
The magic Mediterranean diet

2022-04-29 02:31北京程琦冉
瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2022年5期

北京 程琦冉

體裁:說明文 文章詞數:334 建議用時:5分鐘

Have you found an anti?aging solution? It has been a subject of interest in many studies.Even if there is no treatment in the market that can prove an effective method to slow human ag?ing, research shows that the consumption of low calories and a balanced diet can help to boost our immune system.

In 2013, UNESCO recognized the Mediterranean diet as an Intangible Cultural Heri?tage of Humanity (人類非物質文化遺產). This heritage reunites the dietary habits of Italy, Spain, Greece, Morocco, Portugal, Croatia and Cyprus. To tell the truth, this diet is not only a group of fruit and vegetables from countries around the Mediterranean Sea but a set of skills and knowledge. It is also a group of traditions concerning crops, harvesting,and fishing and a method of conservation,processing and cooking.In conclusion,it is a cul?ture that has been passed down from generations.

The typical Western diet is high in animal fats, sugar and preservatives (防腐劑) but low in fruit and vegetables. Such food combination is partially responsible for many dis?eases. The overuse of salt and fast foods has also been linked with increased blood pres?sure.But Mediterranean people have changed it for many years.

The pyramid of the Mediterranean diet consists mainly of fruit, vegetables, beans,nuts,grains,fish and olive oil,giving the body maximum access to sources of vitamins,min?erals and other nutrients. Studies show that olive oil may help lower the risk of heart dis?ease.

Even if we don't have a magic solution or effective pill that will boost our health and prolong our life, it has been proven that the Mediterranean diet can help to support a healthy lifestyle.

To get back to the point, the secret of a healthy diet can be the Mediterranean way of drinking, eating and living. Sparing some time to sit down for a relaxed meal with others may be as important for your health as eating plenty of fruit and vegetables.

Reading Check

1.Which kind of diet can boost the immune system according to the text?

A.The Italian diet.

B.A balanced diet with low calories.

C.The traditional diet with crops.

D.The daily diet with fruit and vegetables.

2.What can we know about the typical Western diet?

A.It is high in animal fats,sugar and nutrition.

B.It includes much meat and fruit.

C.It becomes too salty in the process of food combination.

D.It can cause many diseases easily.

3.What conclusion can be drawn about the Mediterranean diet?

A.Olive oil is an important part of it.

B.It can only be adopted around the Mediterranean Sea.

C.Methods of cooking are more important than food.

D.Eating plenty of fruit and vegetables matters little.

Language Study

Useful expressions

an effective method 一種有效的方法

the consumption of low calories 低熱量的攝入

a balanced diet 均衡的飲食

boost our immune system 增強我們的免疫系統

a set of skills and knowledge 一套技能和知識

Cultural Background


