
Unit 8重點詞語專練

2021-08-12 13:25王秀敏
考試與評價·八年級版 2021年5期


I. 根據句意及漢語提示填入恰當的單詞。

1. As soon as I saw Alan, I ran ________ (向) him to ask for help.

2. Finally, the policeman shot at the criminal with his ________ (槍).

3. That song is very ________ (受歡迎的) with young people.

4. The man hid all the ________ (珠寶) in his garden at night.

5. After a long trip, we arrived at a small ________ (島).

6. Some children are playing volleyball on the ________ (沙灘).

7. Tigers and lions live on ________ (陸地) while fish live in water.

8. Alice thinks ________ (搖滾樂) is too noisy. She doesnt like it.

9. With the development of ________ (科技), man can fly to the moon.

10. To find the way back home, they left some ________ (記號) in the forest.

II. 用括號內所給單詞的適當形式填空。

1. I saw them ________ (play) basketball at 5 p.m. yesterday.

2. He hasnt ________ (finish) ________ (read) Harry Potter yet.

3. Mary speaks ________ (France) very well and she looks beautiful, too.

4. There are so many books. I havent decided which book ________ (buy).

5. She is due ________ (start) school in September.

6. All the students hurried ________ (go) back to the classroom.

7. We wont give up ________ (look) for the lost kids.

8. The boy cant wait ________ (open) the gift box.

9. The workers ________ already ________ (make) more than 10 ships.

10. This term the students are learning ________ (grow) vegetables and flowers in the garden.

III. 用方框中所給短語的適當形式填空。

at least, full of, grow up, put down, hurry up

1. Please pass me the glass ________________ water.

2. We should sleep for ________________ eight hours a day.

3. When she saw me, she ________________ the newspapers and stood up.

4. If you dont ________________, you will miss the early bus.

5. Her children ________________ and are working in other cities now.

IV. 根據漢語意思完成句子,每空一詞。

1. 你今天必須完成至少一半的工作。

You must finish __________ __________ half of the work today.

2. 你能告訴我在哪里能買到那本書嗎?

Could you tell me __________ __________ __________ the book?

3. 這本書如此好以至于她愛不釋手。

This book was so great that she couldnt __________ __________ __________.

4. 我爸爸將在兩天后回來。

My father will come back __________ __________ __________.

5. 你在這個城市還認識誰?

__________ __________ do you know in the city?

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