

2023-01-31 05:51/王
文化交流 2022年12期

文 /王 毓







王旭烽憑借作品“茶人三部曲”榮獲茅盾文學獎。Wang Xufeng won the Mao Dun Literature Prize for her “Trilogy of Tea People”.





1988年8月,杭州市園文局籌建中國茶葉博物館,她進入茶博館資料室工作,開始天天與茶葉、茶具、茶書、茶人打交道?!安枞巳壳本褪峭跣穹檫M入這兒工作不久后開始寫的。等到2013年重新啟動寫《望江南》的時候,她已經在浙江農林大學當了七年的茶文化教授。八年后,《望江南》交稿時,他們的茶學和茶文化學院真正成為二級學校。于她而言,這是雙喜臨門:“這是國內外唯一的茶學和茶文化學院,這是我們中華民族的瑰寶??!”她把給學生上《茶文學通論》期間的講義提煉揉粹,結成了《茶文化通論 :品飲中國》一書,2020年由浙江大學出版社出版。




王旭烽在《中國茶酒文化》新書發布暨茶酒研討會上發言。Wang Xufeng speaks during the launch of the book Tea and Liquor Culture in China.

由王旭烽小說《愛情西湖》改編的電影《柳浪聞鶯》上映。The Chanting Willows is a movie adapted from Wang Xufeng’s novel Love by West Lake: Ten Love Stories.











1.王旭烽作品《望江南》,由浙江文藝出版社出版。 2.王旭烽撰稿的紀錄片《茶,一片樹葉的故事》登陸央視。 3.王旭烽撰稿的央視紀錄片《茶,一片樹葉的故事》中的影像畫面。1.Memories of Jiangnan, written by Wang Xufeng and published by Zhejiang Literature and Art Publishing House. 2.The six-part docuseries Tea: Story of the Leaf, the script of which was written by Wang Xufeng, was aired by CCTV. 3.A scene from the six-part docuseries Tea: Story of the Leaf, the script of which was written by Wang Xufeng.

Understanding China Through a Cup of Tea

By Wang Yu

The lotus flowers in the West Lake were blooming red and the golden ginkgo trees took over many roads in Hangzhou. Hidden behind the ginkgo trees was a tea house that sits gracefully, full of charm. Here, I met the writer, tea master, and scholar Wang Xufeng.

Wearing a scarf, with short hair slightly rippling with soft waves and a faint smile at the corner of her mouth, her gaze distant. She looked exactly like the image I saw on the covers of her numerous works.

Some 22 years ago, also at this time in the fall, Wang won China’s highest literary award — the 5th Mao Dun Prize for Literature — for her novellas, the first two parts of her“Trilogy of Tea People”. Emerging as a dark horse, she broke history since the establishment of the award that no writers from Zhejiang, Mao Dun’s hometown, had won.

After 26 years, her new work met with readers this year.In the past ten months, it has been printed 16 times and sold more than 200,000 copies. The book inherits the heavy epic style reflected in her “Trilogy of Tea People” and integrates the narrative discontinuity of nearly 20 years in the trilogy. After this book was published, the historical story of the six generations of the Hang family, from the withdrawal during the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom from Hangzhou city in 1863 to the opening of the Hangzhou International Peace Exhibition Hall funded by tea people worldwide in 1998, has come to an end. China’s first epic novel of tea culture has also completed a consistent hundred-year narrative. And the writer’s desire to build a “Hangzhou on paper”has also been fulfilled.

2022年10月,王旭烽為非遺傳承人講授《三茶統籌下的微茶莊園》。Wang Xufeng delivered lectures on tea culture at a workshop for inheritors of intangible cultural heritage in October 2022.

The life trajectories of the characters in Wang’s books are enough to connect the cultural geography of Hangzhou. This has led some tourists to treat her book as a secret guide to Hangzhou.

“The West Lake, with its tea, water, and boats, is a poetic habitat that also accommodates wild dreams. Life here has given me endless creative elements,” said Wang when talking about how her works have been influenced by the city of Hangzhou. In 1977, the first year of resuming the college entrance examination, she entered the history department of Hangzhou University. Since then, she has stayed here by the West Lake, studying, working and living.

“Jiangnanwas born to be such a piece of beautiful land with mountains and rivers. All year round we can always see the harmonious beauty of the landscape. Bordered by the East China Sea, and the rolling hills of the southwest, it also has a mild climate, making it a land of abundance. On the table, there are constantly seafood, meat, seasonal vegetables, and fresh fruits …very exquisitely cooked as well. Jiangnan people are a lucky group of eaters. Moreover, Hangzhou has a deep historical heritage, being the former capital of the Wuyue State of the Five Dynasties and the Southern Song dynasty for two generations, and is also home to the Liangzhu and Kuahuqiao cultures,” Wang explained.

“The people here are even more diligent, wise and flexible.Take the West Lake as an example, it is actually an artificial lake,and it is the result of generations’ collective efforts. Whether caught in floods or wars, the people of this land have never failed to preserve local civilization. Jiangnan people are mild reformers. It is that kind of step-by-step philosophy that has shaped Jiangnan into the way it is.” Culture is the highest and ultimate value of the city,and civilized life is what people are after. This is also the original intention and goal to build a “picturesque and dynamic Zhejiang”.

Wang Xufeng values her identity as a tea expert more. She once wrote in an article that “although I haven’t stopped writing,over the years my heart has been completely drenched in tea”.

In August 1988, when the then Hangzhou Garden Bureau was preparing for the establishment of the China National Tea Museum, Wang began to work at the museum’s information room, dealing with tea sets, tea books, and tea people every day. The “Trilogy of Tea People” was written shortly after she started working here. By the time she restarted writingMemories of Jiangnanin 2013, she had been a professor of tea culture at Zhejiang A&F University for seven years. Eight years later,when she finished the manuscript ofMemories of Jiangnan, the university’s College of Tea Science and Tea Culture became a secondary school. To her, this was double happiness: “This is the only college of tea science and tea culture at home and abroad,which is the treasure of our nation!” She compiled her lecture notes for the course on the general theory of tea literature into a book titled Essays of Tea Culture, which was published by Zhejiang University Press in 2020.

王旭烽。Wang Xufeng.

Chinese tea is both physical and spiritual. “Tea has become a universal cultural element by integrating Chinese customs,institutions, aesthetics and philosophies,” she concluded. The bookEssays of Tea Culture, edited by herself, Zhang Shikang and Shen Caihong, describes in detail how tea culture has fused into Chinese religious culture, penetrated the institutions of life, and tied up with culture and art. Therefore, Wang has come up with a slogan:“Do you want to understand Chinese culture? Just start with a cup of tea.”

“I did not drink tea, it was tea that drank me,” Wang once wrote down this sentence. She was determined to spend her life doing one thing — to spread tea culture.

王旭烽參加微茶莊開館儀式。Wang Xufeng attended the unveiling of a tea manor.

On the day of the interview, a group of researchers from the Anji White Tea Research Association also came to visit Wang, to ask her advice on the development of the white tea industry. According to the China Tea Production and Circulation Association, in 2021, the national tea garden area was 48,960,900mu, and the tea output was 3,063,200 tons. How to increase value is a development issue faced by everyone. In Zhejiang, it is also a specific item of common prosperity. Wang answered that culture is the foundation of industrial development and provides the space for upward development. According to her, we need to link the“benefit” of tea farmers and others to achieve cross-border creation of income from “culture”, “technology”, and “tea”, and make tea products return to every corner of people’s lives.

Tea is for the people, tea is for people’s lives. This is not only a suggestion but also a path that Wang Xufeng herself is practicing.Her tea house is not only a bamboo tea culture research institute,an International Tea Culture Base, but also a teaching and practice base for college students in the College of Tea Science and Tea Culture of Zhejiang A&F University, where college students started their own businesses. Behind the bar counter, creative tea drinks and special tea snacks, arranged according to the seven categories of tea, such as green tea, red tea, and oolong tea, are offered to guests. There are also tea art training, tea culture lectures and elegant gatherings. Wang also proposed the concept of a micro tea manor, which is a small-scale tea manor run by families as the smallest unit. It combines functions such as accommodation,leisure, tea-drinking and farm work, and has already opened in Yaoxi, Wenzhou and other places to welcome guests. She also takes the opportunity to lecture in various places to visit tea culture study routes and plans to design nine tea routes nationwide.

Among all her works, Wang’s favorite is the six-episode documentaryTea: Story of the Leaf. This docuseries shows China’s first comprehensive exploration of the world’s tea culture, with a total of three years of filming. The crew visited China, Japan,Georgia, Britain, Kenya, and other eight “tea countries”, covered over 30 famous tea mountains, and interviewed more than 120 tea people.

After its broadcast on CCTV, it was widely popular. It has also been translated in English, French, Spanish, and Arabic to spread tea culture around the world. In February 2018, this documentary was even presented to the then British Prime Minister Theresa May as a national gift.

In recent years, “tea diplomacy” has frequently appeared,including in the Hangzhou G20 summit, Xiamen BRICS meeting, and other occasions. China is the home of tea: more than 70 countries around the world have introduced Chinese tea seeds, and tea trees; people in more than 160 countries drink tea,making the tea-drinking population account for two-thirds of the world. Therefore, tea is not only a Chinese flavor, but also a world flavor. In December 2019, the United Nations General Assembly designated May 21 as “International Tea Day” to promote the socio-economic significance of the tea industry. The directorgeneral of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Qu Dongyu, said on the occasion: “To celebrate tea is to celebrate peace, culture and hope.”

Tea was originally a green leaf, but after meeting with humans, it has penetrated various aspects of life. The concept of rescuing, loving, and coexisting in tea culture symbolizes the highest wisdom of the Chinese people about life, and can also serve as a vision and outlook for the common destiny of humanity.Before leaving, several of Wang’s students stood at the entrance of the tea house and shouted their wish to the sky: “Spread the world into a tea mat and invite all humanity to drink together here!”

Wang Xufeng, winner of the 5th Mao Dun Literature Prize,four-time recipient of the “Five One Project” award, writer and historian at the Zhejiang Provincial Museum. She is a professor at Zhejiang A&F University, the leader of the tea culture discipline,the honorary dean of the university’s College of Tea Science and Tea Culture, the director of the China International Tea Culture Research Association, the director of the Chinese International Tea Culture Base, and the vice president of the Zhejiang Tea Culture Research Association. She is one of the first “Four Ones” talent and a recipient of special allowances from the State Council and the May Day Labor Medal. She has been engaged in literary creation since 1980 and has published more than 10 million words to date, covering novels, essays, plays, dramas, and sketches.
