
Unit 10口語酷行動

2020-10-29 05:46李然
考試與評價·七年級版 2020年5期



1. —What would you like? 你想要點什么?

—I'm not sure yet. 我還不太確定。

2. —What size would you like? 你想要什么尺寸的?

—I'd like a medium bowl of beef noodles. 我想要一個中碗的牛肉面。

3. —What kind of soup would you like? 你想要什么種類的湯?

—Tomato soup. 西紅柿湯。

4. —What is your address, please? 請問你的地址是哪里?

—15 North Street. 北街15號。

5. —What's your telephone number? 你的電話號碼是什么?

—398-2845. 398-2845。


Waiter: What size would you like?

Boy: I'd like a large bowl of noodles.

Waiter: And what kind of noodles would you like?

Boy: I'd like chicken, potato and cabbage noodles.

Waiter: How about you?

Girl: I'd like a medium bowl.

Waiter: What kind would you like?

Girl: I'd like beef and tomato noodles, please.


I. 選擇方框中適當的選項,完成對話。

A: I am a little hungry (饑餓的). What about you, Eric?

B: I'm hungry, too.

A: (1) ____

B: Yes, there is one across the street.

A: (2) ____

B: Sounds great?。╥n the restaurant)

C: (3) ____

A: Yes. We'd like some dumplings.

C: (4) ____

A: I'd like beef and onion dumplings. What about you?

B: I'd like mutton dumplings.

C: (5) ____

B: Large. Two large bowls, please.

C: Would you like something to drink?

B: Two cups of green tea.

C: OK.

A. What size bowl would you like?

B. What kind of dumplings would you like?

C. May I take your order?

D. Let's go and eat some dumplings there.

E. Is there a restaurant in the neighborhood?

II. 根據語境及首字母提示,完成對話,每空一詞。

A: What can I do for you?

B: I'd 1. ___ some noodles.

A: 2. H___ is the menu. We have many

3. k___ of noodles.

B: 4. B___ me cabbage and egg noodles.

A: Then what 5. ___ would you like?

B: A middle bowl, please.

A: OK.

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