

2020-10-29 05:42曲永華
考試與評價·八年級版 2020年5期








1. 常與現在完成時連用的狀語:before 以前,ever 曾經,until 剛剛,never 從不,從來沒有,recently 近來,最近,since 自從,just 剛剛,already 已經,yet 仍然,還,over the years多年以來,by now 到現在為止,during the last / few weeks 在過去的幾個星期里,for a long time 很長時間,in the last / past few years / weeks 在過去的幾年/周里,many times 許多次,over the past years 在過去的幾年里,so far 到目前為止,up to / till now 到現在為止,many times 許多次。

2. 用法辨析:already, yet; never, ever; just

a) already往往用于肯定句,用在疑問句時表示強調或加強語氣;yet通常用于否定句和疑問句。

He has already left here. 他已經離開這里了。

Has he already left here? 他(真地)已經離開這里了嗎?(表示加強語氣)

My teachers haven't had breakfast yet. 我的老師們還沒有吃早飯。

Have you written to your parents yet? 你已經給你父母寫過信了嗎?

b) never是否定詞,表示“從來沒有”,用于肯定句中;而ever表示“曾經”,用于疑問句中。

We have never been to the Great Wall. 我們從來沒有去過長城。

Have you ever been to Canada? 你們曾經去過加拿大嗎?

c) just表示“剛剛”,用于完成時態時,與already, never等副詞的位置一樣,多用在助動詞have / has和動詞過去分詞之間。

He has just come back. 他剛剛回來。

They have just finished the work. 他們剛剛完成那項工作。



1. He died 10 years ago.

He ____ for 10 years / since 10 years ago.

2. He borrowed the book two weeks ago.

He ____ the book for two weeks.

3. He bought the motorbike a month ago.

He ____ the motorbike for a month.

4. He arrived here three days ago.

He ____ here since three days ago.

5. They turned off the light two hours ago.

The light ____ for two hours.

6. He left here two years ago.

He ____ from here for two years.

7. The film began 30 minutes ago.

The film ____ for 30 minutes.

8. They opened the door an hour ago.

The door ____ for an hour.

9. They closed the door an hour ago.

The door ____ for an hour.

10. He joined the army last year.

He ____ a ____ for a ?year.


1. The famous writer ___ one new book in? ? the past two years.

A. is writing ? ? B. was writing

C. wrote ? ? D. has written

2. Have you met Mr. Li ___?

A. just ? ? B. ago

C. before ? ? D. a moment ago

3. —How long have you ___ here? ? ??—About two months.

A. been ? ? B. gone

C. come ? ? D. arrived

4. —Our country ___ a lot so far.—Yes. I hope it will be even ___.

A. has changed; well

B. changed; good

C. has changed; better

D. changed; better

5. —___ you ___ your homework yet?—Yes. I ___ it a moment ago.

A. Did; do; finished

B. Have; done; finished

C. Have; done; have finished

D. Will; do; finish


1. 我的美國朋友愛上了宜昌,并且希望在此長住。

My American friend ______ Yichang and she wishes to live here forever.

2. 兩個月以來,已經有400名大學生參加了“手機忍者”的測試。

400 college students ______ the test called “Mobile Phone Ninja” since two months ago.

3. 現在在十堰,大多數司機習慣了在斑馬線前停下來等行人先行。

These days, most drivers ______ to wait for people to cross the road first at the zebra crossing in Shiyan.

4. 自2008年以來,達州發生了很大變化。

Great changes ______ in Dazhou since 2008.

5. Tina不可能在教室里,她去圖書館了。

Tina ____ be in the classroom. She____ to the library.

can have done用法小結
The Lego Ninjago Movie樂高幻影忍者大電影