
How to write science fiction

2022-01-28 05:30浙江
瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2022年1期

浙江 江 麗

Science fiction writers create imaginary worlds.The way things work in your imaginary worlds will be based on actual science.So it's important for you to be familiar with the scientific principles and inventions that are related to your creation.For example,if you're writing about humans living on a planet with zero gravity,then you need to know the effects of zero gravity on the human body.

Then you have to figure out the exact rules of your imaginary worlds.And you have to follow them.If humans are able to breathe underwater in Chapter 1,your characters can't drown in a swimming pool in Chapter 3.The issue here is keeping your readers' trust.That means the readers are willing to pretend along with you.If you start out with an ordinary detective(偵探的)novel and then throw in someone breathing underwater in the 6th chapter,you will pull the readers out of their imagination.The same thing happens if you change the rules halfway.

Part of your preparation work for the novel is to map out its world in great detail.You should decide the following issues:the history of the world,the geography,what possibilities it offers,how everything works in this new reality,and how all of these factors affect the way your characters think,feel,and react to things.You don't have to tell your readers all the rules in the first chapter.But you have to let readers know enough to understand what's going on.This also allows you to work out logical problems and contradictions(矛 盾)before you start writing.

When you are writing,remember to make it feel real.You are inviting readers to visit a new world.They will want to be able to see,hear,feel,smell,and even taste what it's like.Whether your novel is about a world without disease or an undiscovered planet,help your readers feel like they're actually there.

Reading Check

1.What can we know about actual science and science fiction?

A.Actual science offers science fiction basic principles.

B.Science fiction promotes the development of actual science.

C.Science fiction often reflects the development of actual science.

D.Actual science limits the imagination in science fiction.

2.How does the author develop paragraph 2?

A.By making comparisons. B.By following the time order.

C.By giving examples. D.By listing data.

3.What does the third paragraph focus on?

A.The different types of novels.

B.The reality of science fiction.

C.The detail in the first chapter of science fiction.

D.Part of the preparation work for science fiction writing.

4.What's the purpose of this text?

A.To introduce some novels.

B.To study scientific principles.

C.To share some writing techniques.

D.To give some tips on writing science fiction.

Language Study

Useful expressions

figure out 弄懂

be willing to do sth 樂意去做某事

map out(精心)規劃;安排



science fiction 科幻小說

adaptation 改編本

explode 爆炸

alien 外星人

appreciate 欣賞;感激

character 角色

description 描寫

literature 文學

popular 受歡迎的

classic adj.經典的n.名著

masterpiece 代表作;杰作

original adj.首創的n.原作

release 發布

remark 評論

plot 故事情節

breakthrough 重大進展;突破

challenge 挑戰

intelligent 智能的

mobile 可移動的

modern 現代的

network 網絡

predict 預言;預測;預報

convenience 方便

electronic 電子的

experiment 實驗

explore 探索

hopeful 有希望的

scientific 科學的

technology 科技;工藝

artificial 人工的;人造的

virus 病毒

cyberspace 網絡空間

drawback 缺點;不利條件


be adapted from 根據……改編

be set in 以……為背景

sense of beauty 美感

leave sb a deep impression 給某人留下深刻的印象

on exhibition 在展出中

shape one's character 塑造某人的性格

enrich one's life 豐富某人的生活

broaden one's horizons 開闊某人的眼界

win the Nobel Prize in Literature 獲得諾貝爾文學獎

have a strong interest in 對……有著濃厚的興趣

have a positive/negative effect 有 正 面/負面影響

carry out scientific experiments 開展科學實驗

with the development of 隨著……的發展

modern technology 現代科技

keep pace with 跟上;趕上

do/work wonders 創造奇跡

high-tech products 高科技產品

make a new discovery 有新發現


1.He thinks to read the original work is better than to see the film adapted from it.他認為讀原著比看由原著改編的電影更好。

2.Nowadays,science fiction is enjoyed by people around the world.現在,科幻小說深受世界各地讀者的喜愛。

3.On the one hand,reading literature books can let the students learn about the culture.On the other hand,reading literature books can also improve their writing skills.一方面,閱讀文學書籍可以讓學生了解文化。另一方面,閱讀文學書籍還能提升他們的寫作技能。

4.As far as I am concerned,we can get some benefits from watching sci-fi movies.就我看來,我們可以從看科幻電影中獲益。

5.Whether you want to write about peace-loving aliens or a heartbreaking dystopian future,there are a number of practical strategies for starting your novel,building your world,and landing a satisfying finish.無論你是想寫熱愛和平的外星人,還是令人心碎的反烏托邦的未來,都有許多實用的策略來開始你的小說,建立你的世界,并獲得一個令人滿意的結局。


1.Her face clouded with anger.她的臉因憤怒而變得陰沉起來。

2.Fear slowly creeps up on her.恐懼慢慢向她襲來。

3.We shed tears when we waved goodbye to them.向他們揮手告別時,我們都流下了眼淚。

4.I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.我頭一碰到枕頭就睡著了。

5.Hearing the news,so desperate was he that he drowned sadness in wine.聽到這個消息,他絕望到借酒澆愁。

6.She put her head in hands,greatly annoyed.她雙手抱頭,十分生氣。

7.He scratched his head,not understanding a word.他撓了撓頭,一個字也聽不懂。

8.She dropped her head in shame.她羞愧地低下了頭。

9.She sobbed,hiding her face in her hands.她掩面哭泣。


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