
Heritage guardian 最美文物守護者

2022-03-17 16:51李全忠
瘋狂英語·新閱版 2022年2期



1Liu Bayar has developed a habit of travelling each month from his village in Alshaa Left Banner in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to visit cultural sites in the desert. He goes by camel in summer and by car, sometimes with his family, in winter. A trip usually lasts two to three days. Whether the temperature drops to -20 ℃ or spring sandstorms rage ferociously, Lius plans dont change.

2His trips are not for fun. Liu patrols the area to help safeguard the cultural heritage of his hometown, a mission he undertook when he joined 43 other volunteers for the duty in 2015.

3Located in the western part of Inner Mongolia, Alshaa Left Banner is spread across 80,000 square kilometers and has a population of 150,000. Though sparsely populated, the area has a rich cultural heritage, including ancient tombs, structures, temples and rock art sites.

4“To meet the requirements of cultural heritage protection work and the reality that sites are scattered (散開) across mountains and remote deserts, we need help from volunteers,” said Li Xiaowei, an official with the cultural heritage administration in Alshaa.

5In 2015, the team of 44 volunteers, mainly consisting of local herdsmen and farmers from 8 villages in Inner Mongolia, was formed. The team is known as Tuofeng Cultural Heritage Protection Team.

6Based on where they live, the volunteers are divided into eight groups and assigned to patrol different sites and areas. Coats, spotlights, climbing boots, backpacks and supplies are provided. “We also conducted training and gave them lessons on cultural heritage protection,” Li said.

7Occasionally, Liu said he has encountered potential criminal behavior. “Last year I came across tourists using a metal detector to look for coins. I immediately stopped them and reported the incident to the government,” he said.

8 To enhance communication, the team has a work group on WeChat, where the volunteers upload photos and records of their patrols, and report newly discovered sites.

9Love of their hometown and passion for cultural relics are both characteristics shared by the volunteers. In June, members were honored as the countrys “Most Beautiful Guardians” by the National Cultural Heritage Administration.

Vocabulary 1. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “patrols” in ? ? Para. 2?

A. Turns to. B. Puts forward.

C. Watches out for. D. Catches up with.

Inference 2. Why do they need volunteers according to Li Xiaowei?

A. Alshaas population is small.

B. There is more potential criminal behavior.

C. People have developed a habit of volunteering.

D. Cultural relics are scattered across mountains and deserts.

Detail 3. What do we know about Tuofeng Cultural Heritage Protection Team?

A. Its leader is Liu Bayar.

B. It has a history of five years.

C. It gets material support from the government.

D. It is made up of local farmers and researchers.

Inference 4. In which part of a newspaper can we most probably read the text?

A. Society.B. Science.

C. Education. D. Entertainment.

Ⅰ. Discover useful structures in the text

1. whether...or...意為“無論……還是……”,引導讓步狀語從句。

Whether the temperature drops to -20 ℃ or spring sandstorms rage ferociously, Lius plans dont change. 無論氣溫降至零下20攝氏度,還是春季沙塵暴肆虐,劉的計劃都不會改變。

2. be known as... 被稱為……

The team is known as Tuofeng Cultural Heritage Protection Team.這個隊伍被稱為“駝峰文物保護隊”。

Ⅱ. Memorize some text?centered chunks

develop a habit of 養成……的習慣

by camel 騎駱駝

for fun 為了好玩

have a population of 有……人口

meet the requirements of 滿足……的要求

consist of 由……組成

be divided into 被分成……

come across 遇見

be honored as 被授予;被譽為

Whhy do camels have humps? 駱駝為什么長驢峰?
阿拉善SEE 7任會長的故事
KOE.Kids/酷逸 守護者(BA306)