

2022-03-09 15:17
China Textile 2022年1期










陳忠偉告訴記者,眾所周知,在企業奧運贊助協議當中,有一個“排他性”協議,即在同行業內若有一家企業成為奧運合作伙伴或贊助商后,同行業內便無第二家能享用奧運資源。因而,在非運動紡織行業內,恒源祥是第一家也是唯一一家可以享用奧運資源的企業。恒源祥的戰略是全球化、差異化。那如何建立或找到這個差異呢?他說,在我們所處的行業中,若通過產品或者技術來建立差異,這是很難的。但是當消費者買你產品或服務的時候,你總要給他一個買恒源祥的理由。所以在過去的十幾年中集團做了很多“第一”、很多有關“恒源祥,羊羊羊”的事情,且消費者對此也很認同,所以集團的羊毛制品很好賣。但是這個差異,這個理由能否支撐恒源祥走50 年、100年呢?除了“羊”之外,恒源祥還在消費者中樹立了哪些有價值的記憶?現在他又找到了一個差異點,那就是“恒源祥與奧運”。 這不單是物質層面的差異,更重要的是情感方面的差異,若能將這一差異在消費者心中成功建立的話,未來恒源祥的品牌空間會更大,企業發展的道理亦會愈加寬廣。







恒源祥還未正式成為北京 2008 年奧運會贊助商的時候,有人說,恒源祥早已聲名遠播,贊助奧運提升品牌的成本太高了;有人說,恒源祥拿下贊助商資格只是拿到了一個“用錢的權利”,恒源祥還要拿出平均 2.5 倍的資金用于配套的市場推廣,難度太高了;還有人說,成為奧運會贊助商后,對恒源祥各方面的規定相當嚴格,要求太高了……總之,他們的言下之意是:運用奧運資源有極大的危機和風險,大可不必這樣做。但劉瑞旗清楚地意識到,運用奧運資源可以改變人的一生!





Sports, has the power to change the world, with a hundred years of history of the Olympic Games is even more so. Heng Yuan Xiang (HYX), official sponsor of the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, has grown with Chinese sports.

“The arena of the Olympic Games is not only the arena of sports games, but also the arena of market brands. If HYX can become an Olympic official sponsor, it means HYX has a new start.” This was the Olympic dream proposed by Liu Ruiqi, founder of HYX Group in 1995. At the time, everyone thought it was impossible, but it became the starting point of HYX’s Olympic dream. The dream that HYX became the official sponsor of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games came true ten years later!

Following the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, HYX once again joined hands with the Olympic Winter Games and officially became the official sponsor of the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games on November 18, 2019. As a sponsor of the two Olympic Games, HYX has written a new legend for the Chinese brand.

Cooperates with the Olympic Games for five times

On November 18, 2019, HYX ushered in an important historical moment, Press Conference of the Official Formal Wear and Homeware Sponsor of the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games was held in the park of the Beijing Organizing Committee for the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, HYX (Group) Co., Ltd. has become the official formal wear and homeware sponsor of the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. This is the fifth time HYX has joined hands with the Olympics after being a sponsor of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, a partner of the Chinese Olympic Committee from 2009 to 2012, a sponsor of the Chinese Olympic Committee from 2013 to 2016, and a formal wear supplier of the International Olympic Committee from 2019 to 2022.

HYX’s relationship with the Olympics began in the 1930s. Shen Laizhou, the founder of HYX, sponsored Liu Changchun, China’s first Olympian, to go to the Olympics in 1932. After that, HYX never gave up the Olympic dream for nearly a century. HYX officially signed a contract with BOCOG on Decem- ber 22, 2005, becoming the first non-sports textile and apparel sponsor in the history of the Olympic Games. HYX has made the mark in the history of the Olympic Games and forged a decades-long friendship, officially opening HYX’s Olympic era.

In search of excellence, continuous innovation and the creation of the first is the core of HYX brand culture and brand spirit, which is consistent with the spirit of constantly keeping going and striving for the first reflected in sports competition. Therefore, since the 1980s, HYX has been sponsoring sports undertakings as an important work of brand culture construction. The Olympic Games has the highest brand value in the world. Therefore, Liu Ruiqi hopes that by sponsoring the Olympic Games, HYX will become a global brand and enhance the brand value of HYX. Looking into the future, HYX has more expectations and blessings for the Olympic Games, as well as more innovation and imagination.

Heng Yuan Xiang and the Olympics

Why does Heng Yuan Xiang have a special liking for the Olympics? Heng Yuan Xiang Group Chairman, General Manager Chen Zhongwei has his own opinion, he said that the group has a rule — brand is in the minds of consumers. Before becoming a sponsor of the Olympic Games, HYX spent ten years to build the relationship between “Sheep” and “Heng Yuan Xiang” in the minds of consumers through the fivesecond advertisement of “Heng Yuan Xiang, Sheep, Sheep, Sheep”, the sponsorship of CSL, Wool Festival and other methods. Now, by sponsoring the Olympics, HYX wants consumers to have a deeper recognition of the memory of Heng Yuan Xiang and the Olympics.

Mr. Chen Zhongwei told reporters that it is well known that in corporate sponsorship agreements for the Olympic Games, there is an exclusive agreement, which means that if one company in the same industry becomes a partner or sponsor of the Olympic Games, no other company in the same industry can enjoy the Olympic resources. Therefore, HYX is the first and only campany can enjoy the resources of the Olympic Games in the non-sports textile industry. HYX has globalization and differentiation strategy. So how to establish or find this difference? "We’re in an industry where it’s hard to differentiate by product or technology,” he said, but when a customer buys your product or service, you always have to give him a reason to buy it. Therefore, the group has made a lot of efforts in the past ten years, and consumers agree with it, so the group’s wool products sell well. But these can support Heng Yuan Xiang go 50 years, 100 years? Besides “sheep”, what other valuable memories has Heng Yuan Xiang set up among consumers? Now he has found another difference, that is “Heng Yuan Xiang and the Olympics”. This is not only the difference in material, but more importantly, the difference in emotional aspects. If this difference can be successfully established in the minds of consumers, the brand space of HYX will be bigger in the future, and the path of company development will be broader.

Any detail is a mark of history

Ms. Hao Yujie, director of HYX Olympic Winter Games Sports Project Management Center, has been involved in sports related work in Beijing Company since she came to HYX in 2000. She has participated in the work related to the three Olympic Games, three Asian Games and more than 20 other events in the past 11 years. She would feel very proud when she saw the Chinese sports delegation dressed up in uniforms at the opening ceremony. The work related to uniforms is trivial and rigorous, from the overall planning of the uniforms of the delegation to the design of buttons, even if there is a color adjustment, they need to repeatedly communicate and confirm, and completely convey it to the factory and the officials in charge. Because any detail is the historical mark of the Olympic Games, it will be recorded in the history books forever.

“The names of the Chinese sports delegations are almost always chosen at the last minute and will be constantly changed due to changes in training effects. Therefore, sorting out the list and confirming the data has become a necessary difficulty before the competition. We won’t rest easy until the factory delivered the goods perfectly before the shipping date”, Ms. Hao Yujie said.

As a member of HYX, she felt very honored to serve the athletes who have won glory for the country, as well as the coaches and staff who have worked behind the glory, Hao said.

Not only the Olympic Games affairs, Ms. Hao Yujie also participated in many other events or association services, but also met a lot of seniors, which was an extra spiritual reward for her participation in the sports affairs in HYX. HYX is now the official sponsor of the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, and she will continue to do a good job as always with enthusiasm and contribute to the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.

A great opportunity to promote brand culture

Before HYX officially became a sponsor of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, some people said that the use of Olympic resources is a great risk. But Mr. Liu Ruiqi clearly realized that the good use of Olympic resources can change the company’s future!

A very important reason for HYX to sponsor the Olympic Games is to enhance the brand’s reputation, personality and cultural connotation with the influence of the Olympic Games. HYX became the sponsor of the Olympic Games just got the“ticket”, the real Olympic resources is to have the ability to manage the Olympic resources! Having this capability requires the group to change the way it does things and fill in the “gaps” in its capabilities. The Olympic Games operates driven by brand power, and HYX is a company with brand management strategy. Therefore, HYX has many opportunities to learn the operation methods of the Olympic Games, understand the relevant“rules of the game”, and get all kinds of information related to it after HYX became a sponsor of the Olympic Games. “If we don’t learn and use this, we miss a great opportunity to improve the ability to operate brand culture,” Liu said.

Because of the dream, from a street store in 1927 to now stores spreading all over the country, HYX stays true to the original intention in the journey of one hundred years; because of the dream, from the Olympic dream in 1995 to become the Olympic sponsor in 2005, they have made unremitting efforts to realize the dream of the Olympic Games; because of his dream, HYX has cooperated with the Olympics five times, never stopping on the way forward.

HYX and Taihe Music Group jointly created the song “I Believe in Dreams” in 2021, with HYX’s dream as the lead, string up the dreams of more people, dare to dream, dare to realize dreams, no matter failure and pain, and they will eventually usher in glory; may the dreamers always be on the road, constantly break through, never set limits, be your own champion, let the dreamers no longer lonely.

Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games is coming, HYX embarks on a new journey.


七絕·雙奧之城 大好河山 冬奧追夢