

2021-09-26 16:49呂曉薇,楊文靜,譚曉宇,趙夢珂,劉喜文
電腦知識與技術 2021年20期




中圖分類號:G642? ? ? ? 文獻標識碼:A


Research on Organization Mode of Medical Health Information Based on Topic Tree

LV Xiao-wei1, YANG Wen-jing1, TAN Xiao-yu1, ZHAO Meng-ke1, LIU Xi-wen1,2

(1.School of Management, Xinxiang 453003, China; 2.Research Center of Health Information Resources, Xinxiang 453003, China )

Abstract: In the era of big data, with the rapid development of science and technology, health information technology has realized the deep development and utilization of medical information resources, but there are still differences in the transmission of information between hospitals and patients. On the basis of understanding the development status and Strategies of medical and health information service at home and abroad, this paper uses the theme tree method to organize the medical and health information in different formats, such as text, chart, image, image, etc., and constructs the organization system of medical and health information based on Semantic web. It pays attention to the accuracy and local expression of information, and follows the information management to achieve the goal of trust Based on the needs of users, we can provide diversified information services for public medical health education, which is convenient for the public to absorb and use medical health knowledge, so as to further strengthen the construction of medical health information education system in China.

Key words: topic tree; medical and health information; information organization;semantic web

1 國內外研究現狀


從二十世紀五六十年代至今,信息化的浪潮席卷至各個角落,使得運用信息化手段開展醫療信息服務成為可能。較早受到啟發的部分醫療技術先進的歐美國家為發展醫療事業不斷投入大量人力物力,始終堅持以研究醫療健康信息作為提高對公眾醫療衛生服務水平的有效方法,積極推動醫療健康信息模式的研究。許多國家積極推動區域衛生信息系統的建立,在區域衛生信息系統的基礎上,交流醫療健康信息,如:美國政府在2004年構思了國家健康信息網絡(National Health Information Network,NHIN),作為基本組成單元的區域健康信息組織(regional health in-formation organizations,RHIOs)得到了迅速發展,經過五年時間建立了150多個州的區域醫療健康信息組織,14%的RHIO初具規模且在一定程度上完成了臨床數據共享[1-3]。商業公司微軟推出了醫療信息化服務平臺,促進醫生和患者對醫療信息的掌握。英特爾通過計算機手段,也相繼推出了數字化醫療平臺,構建醫生和病人溝通的橋梁。英國政府擬投入55億英鎊,發展全國醫療信息化項目(NHS National Programme for IT,NPfIT),一個基于信息交流和標準化的國家衛生信息網絡架構體系,將為所有公民的一生建立電子健康記錄,使得國民能夠通過互聯網獲取自己的病歷信息和健康檔案信息。新加坡國家在信息化方案“iN2015”中明確提出:在2011年之前,啟動線上醫療和檢測技術服務,方便市民獲取個人健康和醫療信息。另外,“iN2015”中還規劃了醫療服務信息化建設的長遠目標[4]。
