

2021-09-10 07:22李曉夢
初中生學習指導·中考版 2021年4期



考點1:How …!用于感嘆句的考查


1. —people choose high-speed train or self-driving to travel on holidays.

— fast the traditional travel ways change! (2020·安徽·合肥)

A. What a ? ? ? ? ? ? B. How C. What ? ? ? ? ? ? ? D. How a

2. important it is for kids to imagine freely! (2020·山西·太原)

A. What ? ? ? ? ? B. How ? ? ? ? ? ? C. How an ? ? ? ? ? D. What an


(1) How +形容詞+主語+謂語+?。?)How+副詞+主語+謂語+!。如:

How hot pt is! 天氣多熱??!

How well he draws! 他畫得多好??!

考點2:How … ?問句用于交際用語及應答的考查


3. — do they like to study? (2020·寧夏·銀川)

—They like to study in groups.

A. When ? ? ? B. Why ? ? ? C. How ? ? D. Where

4. —Andy, I wonder the new sports clothes.(2020·山東·青島)

— Of course by credit card.

A. what you paid for ? B. how you paid for ? C. why you paid for

5. —Excuse me , could you please tell me the Science Museum?

— Sure, Go along the street and turn left. Ir’s next to Bank of China.

A. when I can get to ? ? ? B. when can I get to

C.how I can get to ? ? ? D. how can I get to

【知識加油站】How … ? 引出的句式有多種用法。如:(1)How do you do ? 用于初次見面時的問候語。(2)How ?are you? 用于熟人之間的常用問候語。(3)How old are you? / How old is he /she? 用于詢問年齡,相當于What’s your age? (4) How …? 用于詢問方式、方法。(5)How’s the weather …? 用于詢問天氣,相當于What’s the weather like …? (6) How do you like …? 用于詢問對某人或某物的看法等??捎帽沓潭鹊脑~,如:very much, a little , not …at all (一點也不喜歡)等問答。

考點3:How ?about… ?用于建議或請求的考查


6.How about to the cinema on Sunday? (2020·天津)

A. go ? ? B. to go

C. going ? ? ? D. will go

【知識加油站】How about 相當于 What about …?用于“征求對方意見、詢問消息”“向對方提出請求或建議”“問及某人的身體狀況”等。其中about 是介詞,后接名詞、代詞,其后若跟動詞,必須是v.-ing 形式。美國人習慣用How about …?來代替What about …? 而What about …? 相當于“What do you think about…?”

考點4:How ?much… ?與How many… ? “多少”的考查


7. —I went from a school desk to a ship in my teens. (2020·山東·濟南)

— days would you be at sea? Homesick?

A. How long ? ? ? ? B. How many

C. ?How much ? ? ? D. How soon

8. — Do you know a 5-day trip to Hong Kong costs?

— I guess it’s about ?4000.(2020·上海)

A. how fast ? ? ? ? ? B. how long

C. how soon ? ? ? ? ? D. how much

【知識加油站】how many或 how much 提問“數量”。 how many后加可數名詞復數, how much后加不可數名詞。 ?how much也可用于詢問“價格(錢)”。詢問商品的價錢時,how much后的動詞用 is 還是are ,由句子主語的單復數來決定。在對價格提問時,有些句式中How much 可與What互換。如:

How much / What does it cost?(這個多少錢?)詢問價格還可用 What’s the price of …?等句型。

相關鏈接:How many …?常常與 there be 結構結合在一起。對there be 句型中主語的限定數量語,如some, a, only one等提問時,如果主語是可數名詞,不管主語是單數還是復數都要用復數形式,因為問話的人不知道數量,且many后只能跟復數名詞,所以be 一定要用are。用How many 提問時注意不要去掉are there。即用“How many+復數名詞+are there+時間(或地點)狀語”的句型結構。如:

There is a girl in the tree. ?(對劃線部分提問)

→How many girls are there in the tree?

考點5:How ?far… ?與How long… ? 辨析的考查


9. — have you studied in this school?

— For nearly three years. (2020·陜西·西安)

A. How often

B. How far

C. How much

D. How long

10. — is it from your house to the bookstore?

—It’s about fifteen minutes’walk. (2020·黑龍江·哈爾濱)

A .How long ? B. How far ? C .How often

【知識加油站】how far 意為“多遠”,同移動性動詞連用,一般對距離提問,側重于“有多遠”。how long 用于詢問“做某事花費(占用)某人一些時間”,意為“多久”“多長時間” 。how long(多久),主要用來詢問某個動作或狀態所持續的時間。用在現在完成時、過去完成時、一般將來時等時態的句子中。 how long在對句子帶有for或 since 等表示持續性的時間狀語提問時,謂語動詞不能是終止性動詞。how long也用于對物體“長度”進行提問。

考點6:How ?often… ?與How soon… ? 辨析的考查


11. — will you finish writing the review of the lndian movie Dangal?

— In tow days. (2020·重慶)

A. How far ? ? ? ? ? ? B. How often

C. How soon ? ? ? ? ? D. How long

12. —Millie , do you take the course in DIY?

—Every Saturday afternoon. (2020·江蘇·南京)

A. how long B. how far

C. how much ? D. how often

【知識加油站】how often , how soon短語都可譯為“多(久)……”, how often常用于詢問某動作在單位時間內所發生的次數,是對頻度時間狀語提問的短語。頻度時間狀語可以是 often, usually, always, sometimes, never等副詞,也可以是 once a week, three times a month等副詞短語。與 how often相似的短語 how many times (多少次), 后面常跟限定的時間,如:how many times a week /a day / a month /a year,并且要回答出次數。 how soon(多久)主要用來詢問某個動作在多久的將來發生,是對時間多久提問的詞語。它常用在將來時態中,并且用 in短語(表示再過多長時間)回答。

參考答案:1. B 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. D 9. D 10. B 11. C 12. D
