

2021-08-12 02:12張新峰
考試與評價·八年級版 2021年5期



1. 談論自己喜歡的某本書或者某種音樂;2. 閱讀的好處;3. 語言的魅力;4. 名著介紹等。



1. As we all know, it is important for us to read books. 眾所周知,讀書對于我們非常重要。

2. Here, Id like to introduce a good book to you. 我在這里向你們介紹一本好書。

3. The book Id like to share with you is The Old Man and the Sea. 我想和你分享的書是《老人與?!?。

4. I know you are interested in traditional Chinese culture. 我知道你對中國傳統文化感興趣。

5. Many people like music because music is powerful. 很多人喜歡音樂,因為音樂很有力量。

6. Reading is an interesting thing. 閱讀是一件有趣的事。

7. Reading is very important in our life. 閱讀在我們的生活中非常重要。

8. As we all know, we can not only get knowledge, but also open our minds by reading. 眾所周知,通過閱讀我們不僅可以獲取知識,還可以開拓我們的思想。


1. Music can bring great joy to us. 音樂能給我們帶來巨大的快樂。

2. He is interested in rock music. 他對搖滾樂感興趣。

3. Reading is the most important skill to get knowledge. 閱讀是獲得知識最重要的技能。

4. His songs make us feel the true love. 他的歌讓我們感受到了真愛。

5. Whats more, it gives us confidence and happiness. 更重要的是,它給我們信心和幸福。

6. In my opinion, we should develop a good habit of reading and fall in love with it. 在我看來,我們應該養成閱讀的好習慣并愛上它。

7. In a word, its our duty to make reading become a part of our life and grow up with reading. 總之,讓閱讀成為我們生活的一部分,在閱讀中成長,是我們的責任。

8. From then on, I began to have confidence in myself, and finally I made great progress. 從那時起,我開始對自己有信心,最后我取得了很大的進步。

9. As long as you show interest in it and work hard, I am sure you can do a good job. 只要你表現出興趣,努力工作,我相信你能做好。


1. I hope to listen to his songs live one day. 我希望有一天能現場聽他的歌。

2. Reading can make a difference to our life. 閱讀可以改變我們的生活。

3. What kind of music do you like best? 你最喜歡哪種音樂?

4. Reading is very important in our daily life because books are our friends. 因為書是我們的朋友,所以在我們的日常生活中閱讀是非常重要的。

5. From my experience, I felt the power of words. 從我的經驗來看,我感受到了語言的力量。

6. This tells us that nothing is terrible as long as we have a brave heart. 這告訴我們,只要我們有一顆勇敢的心,沒有什么是糟糕的。


1. Reading makes a full man. 閱讀造就完人。

2. Music is the soul of man! 音樂是人類的靈魂!

3. There are always advantages in opening a book. 開卷有益。

4. A book is like a garden carried in the pocket. 書是隨時攜帶的花園。

5. Books are the ladder of human progress. 書籍是人類進步的階梯。

6. There is a golden house in the book. 書中自有黃金屋。



1. 你最喜歡的歌曲是什么?

2. 演唱這首歌的歌手是誰?

3. 你為什么喜歡這首歌曲?

要求:1. 包括所有要點,適當發揮;

2. 文中不得出現真實校名和姓名,語句連貫,詞數80左右。


[篇章結構 素材串聯 開頭:引出話題 1. 許多人都喜歡音樂(music)

2. 人們喜歡音樂的原因(powerful, bring us happiness) 正文:介紹自己喜歡的歌曲 1. 我喜歡聽音樂(listen to)

2. 歌手(a song sung by)

3. 喜歡這首歌的原因(realize the love in our life)

4. 補充介紹這個歌手(whats more) ]


[① Many people like music. ② Thats because music is powerful and it can bring us happiness. ③ I love listening to music. ④ My favorite song is “Love Yourself”. ⑤ It is a famous song sung by Justin Bieber. ⑥ I like this song because it makes me realize the love in our life.? ? ⑦ Whats more, many of my friends like Justin Bieber and enjoy his songs very much. He is very charming and fantastic! His songs make us feel the true love. ⑧ I hope to listen to his song live one day. ① 點題。

② 介紹人們喜歡音樂的原因。

③ 過渡句,承上啟下。

④ 點明自己喜歡的歌曲。

⑤ 點明歌手是誰。

⑥ 介紹自己喜歡這首歌的原因。

⑦ 補充介紹這個歌手,既豐富了短


⑧ 表達自己的希望。 ]




Recently, a survey was done among 20,000 people about the ways of reading. Here is what we have learned from it.
