

2021-09-28 09:52劉艷勃呂雯
中國現代醫生 2021年22期

劉艷勃 呂雯

[關鍵詞] 科普講座;宮頸癌;一級預防;中學生;女性

[中圖分類號] R737.33? ? ? ? ? [文獻標識碼] B? ? ? ? ? [文章編號] 1673-9701(2021)22-0001-03

Application value of cervical cancer science lectures in primary prevention of cervical cancer in middle school girls

LIU Yanbo? ?LV Wen

Tongde Hospital of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou? ?310012,China

[Abstract] Objective To explore the significance and value of cervical cancer science lectures in primary prevention of cervical cancer in middle school girls. Methods A total of 634 female students from a middle school in Hangzhou were selected for cervical cancer science education and questionnaire survey in October 2020. Results There were 232 girls with sexual life history, including 191 girls with unsafe sexual activities and 257 girls with reproductive tract infection. After cervical cancer science lectures and education, the awareness of primary prevention of cervical cancer related knowledge was significantly improved in middle school girls, including common symptoms of cervical cancer, high-risk factors for cervical cancer (premature sexual activities and childbirth, smoking, high-risk HPV infection, number of induced abortions, and family history), and preventive measures for cervical cancer (knowing that cervical cancer can be prevented, women of the right age should be screened regularly for cervical cancer, to prevent multiple sexual partners, to use condoms during sexual life, no sexual life and childbirth too early, and reproductive tract infections), HPV vaccine knowledge (role and types of HPV vaccine, best age for vaccination, safety and effectiveness, necessity of HPV vaccination, and willingness to inoculate at one's own expense) (χ2 values were 80.370, 135.593, 47.245, 113.642, 86.484, 60.832, 144.512, 49.487, 39.552, 47.202, 74.912, 80.773, 59.665, 78.205, 97.030, 31.010, and 41.604, and P values were all <0.05). Conclusion Middle school girls lack knowledge about cervical cancer and precancerous lesions. Cervical cancer science lectures in campuses can significantly increase the awareness of cervical cancer, safe sexual activities, and HPV vaccine. It can become an important strategy in the primary prevention of cervical cancer in adolescents.

[Key words] Science lectures; Cervical cancer; Primary prevention; Middle school students; Women

宮頸癌是嚴重威脅女性健康的惡性腫瘤,世界衛生組織統計,2018 年全球宮頸癌新發病例約為57.0萬,死亡病例約為31.1萬[1]。近年來,我國宮頸癌發病率也呈上升趨勢,且年輕化趨勢日益明顯[2]。宮頸癌是一種病因明確、可預防的惡性腫瘤。在全球消除宮頸癌的大背景下,我國的宮頸癌防治工作仍面臨前所未有的挑戰。目前我國宮頸癌的綜合防控策略重點已有新的變化,將對適齡婦女定期宮頸癌篩查的“二級預防”與青少年的“一級預防”兩道防線并舉。一級預防主要包括:健康教育、建立安全性行為和接種HPV 疫苗[3]?!岸夘A防”策略近些年已得到很好的開展與落實,但“一級預防”仍是宮頸癌防治工作的薄弱環節,研究如何更好落實“一級預防”,將有重要的戰略意義。因此醫療機構除做好適齡女性的宮頸癌篩查工作,更應該致力于如何向青少年提供宮頸癌預防的相關知識,灌輸生殖健康理念及提高宮頸癌疫苗的覆蓋率,將對宮頸癌的一級預防工作有重要意義。
