
The Choral Copse 叢林合唱隊

2021-12-23 20:02奧爾多·利奧波德譯析/曹明倫
英語世界 2021年12期

奧爾多·利奧波德 譯析/曹明倫

By September, the day breaks with little help from birds. A song sparrow may give a single half-hearted song, a woodcock may twitter overhead en route to his daytime thicket, a barred owl may terminate the night’s argument with one last wavering call, but few other birds have anything to say or sing about.

It is on some, but not all, of these misty autumn daybreaks that one may hear the chorus of the quail. The silence is suddenly broken by a dozen contralto voices, no longer able to restrain their praise of the day to come. After a brief minute or two, the music closes as suddenly as it began.

There is a peculiar virtue in the music of elusive birds. Songsters that sing from top-most boughs are easily seen and as easily forgotten; they have the mediocrity of the obvious. What one remembers is the invisible hermit thrush pouring silver chords from impenetrable shadows; the soaring crane trumpeting from behind a cloud; the prairie chicken booming from the mists of nowhere; the quail’s Ave Maria in the hush of dawn. No naturalist has even seen the choral act, for the covey is still on its invisible roost in the grass, and any attempt to approach automatically induces silence.

In June it is completely predictable that the robin will give voice when the light intensity reaches 0.01 candle power, and that the bedlam of other singers will follow in predictable sequence. In autumn, on the other hand, the robin is silent, and it is quite unpredictable whether the covey-chorus will occur at all. The disappointment I feel on these mornings of silence perhaps shows that things hoped for have a higher value than. The hope of hearing quail is worth half a dozen risings-in-the-dark.

My farm always has one or more coveys in autumn, but the daybreak chorus is usually distant. I think this is because the coveys prefer to roost as far as possible from the dog, whose interest in quail is even more ardent than my own. One October dawn, however, as I sat sipping coffee by the outdoor fire, a chorus burst into song hardly a stone’s throw away. They had roosted under a white-pine copse, possibly to stay dry during the heavy dews.

We felt honored by this daybreak hymn sung almost at our doorstep. Somehow the blue autumnal needles on those pines became thenceforth bluer, and the red carpet of dewberry under those pines became even redder.








【第一段】此處day breaks不譯“黎明”或“拂曉”而譯“破曉”,倒不是僅僅為了注重原文breaks,而更是為了觀照其后的help(借助),從而表現原作者構思之精妙和遣詞造句之匠心(頗具浪漫意味的借力而破)。這或許就是傅雷先生所說的譯者“敏感之心靈”(參見《翻譯論集》,商務印書館,1984年版第695頁;2009年修訂本第773頁)之細微體現。


【第三段】有人把elusive birds翻譯成“難以捉摸的鳥”,此乃脫離語境的典型表現。根據后句中與之對照的easily seen和obvious,以及下文兩次出現的invisible,這里的elusive應結合語境選用tending to escape the notice or perception of 或difficult to find這個義項。反之,把automatically induces silence翻譯成“必然導致眾鶉齊喑”(化用成語“萬馬齊喑”)則是結合語境的產物,較之“自動導致一片寧靜”或“必然會招來一陣寂靜”,前者似乎更能再現原文的意趣。

【第四段】此段可特別注意譯者對第三句的處理。此句原文主語是帶有一個定語從句的名詞(disappointment),謂語是及物動詞show,賓語則是由that引導的一個從句,若按原文句式譯出,譯文可能會顯得冗長。另請注意things hoped for可譯“人之所望”,things assured可譯“(人之)所得”,而不必非得譯成“期待的東西”和“已到手的東西”。


【第六段】Somehow、autumnal 和thenceforth這三個詞在譯文中并未依照原文中的位置和順序出現,這樣微調無損于原文的意趣,同時又照顧了譯文的韻味和節奏。

【小結】美國翻譯理論家奈達曾在《語言與文化:翻譯中的語境》第6章中對翻譯這類文學語篇提出過基本要求,那就是要譯出其“統一、平衡、節奏和諧等美學特征(Aesthetic features as unity, balance, and rhythm)”。要達到這個要求,譯者就得將原文的內容和形式、思想和感情、情調和韻味都融會貫通,然后用妥切的譯文語言將其再現。? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? □
