
There be句型在寫作中的運用

2023-03-16 08:41張慶芳張建
瘋狂英語·初中版 2023年2期

張慶芳 張建

there be 句型雖然看似簡單,但是若大家對此句型掌握得并不好,就會導致寫作失分。下文就there be 句型及其變式的用法加以例析,希望能夠幫助大家更好地掌握并準確使用這一句型,增加語言的地道性,提高寫作水平。

一、什么是there be句型

there be句型在英語中表示“什么地方/ 時間存在什么事物/ 人”。在這種結構中,there 是引導詞,be 后面的名詞是主語,句子的結尾是地點/時間狀語。這一句型其實是倒裝的一種情況,主語位于謂語動詞be 之后,there僅用作引導詞,并無實際意義。常見的結構是:there be + 名詞短語+ 地點/ 時間狀語,例如:

There is a huge statue in the centre of the square.


There will be a lecture at 8 o’ clock a.m. this Friday.


二、there be 句型常見的四類錯誤

錯誤1:there be 結構與have(有)的混淆

在平時的寫作中,不少學生經常把這兩個表達混在一起,寫成兩者的結合體“there have/has/had...”, 例如:

There had a 5000-metre cross-country running race held by the Students’ Union last Sunday in our school.(×)

There was a 5000-metre cross-country running race held by the Students’ Union last Sunday in our school.(√)

上周日,我們學校有一場由學生會主辦的5000 米越野比賽。

there be 句型和have 都是表示“有”的意思,兩者不能同時使用。一般來說,there be 句型強調“存在”關系,強調“某地或某時有什么”;而have 強調“所屬”關系,一般表示 “人”有某物,強調“某人有某物”。


There are 200 yuan in my wallet. (某地存在某物)

There will be a lecture this Friday.(某時有某個活動)

I have 200 yuan. (某人有某物)

錯誤2:there be 結構中的主謂一致

在平時的寫作中,部分學生未注意到there be 句型中的主謂一致,例如:

There is various activities for students in this club. (×)

There are various activities for students in this club. (√)


There are a sofa and two desks in the room. (×)

There is a sofa and two desks in the room. (√)


在there be 句型中,be 動詞和后面的主語在數的方面要保持一致。如果后面的名詞是可數名詞的單數形式或不可數名詞,be 動詞就用單數;如果后面的名詞是復數形式,be 動詞就用復數。如果主語是由and 聯結的兩個或兩個以上的名詞,則be 動詞與離它最近的那個名詞保持一致,即遵循就近原則。

錯誤3:there be 結構中誤用雙謂語動詞


Then there will be various fantastic performances play by talented students. (×)


There are a great many boys play football on the playground. (×)


there be 句型中be 動詞就是謂語動詞,句子中不再出現其他的謂語動詞,所以我們可以把句子的后半部分改成定語從句或者把后一個謂語動詞改成非謂語動詞。如下:

Then there will be various fantastic performances which/that will be played by talented students. (定語從句)

There are a great many boys who are playing football on the playground. (定語從句)

Then there will be various fantastic performances played by talented students. (非謂語動詞)

There are a great many boys playing football on the playground. (非謂語動詞)


There be + 主語+ 定語從句/ 同位語從句

There be sb. doing sth. 表示某人在做某事

There be sth. (to be) done 表示某事(將要)被做

錯誤4:there be 結構中的時態問題

在平時的寫作中,學生未能注意到there be 句型中的時態變化,常出現以下錯誤。例如:

There is a lecture in the school lecture hall at 4 o’clock p.m. this Sunday. (×)


there be 結構中be 動詞有時態的變化,所有的時態變化都是be 動詞的變化。以上句子正確時態應該為:

There is going to be a lecture in the school lecture hall at 4 o’clock p.m.this Sunday. (√)

There will be a lecture in the school lecture hall at 4 o’clock p.m. this?Sunday. (√)

There be 句型常見的時態變化如下:

There was a meeting in our school yesterday. (一般過去時)

There will be a meeting in our school tomorrow. (一般將來時)

There is going to be a meeting in our school tomorrow. (一般將來時)

There have been many changes in my hometown since 2011. (現在完成時)

此外,there be 句型還可以和助動詞和情態動詞連用。例如:

There can’t be any mistakes in his passage. 他的文章里不可能有什么錯誤。

除此之外,there be 句型中的be 動詞, 可以用live、stand、come、go、lie、exist 等動詞來替代,表示存在。這些動詞的使用會增加語言的地道性。例如:

There stands a history museum near the square.


總之,牢固地記住there be 結構的易錯點,才能夠寫出正確的句式。

三、there be 句型的拓展句型

除了there be 句型的基本句式之外,我們在寫作中還可以運用一些there be 句型的高級表達,從而讓作文錦上添花。例如:

There is no doubt that... 毫無疑問

There is no denying that... 不可否認

There is no need for sb. to do sth. 某人沒必要做某事

There is no sense/point(in)doing sth. 做某事沒有意義

There is no difficulty/trouble in doing sth. 做某事沒有困難

There is no chance/possibility that ……沒有可能

There is no doubt that keeping an English diary helps you a lot with your written English.


There is no denying that taking exercise is of great importance.


There is no possibility that any of us will ever forget the trip.



1. 10月1日早上8點我們要在東方賓館門口集合,將有一輛小型公共汽車等著我們。

2. 毫無疑問,你應該提前了解唐朝的歷史。

3. 不可否認這是一次極好的體驗,我真的希望能再次去那里。

4. 后墻上掛著一幅很舊的照片。

5. 小鎮旁邊有一個美麗的湖。


1. We are to gather at the gate of the Orient Hotel at eight on the morning of October 1, and there will be a minibus waiting for us.

2. There is no doubt that you are supposed to know about the history of the Tang Dynasty in advance.

3. There is no denying that this was a fantastic experience and I do hope to go there once again.

4. There is an old picture hanging on the back wall.

5. There lies a beautiful lake beside the small town.
