌漫著他們的“喜悅(joy)”之情。

4. C。根據本空后的 two of her four children, Beau and Bitty, who have Down syndrome可知,Amy Wright兩個患有唐氏綜合征的孩予激發了她開這間咖啡店的靈感。inspire意為“激發靈感”。

5. A。

6. D。 Wright和丈夫“發現(discovered)”70%的成年殘疾人都沒有“工作(jobs)”,于是決定針對此事做點兒什么。上文的 it?s their first job提示了jobs。

7. B。根據本空后的like a lightning bolt: a coffee shop可知,開咖啡店的念頭是Amy Wright靈光一現的結果。 hit sb. 意為“使某人突然想起”。

8. D。根據本空前的I realized it would be the perfect environment可知, Wright認為咖啡店可以把人們聚在一起。

9. C。

10. B。在咖啡店里“接單(taking orders)”,為顧客上咖啡,做這些事情會使得這些殘疾人士明白他們自己有多“有用(useful)”。

11. A。

12. D。

13. A。根據The shop opened in January 2016 and immediately和 National press attention及 Today,the Wilmington store employs 40 people 可知,該咖啡店2016年1月份開業,很快,門外就排起了“長隊(lines)”,隨后,媒體報道紛至沓來,六個月后,咖啡店不得不搬到一個“更大的(larger)”地方。follow意為“跟隨,跟著”。

14. B。第二段中的 Almost everyone who works there has an intellectual or developmental disability是本空的提示。

15. D。根據下文的They?ve all gotten really good at their jobs可知,咖啡店的員工團隊工作勁頭十足,像一臺“上足了油的(well-oiled)”機器一樣。

16. A。

17. C。 Wright說道,“我們店的等待(wait)時間與別家店相差無幾,員工們干起自己的工作來都游刃有余,如果(if)有人有需要,他們會上前幫忙?!?/p>

18. B。根據下文的 Creating this has given people a way to communicate with people with disabilities可知,Wright最引以為傲的是她的咖啡店在社區里起了“橋梁式(bridges)”的作用。

19. C。

20. D。 Wright說道,“有了這間咖啡店,人們逐漸意識到(realize),我們彼此之間同大于異(different),這也是這間咖啡店的存在意義所在?!?/p>

III. 1. on 2. suffering 3. exhausted 4. who

5. his 6. overcame 7. questions 8. definitely 9. a

10. astonishment

IV. 1. suitable 2. beneficial 3. conduct

4. resign 5. congratulated 6. adequate 7. access

8. absence 9. graduation 10. encouragement

V. 1. She said she was sorry to have missed you.

2. Her ambition is to be part of the national team for the next Olympic Games.

3. He seemed to have forgotten what he was looking for.

4. It is difficult for us to know what the future holds.

5. Seeing the police, he hid himself behind a tree.

6. It is as beautiful a day as it was yesterday.

7. He lay in bed staring at the last leaf on the tree.

8. When we moved to France, the children adapted to the change very quickly.

9. As is known to all, it is impolite to make fun of others.

10. The man kept going back and forth in front of me, which made me really annoyed.

VI. One possible version:

Dear Kate,

I?m glad to have received the letter you send me. I have been thinking about the questions you consult me. From my point of view, you can choose to work in China after graduation.

For one reason, China?s development over the past 30 years offers quantities of job opportunities for the young. What?s more, what you are studying is badly needed in China nowadays. Many companies are hoping to hire people like you. For another reason, China is a developing country with different cultures and traditions from foreign country.

I?m sure you?ll adapt to the environment quickly, and I?ll spare no effort to help you.


Li Hua





Text 1

M: Excuse me, where is the closest place to eat?

W: Down the street about four blocks. I can take you there if you like.

Text 2

M: I would be happy to teach you Chinese if you want to learn.

W: It is not a bad idea. I am planning to learn.

Text 3

M: Excuse me. Do you know where the Browns live?

W: Yes, it?s the third house on the right.

M: Thank you.

W: You?re welcome.

Text 4

W: Do you have any hobbies?

M: I like to paint.

W: What kind of things do you paint?

M: Mainly rivers and mountains.

Text 5

M: I thought I saw something in the yard.

W: I didn?t see anything.

M: Well, look again.

W: There?s nothing there.



聽第6段材料, 回答第6、7題。

W: We?re having a lovely time, Dad.

M: I?m sure there?s a lot to do.

W: There is! We?ve been for a walk in Central Park. It?s so big!Everything there is big. And we?ve climbed the Empire State Building. The view is fantastic.

M: Have you seen the Statue of Liberty yet?

W: Oh, yes, we have. We?ve just had a helicopter out of the city, and we flew really close to it.

M: What about a show? Have you seen a show on Broadway yet?

W: No, we haven?t. We?re going to see one on our last night here, but we haven?t decided what to see yet.


M: Look! Someone is celebrating his birthday.

W: This must be his 21st birthday. No doubt about it.

M: Why? Do you know that guy?

W: No. Well, in America, 21 is the age when you?re allowed to drink. So, many guys celebrate it in bars.

M: That?s interesting. But it would be really expensive, I suppose. Just think about all the drinks.

W: No. If it?s your birthday, then you don?t need to pay a cent. Just blow out the candles and open the gifts. That makes the birthday a special day. Your friends will take care of everything.

M: Wow, that?s wonderful.


W: Jim has been here for years. Do we have to fire him?

M: Well, in the face of the crisis, we have to cut jobs. Besides, with the new machine, we don?t need him.

W: Is there anything else he can do around here?

M: Nothing, I?ve checked. I have no other choices.

W: Maybe you?re right. OK, I?ll tell Jim.

M: No, Sara. I need to talk to him myself. It was I who asked him to work here.

W: But it might be easier for me to talk to him than for you.

M: No, thanks, Sara. You don?t know what it?s like to be fired.

W: You, a general manager, know what it?s like?

M: Yes. I was 30 years old at the time, working in a big company. One morning, I found an announcement on my desk. It said, “Clear your office by noon today.” No explanation, no apology, no thanks for a job well done.

W: That really hurts.


M: How was school today?

W: It was fun. Our class went on a field trip to the Museum of Modern Art.

M: You did? How did you get there?

W: We took the bus.

M: Oh, really? Isn?t the subway faster?

W: Sure. But it?s also more crowded. The teachers would like to keep an eye on us.

M: I see. So, how was the museum?

W: It was great. It is so big that we only saw about half of the paintings. I?d have to go back another day to see them all. But I did see some great ones!

M: Did you have a favourite?

W: Yeah. My favourite was a painting by Diego Rivera. I stared at it for about fifteen minutes. There were some nice ones by his wife Frida Kahlo, too.

M: Yes, I?ve seen those. My favourite painting there is actually by Henri Matisse. Did you see that one?

W: No, I didn?t.

M: Well, we should go to the museum together this summer so I can show it to you.


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to you about the terrible service from your company. On March 14th I ordered the latest Bob Dylan CDs on your website, which my father kindly paid for me with his credit card. Although in your advertisements you promised that I could get them the next day, I did not receive anything from you until a week later. When the CDs came, they were not the CDs I ordered.

I sent several e-mails to your Customer Service, but my messages were all returned. I think there is maybe a mistake in the address you give to the customers. I also tried to call your helpline, but the line was always busy or no one answered.

This is the first time I have shopped on your website, but I am not pleased with the service you have offered. Please send me the correct CDs as soon as possible or give my money back instead.

I look forward to hearing from you.



1—5 ABCCB ?6—10 BACAA

11—15 BABBA ?16—20 CBCCB


I. 1—5 CDBBD ?6—10 ABBCC

11—15 BDACD ?16—20 GABDC

II. 1. D。根據下文內容可知,夫妻倆“買(buying)”了車后環游歐洲。

2. A。根據 across Europe和 settled there可知,夫妻倆在20世紀80年代初期“搬到了(moved)”阿德菜德,并在那里定居了。

3. C。根據下文的 her new husband可知,這是一對新“婚(married)”夫婦。

4. B。根據語境可知,Elise想擁有一輛自己的車,到全國各地“看看(seeing)”。

5. A。Elise上網的時候“看到(spotted)”Peter發的廣告。

6. D。根據語境可知,丈夫“警告(warning)” Elise家里的錢不夠。

7. B。雖然丈夫知道家里沒那么多錢買車,但還是拗不過妻子,最終“屈服(gave in)”,和她一起去看車。

8. C。根據 take a look可知,Elise第一次看見那輛車就“喜歡(fond)”上了它。

9. A。

10. C。一聽價錢,小兩口傻了眼。Domenic之前說得“對(right)”,買下這輛車對他們來說是“不可能的(impossible)”。

11. D。小兩口空手而歸是在告訴 Peter他們多么喜歡那輛車“之后(after)”。

12. C。第二段中的“Elise had always loved the idea of owning her own ‘happiness bus’” 是提示。

13. B。Peter打電話讓他們再去“看(look)”下車。

14. A。根據 both of which met his asking price可知,有兩個人“出價(offers)”,而且都達到 Peters的要價。下句中的those offers也提示了答案。

15. D?!斑_到要價”和“他不滿意”之間是轉折關系,故選 However。

16. D。根據語境可知, Peter對他們能出多少錢買這輛車“感興趣(interested)”。

17. C。根據 would be able to afford和around half of what he was asking可知,丈夫回答說他們只“花(spend)”得起他要價的一半。

18. A。

19. B。根據下文小兩口得到了這輛車的事實可知,Peter表示,只要他們夫婦二人答應會開著這輛車去“探險(adventures)”,他就“接受(acceptt)”他們提出的價格。

20. B。根據語境可知,夫婦倆開車到處探險,這輛車同他們一起“創造(create)”了很多美好的回憶。

III. 1. has become 2. on 3. selected 4. widely ?5. connecting 6. is given 7. a 8. youths 9. which ?10. confident

IV. 1. desire 2. sympathy 3. favor

4. accompany ?5. declared 6. talent 7. satisfaction 8. elegant 9. assessment ?10. framework

V. 1. Nobody is allowed to take the magazines out of the reading room.

2. That tree looks as if it is going to fall down.

3. I won?t have him cleaning his bike in the kitchen.

4. These are the issues to be discussed tomorrow.

5. She hates being laughed at by her classmates.

6. It was then that Claire realized that Tony had opened the curtains.

7. He who never learns from the past is bound to fail.

8. Fifteen managers in all attended the conference, including Tony.

9. When he first saw the robot, he felt alarmed.

10. You had better leave him alone, as he wants to rest.

VI. One possible version:

Life will probably be very different in 2050

In transport, cars will run on new, clean fuels and they will go very fast. Cars will have computers to control their speed and there won?t be any accidents. Today, many cars have computers that tell drivers exactly where they are. By 2050, the computer will control the car and drive it to your destination. As for technology, robots will have replaced people in factories. By 2050, we will see robots everywhere in factories, schools, offices, hospitals, shops and homes.

Life in the future will be much more wonderful than now. Let?s try our best for it.





Text 1

M: Hello, EMS.

W: May I speak to John Smith, please?

M: Sorry, Miss, but he?s out on his route delivering packages. He should be back soon, though.

Text 2

M: Can I get tickets for tomorrow?s film?

W: There are some in the front row.

M: Aren?t there any other seats?

W: No, I?m afraid not.

Text 3

W: Richard worked as an editor for two years. Then he became a journalist. After that, he began to write novels.

M: Yes. And now he is already very famous for his works.

Text 4

M: Is your luggage ready, madam?

W: Yes, it is.

M: Shall I call someone to bring it down for you?

W: Oh, there?s no need. My suitcase is quite light.

Text 5

W: Sir, I?m hurrying to Chicago, but I can?t see the timetable clearly.

M: I?ll read it for you. The 9:10 a.m. train to Chicago, the 9:40 a.m. one to Boston... Oh, madam, it?s 9:20 now.




M: Hi, Susan! I heard you?ve been to many places in China during the past year.

W: Yes, I have. I love travelling.

M: Which do you prefer? Going on a package tour with a tour agency or going on your own—a “Do-It-Yourself” tour?

W: When I first came to China, I usually took package tours but now I?ve found Do-It-Yourself tours are more interesting.

M: Yes, they are. I like travelling independently. There?s not so much freedom in a package tour.


W: Did you see the large crowd on the street corner when you came to school this morning?

M: Yes, I did. What was that all about?

W: A serious accident happened. A drunk driver hit a bus full of passengers.

M: Oh dear! A lot of people must have been hurt or even killed?

W: You are right! All the injured people were taken to the hospital immediately.

M: I hope so. Drivers must be careful, especially during rush hour.

W: I agree with you. We will all be safe if everyone obeys the traffic rules.


M: So, as you can see, she?s a beauty. One previous owner kept it in the garage the whole time, and only drove it on weekends.

W: That?s why it only has about 25,000 miles on it, even though it?s ten years old.

M: Exactly. The owner also kept all the service records. So you can tell it?s been taken care of.

W: Does this car come with a service contract?

M: All our cars come with a 30-day agreement, so you won?t pay for anything within the first month. But since this car is used, we can?t offer anything beyond that.

W: I see. The price of almost $15,000 seems a little high. Is there any way we can bring that down?

M: This car is in very good condition, madam. And based on our research of similar cars being sold in the area, we believe it?s a fair price. All taxes and fees are included as well.

W: Can I take it for a test drive?

M: Absolutely! Let me just get the keys.


W: What are you going to do on this beautiful warm Sunday?

M: I think I shall do a bit of gardening. Will you help me?

W: Of course, I will. Shall I put on my gardening boots?

M: Yes, do and so will I. I am going to dig up that dead tree at the bottom of the garden.

W: Shall I be able to help you?

M: No, I don?t think you will. You can be cutting off the tops of the dead flowers—they make the garden look so untidy. And all those flowers by the wall you can pull up by the roots. We want the ground to be quite clear before the winter.

W: Are you going to water those new fruit trees?

M: No, I shan?t do that. Because I think it will rain tomorrow. But I am going to cut the grass.

W: I will cut it if you like.

M: No, you just clear the flowerbeds and then we will see.

W: I say how black those clouds are getting! I think it is going to rain.

M: Then we shall leave to put off our gardening until this afternoon.


Here I?ll give you some advice on how to bring family members close together. Well, I feel it is very important for families to have regular meals together. Because my husband and I both work and our two children are busy with their studies, we seldom had a chance to get together as a family. But we thought it would be possible for us to sit down and enjoy meals together every week. First we try setting three fixed days: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. But almost everyone was unhappy. Then my son has the idea that everyone told me his or her most convenient days and I would choose the two best days. For a while, the children were still unhappy with the idea. They said they would rather spend the time with their friends playing sports. Gradually, though, they began to see these evenings together as interesting and helpful. We loved each other a lot. We made plans for trips. We discussed each other?s problems. After a couple of months, anyone who had to miss a family meal felt regretful.



1—5 AACBB ?6—10 BCCBC

11—15 CBCBB 16—20 CBABC



A) 21—23 BCC

B) 24—27 DBBA

C) 文章介紹了動物是如何預測自然災害的。

28. D。細節理解題。根據第一段中的But at mid-morning the park?s elephants began crying wildly ... But what?再結合下文海嘯來臨的描述可知,大象在海嘯來臨之前表現得很反常。

29. A。寫作手法題。根據第三段中的People have told stories of dogs refusing to go outside ... and water buffalo escaping to higher ground before the waters rushed in可知,作者用舉例子的手法展現出動物能夠提前感知自然災害的能力。

30. C。段落大意題。根據第四段中的Experts believe that animals may be more sensitive than humans ... before a natural disaster及斯里蘭卡大象如何提前感知到海嘯來臨的例子可知,該段主要介紹了動物是如何預測自然災害的。

31. B。推理判斷題。根據最后一段Haynes所說的話可知,Haynes認為這種通過觀察動物異常行為來預測自然災害的預警機制不可靠,因為人們很難分辨動物異常行為背后的真正緣由,所以她持懷疑態度。

D) 32—35 CABD


36—40 GBEAC



41. B。本句中的twins和not identical twins構成轉折,且由下文對兩個哥哥不同外貌的描述可知,此處應用although表示讓步。

42. D。由下文作者對兩個哥哥在外貌和穿著等方面存在差異的介紹可知,他們在很多方面都“不同(different)”。

43. C。由下文中的blond hair and blue eyes, and he?s quite tall和isn?t very tall and he?s got red hair and brown eyes可知,在本段,作者首先介紹了兩個哥哥在“外貌(look)”上的不同。

44. C。blond hair and blue eyes, and he?s quite tall和isn?t very tall and he?s got red hair and brown eyes構成轉折,故用However。

45. A。上文介紹的是作者的兩個哥哥在外貌上的不同,此處介紹他們在穿著方面的不同。由上文中的For a start可知,此處應用Also,表示遞進。

46. B。由上文中的never wear the same clothes可知,作者的媽媽以前經常給她的兩個哥哥“穿(dressed)”得一樣。

47. D。由上文中的they never wear the same clothes可知,他們現在從不穿相同的衣服,從而可推斷,他們以前很“討厭(hated)”穿同樣的衣服。

48. C。由上文中兄弟倆不喜歡穿同樣的衣服以及下文中的individuals可知,作者的兩個哥哥不“喜歡(like)”的其他事情是當人們談論他們時用“雙胞胎”而不是他們各自的名字。

49. B。由上文中的they never wear the same clothes和when people talk about “the twins”, not “Jackson” and “Johnny”可知,他們“想(want)”成為獨立的個體。

50. A。由下文中的go for long walks和studying IT以及football可知,此處主要介紹的是作者的兩個哥哥在“興趣愛好(interests)”方面的相同點。

51. B。由上文中的they love being outdoors可知,他們“經常(often)”一起遠足。

52. C。由下文中的studying IT (Information Technology)可知,他們都有過硬的“計算機(computer)”技術。

53. C。關于兩人在興趣愛好方面的共同點,上文中提到了徒步和計算機,此處敘述的是“另一個(Another)”關于興趣愛好方面的共同點:他們都討厭足球。

54. D。

55. A。由上文可知,作者的兩個哥哥20歲,因此作者認為,對于他們這個“年齡(age)”的男孩而言,討厭足球是“不尋常的(unusual)”。

56. D。作者通篇都在講述有關兩個哥哥的事情,因此此處應填brothers。

57. B。由下文中的staying with them makes me feel happy可知,作者認為自己的兩個哥哥非?!坝H切友好(lovely)”。

58. B。由轉折連詞but可知,Johnny“喜歡(enjoys)”參加聚會和講笑話。

59. D。

60. B。由下文中的they?re always willing to give me a hand可知,作者的兩個哥哥對她非?!昂茫╧ind)”,她可以向他們傾訴自己所有的“問題(problems)”。


61. particularly??疾楦痹~。particularly修飾形容詞“pleasant”,故填particularly。

62. to??疾榻樵~。arrest attention to 為固定搭配“吸引……的注意力”,故填to。

63. gave??疾闀r態。此句意思為:這位50歲的新加坡人六年前放棄了他在建筑業的工作,創建了世界衛生間組織。全文時態為一般過去時,故填gave。

64. a??疾椴欢ü谠~。此句意思為:也許聽起來像一個笑話?!癹oke”是可數名詞單數,故填a。

65. affordable??疾樾稳菰~。此句意為:他的世界衛生間組織的目標是讓每一個人都能擁有干凈、安全、負擔得起的衛生間。形容詞修飾名詞“sanitation”,故填affordable。

66. because??疾檫B詞。此句意為:衛生間得不到改善是因為人們不愿意談論它。強調因果關系,故填because。

67. that??疾槊~性從句中表語從句的關系代詞。故填that。

68. be respected??疾楸粍诱Z態。此句意為:他們的父母教導他們說,如果你們的后半輩子想被人尊重的話那么千萬不要提及跟廁所有關的話題。應用被動,故填be respected。

69. tasks??疾槊~復數。one of 后面要跟名詞復數,故填tasks。

70. marketing??疾榉侵^語動詞。此句意為:這是一種向他們營銷(衛生間)的非常非常重要的途徑。動名詞做介詞of的賓語,故填marketing。



One possible version:

Dear Johnny,

I?m happy to hear from you. Welcome to Beijing! In order to help you get ready for the trip, I?d like to give you some advice.

First, download a translation app on your mobile phone, which you will find very helpful while communicating with Chinese people. Second, the weather in Beijing is still hot, so you should take some T-shirts or shorts with you. Last, you can live in my house, so you needn?t book a hotel room beforehand. I?ll prepare a room for you and be your guide if I?m free. By the way, don?t forget to take your passport.

I hope my advice will be helpful to you and I wish you a happy trip.


Li Hua


One possible version:

To “save” young animals, people often disturb the lives of plenty of young animals especially from the spring to early summer. You get the top of the nest back to normal and leave if kicking open rabbit?s nest. If you find young birds on the ground, laying them gently back into their nests is your best choice. Seeing young raccoons out alone, you let them alone there. Similarly, if you find a young fawn acting alone, don?t approach it.
