

2022-06-08 11:31廣東
瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2022年6期

廣東 黃 馥

題材:動物 體裁:記敘文 文章詞數:282 建議用時:6分鐘

It seems a red squirrel has been causing some trouble for Bill Fischer of Fargo,North Dakota.

The salesman returned from a four?day trip in early September and opened the hood (引擎蓋) of his truck,only to find lots of walnuts(核桃)stored inside.

Fischer knew who did that.Since 2013,the red squirrel has been hiding walnuts in his truck every two years when his neighbor's tree produces walnuts.Fischer said last year's walnut collection was the most the squirrel had ever filled in the hood of his truck.

Every walnut season,Fischer had to empty the hood of his truck and gave the walnuts away.“The squirrel will sit in the tree and watch me clean up the nuts almost like,‘That's mine,friend,’as it's watching me clean up his winter storage,”Fischer said.

Fischer also said the squirrel overlooked other cars.“There are other cars very close to that tree,and it's always my truck,”he said.“I've even parked purposely out on the street—as far away as I can from the walnut tree—but it still finds my truck and hides them there.”

“It's very possible that this funny squirrel considers Bill Fischer's truck to be partof its home,”Aliperti said,who led a study that found that ground squirrels'personali?ties are tied to risk?taking.Aliperti added that the hood of a truck is a perfect hiding place to a squirrel because it's concealed and dry.Since the squirrel has taken over Fischer's truck again and again,while Bill has thrown the walnuts away year by year,Aliperti laughed and said this one might be very forgetful.

Reading Check

1.What trouble did the squirrel cause for Bill Fischer?

A.Storing food in his truck. B.Building a home in his truck.

C.Opening walnuts in his truck. D.Breaking the hood of his truck.

2.How were the walnuts dealt with by Fischer?

A.They were returned to the squirrel.

B.They were hidden in another place.

C.They were collected for the winter.

D.They were cleaned up from the hood.

3.According to Aliperti,why does the squirrel hide walnuts in Bill's truck?

A.The truck is red,clean and empty.

B.The truck is the closest to the tree.

C.The truck is considered as its home.

D.The truck is convenient for transporting walnuts.

4.What does the underlined word“concealed”in the last paragraph mean?

A.Cool. B.Quiet. C.Large. D.Secret.

Language Study

Difficult sentence

“It's very possible that this funny squirrel considers Bill Fischer's truck to be part of its home,”Aliperti said,who led a study that found that ground squirrels'personalities are tied to risk?taking.阿莉帕蒂說:“很有可能這只滑稽的松鼠把比爾·費希爾的卡車當成它家的一部分了?!彼罱囊豁椦芯堪l現囊地鼠具有冒險的個性。

【點石成金】這是一個主從復合句。who led a study that found that ground squir?rels'personalities are tied to risk?taking 是一個由who 引導的非限制性定語從句,先行詞是Aliperti。

新目標英語九年級UnitStep 2