
Unit 4 詞語和句型考點歸納

2020-10-29 05:46王秀鳳
考試與評價·七年級版 2020年2期



1. arrive v. 到達

arrive是不及物動詞,后接賓語時,常與in / at連用,如:arrive in+大地點;arrive at+小地點。arrive in / at相當于get to。其后跟地點副詞時,arrive和get 后的介詞要省略。如:

I usually arrive at / get to school at 7:30 in the morning. 我通常早上7:30到達學校。

When do you usually arrive in / get to Shanghai? 你通常什么時候到達上海?

【拓展】 arrive late for = be late for 為……而遲到

2. wear v. 穿;戴


He wears a pair of glasses.他戴著一副眼鏡。

She likes wearing the red hat. 她喜歡戴著那頂紅色的帽子。

辨析:wear & dress


He's wearing a white shirt.他穿著一件白襯衫。


Could you dress the child for me? 你能不能替我給小孩穿上衣服?

當表示自己穿衣服時,一般要用“get dressed(dress oneself)”。如:

He went into the changing room to get dressed. 他走進更衣室穿衣服。

dress up強調著意打扮,意為“穿上盛裝;喬裝打扮”。如:

We have to dress up for the party. 我們得為聚會打扮打扮。

3. bring v. 帶來;取來

bring意為“帶來;取來”,是指把人或物從別處帶到說話人所在的地方。常用結構為:bring sb. sth. = bring sth. to sb. 帶給某人某物。如:

Please bring your books here. 請把你的書帶到這里來。

Bring your ID card to school tomorrow. 明天請把你的身份證帶到學校來。

【拓展】 如果bring后面的地點是副詞的話,則沒有介詞to。如:

You can bring it here this afternoon.今天下午你可以把它帶到這來。

辨析:take & bring



It's going to rain. You'd better take an umbrella with you. 要下雨了。你最好帶上一把雨傘。

Don't bring your umbrella to the class- room. 不要把雨傘帶到教室里來。

4. keep v. 保持;保留


(1) keep + adj.意為“保持……狀態”。如:

Please keep quiet in the library.圖書館內請保持安靜。

Eat healthy food to keep healthy. 吃健康食品以保持健康。

(2) keep + sb. / sth.+ adj. 意為“使某人/某物處于某種狀態”。如:

We must keep the classroom clean. 我們必須保持教室干凈。

Please keep your eyes closed. 請閉眼睛。

5. read v. 讀;閱讀

read只用于指看書或看其它雜志, 意為“讀”,強調看的內容。如:

Dave reads English books every morning. ?戴夫每天早晨看英語書。

His father likes reading books in the evening. 他爸爸喜歡在晚上看書。

【辨析】 look, see, watch, read


Please look at the picture. 請看這張圖片。

Boys and girls, please look at the blackboard. 同學們,請看黑板。


I can see a map on the wall. 我能看見墻上有一幅地圖。

Mary can see shoes under the bed. 瑪麗可以看到床下的鞋子。

watch 常指“觀看,注視”,特別指留意、感興趣地看運動著的東西。watch TV / football match / video tapes等。如:

I want to watch a football game. 我想看一場足球賽。

6. practice v. & n. 練習

(1) practice作動詞,意為“練習,訓練”,其后常接名詞、代詞或動名詞形式作賓語。如:

I usually practice my English in the morning. 我通常在早上練習英語。

He practices playing the piano every day.他每天練習彈鋼琴。

(2) practice也可作名詞,意為“練習,實踐”。如:

We have three football practices every week. 我們每周有三次足球練習。

7. remember v. 記住;記起

remember 意為“記住”,通常后面接名詞、代詞等。常用搭配remember to do意為 “記住要去做某事”,表示事情還沒有做。如:

Remember to go to bed before 10:00. 記得在十點前睡覺。

【拓展】 remember doing sth. 意思是“記得做過某事”,表示事情已經做過了。如:

Please remember to close the door when you leave. 在離開之前,請記住把門關上。(人還沒有離開,關門的動作還沒有發生)

I remembered closing the door when I left. 我記得離開的時候,已經把門關上了。(人已經離開,門已關上)

8. important adj. 重要的

important意為“重要的”。常用句型It is important for sb. to do sth.意為“對某人來說做某事是重要的”。如:

It is important for us to have the meeting.對我們來說開這次會是很重要的。

I have some important news to tell you. 我有一些重要的消息要告訴你。

9. more adj. & pron. 更多(的)


I need more books. 我需要更多的書。

Paul has more time to do his homework.保羅有更多時間來做作業。


1. arrive到達→ arrive late for class 上學遲到

2. hallway走廊→ in the hallway 在走廊里

3. listen聽→ listen to music 聽音樂

4. out外出→ go out 外出

5. dish碟;盤→ do the dishes 清洗餐具


1. (be) on time 準時 2. listen to 聽……

3. have to 必須;不得不 4. make the bed 鋪床

5. wear the school uniform穿校服 6. keep hair short 留短發 7. learn ?to do sth. 學著去做某事 8. make rules ?制定規章制度 9. bring... to... 把……帶到…… 10. wear a hat戴帽子


And we always have to wear the school uniform. 我們總得穿校服。

情態動詞have to后應跟動詞原形,而不跟動詞其他形式;have to有人稱和數的變化,第三人稱單數形式為has to;have to的否定句和疑問句與行為動詞一樣,要借助助動詞do的各種形式。如:

Lisa has to do the dishes every day. 麗薩必須每天清洗餐具。

She doesn't have to work every day. 她不需要每天工作。
