
My voluntary service in Mexico我在墨西哥的志愿服務

2022-05-30 00:23
瘋狂英語·愛英語 2022年11期

In 2018, teachers and students from a community college traveled to Las Pintas, Mexico, to help build a clinic in the poor community. This work was the beginning of the students to employ their classroom knowledge to help the developing world, which has changed me.

In 2017, upon graduating from high school, I was uncertain what career I wanted to go in for. I began my education at the community college and attended general education classes. In my second term, I was honored to be a member of an international service that traveled to Las Pintas to offer health care.

In Las Pintas, we taught the local people how to deal with common health problems and social issues that many of their neighbors were experiencing. In return, we got the chance to learn their Spanish culture and their daily life. This model of voluntary service between the community college and Las Pintas was a rich cross?cultural experience that not only helped the Las Pintas people but also broadened our view greatly.

I continue to use my experience in Las Pintas in my daily life. I now work as a nurse at a hospital with a large Spanish population. I truly enjoy caring for patients as they remind me of my time in Las Pintas. As a result of my voluntary work with the international service learning program over the past years, I am able to communicate with patients from different cultures. I love serving my own community and have continued my involvement with the program.

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. In Las Pintas, I promised myself a career that will be with me throughout my lifetime. Ordinary as the career is, it can make a positive impact on the world, and help form general goodness.

Activity A Reading for understanding

Ⅰ. Text?centered chunks

employ knowledge to do sth 運用知識做某事

upon doing sth 剛一做某事就……

be honored to do sth 很榮幸做某事

deal with problems 處理問題

in return 作為回報;反之

cross?culture experience 跨文化體驗

remind sb of sth 提醒某人某事

involvement with the program 參與項目

lose oneself in 專心致志于……

Ⅱ. Text?centered sentences


This model of voluntary service between the community college and Las Pintas was a rich cross?cultural experience that not only helped the Las Pintas people but also broadened our view greatly. 社區大學和拉斯平塔斯之間的這種志愿服務模式是一種豐富多彩的跨文化體驗,不僅幫助了拉斯平塔斯人民,而且極大地拓寬了我們的眼界。

【點石成金】that作為關系詞引導了一個限制性定語從句,先行詞是a rich cross?cultural experience,在從句中充當主語。



As a result of my voluntary work with the international service learning program over the past years, I am able to communicate with patients from different cultures. 由于我過去幾年在國際服務學習項目中所做的志愿工作,現在我能夠與來自不同文化背景的病人交流了。

【點石成金】as a result of 后面加名詞詞組,意為“由于……”,常常用來引出原因。




Ordinary as the career is, it can make a positive impact on the world, and help form general goodness. 盡管這份事業很普通,但是它可以對世界產生積極的影響,并能幫助形成善良之風。

【點石成金】ordinary as the career is 是as the career is ordinary的部分倒裝,意為“盡管這份事業很普通”,這是一個as引導的讓步狀語從句,其后的it can make...goodness是主句。




1. 支教項目介紹;

2. 志愿服務給你帶來的體驗和收獲;

3. 報名方式及截止日期。


1. 詞數80左右;

2. 可以適當增加細節,以使行文連貫;

3. 至少需要使用一個本文中解析過的句式;

4. 注意段落內的邏輯關系。

Dear Jack,



Li Hua





What is the text mainly about?



Fill in the blanks with only one word according to the text.

My? voluntary? service? in? Mexico



1. enrich one's life experience 豐富某人的生活經驗

2. broaden one's horizons 拓寬某人的視野

3. contribute to the society 為社會做貢獻

4. be good for physical and mental health 有益于身心健康

5. pass on love and spread civilization 傳遞愛心,傳播文明

6. We are supposed to gather at...and set out at... We will arrive at..., where we can devote ourselves to helping... 我們應該在……集合,在……出發。我們將到達……,在那里我們可以致力于幫助……

7. During the voluntary service, we will have lots of activities which you will be interested in. First, ... Second, ... In addition, ... 在本次志愿服務活動期間,我們將舉辦許多你可能會感興趣的活動。首先,……其次,……除此之外,……

8. It will take place at..., during which... Since you are eager to..., it will prove to be a great chance.我們將在……舉行本次活動,在此期間……。既然你渴望……,這將會是個很好的機會。


1. I am writing to invite you to join us in the speech contest. 我寫信邀請你參加我們的演講比賽。

2. I would be glad to invite you to visit my hometown. 我很樂意邀請你來參觀我的家鄉。

3. On behalf of the organizer, it gives me the great honor and pleasure to invite you to act as the judge. 謹代表主辦方,我深感榮幸也倍感高興能邀請您來擔任我們的評委。

4. Please inform me if you can come. I'm looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience. 如果您能來,請告訴我。我期待著盡快收到您的回復。

5. I hope that you will accept the invitation. Your early reply will be appreciated. 我希望您能接受邀請。如蒙早日答復,我將不勝感激。

6. If you are interested in what I have stated above, sign up on my school website before July 1st. 如果你對我講述的內容感興趣,可以在7月1日前到我學校的網站上報名。



Dear Jack,

I am Li Hua, a member of... On behalf of the organizer, I feel it a great honor to invite you to join us. (發出邀請)

During the voluntary service, we will have lots of activities which you will be interested in. First, ... Second, ... In addition, ... (活動內容) The voluntary service is a rich cross?cultural experience that not only...but also... (活動意義) If you are interested in what I have stated above, sign up on our program website before... (報名方式)

I hope that you will accept the invitation. Your favorable reply will be appreciated. Looking forward to your reply. (期待回復)


Li Hua




鍥而不舍 點石成金