
Erratum to: Turnpike Properties for Stochastic Linear-Quadratic Optimal Control Problems?

2023-04-16 04:55JingruiSUNHanxiaoWANGJiongminYONG

Jingrui SUN Hanxiao WANG Jiongmin YONG

1 Department of Mathematics, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen 518055, China.E-mail: sunjr@sustech.edu.cn

2 Corresponding author.College of Mathematics and Statistics, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060,China.E-mail: hxwang@szu.edu.cn

3 Department of Mathematics, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816, USA.E-mail: jiongmin.yong@ucf.edu

Erratum to: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11401-022-0374-x

1.The third line of page 999, the first author’s name Jiangrui SUN should be changed to Jingrui SUN.

2.The seventh line of page 6 of file totalcontents-43B6.pdf, Jiangrui SUN should be changed to Jingrui SUN.

3.The eleventh line of file 43B6-contents.pdf, Jiangrui SUN should be changed to Jingrui SUN.
