

2023-04-17 12:19
中華海洋法學評論 2023年2期

國家管轄范圍以外區域海洋生物多樣性的養護,是1982 年《聯合國海洋法公約》(以下簡稱“《公約》”)所倡導的海洋環境保護的一項重要課題。多年來,包括各國政府、非政府組織和學術界在內的國際社會對此展開了廣泛、深入和持續的探討,聯合國特設機構也組織了多次政府間談判,以期獲得協調一致及合作的方式處理全球海洋生物多樣性和海洋生態系統問題。在2023 年2 至3 月間由聯合國所組織的BBNJ 政府間談判第五屆會議續會中,包括中國在內的各國就《〈聯合國海洋法公約〉下國家管轄范圍以外區域海洋生物多樣性的養護和可持續利用協定》(以下簡稱“《BBNJ協定》”)達成一致,這是全球海洋治理多邊主義的巨大成功,標志著BBNJ的保護、開發與合作進入了國際法治時代,將對國際海洋秩序產生重大積極的影響。

廈門大學南海研究院十分重視BBNJ 課題的研究,先后于2021、2022年成功舉辦了兩屆BBNJ 國際立法學術研討會,積累了許多重要的學術成果。我院教師持續關注BBNJ 前沿議題并積極參與各類國際實踐,本刊主編施余兵教授也應我國外交部的邀請,作為中國代表團成員和專家顧問,赴聯合國總部參加了為期兩周的BBNJ 政府間談判第五屆會議續會,共同推動《BBNJ 協定》的公平、公正與維護包括我國在內的廣大發展中國家利益。多年來,本刊也已就BBNJ 相關課題發表了多篇研究,本期刊發的《BBNJ 環境影響評價規則、影響與因應》《中國視角下風險預防方法在〈BBNJ 協定〉中的適用》《第二屆“國家管轄范圍以外區域海洋生物多樣性的國際立法”學術研討會綜述》等,正是對這一重要熱點課題的最新跟進。

環境影響評價(以下簡稱“環評”)是包括海洋遺傳資源、劃區管理工具、能力建設與技術轉讓在內的BBNJ 協定四大議題之一,自然資源部第三海洋研究所姜玉環博士、張繼偉研究員的《BBNJ 環境影響評價規則、影響與因應》一文,就BBNJ 新協定的環評規則特征、主要內容、對國家的影響以及我國的應對策略,展開深入的探討。作者認為,《BBNJ 協定》環評制度細化了環評啟動機制、實施機制和后續監管機制,構建和完善了國家管轄范圍以外區域海洋活動的事前評估和監測管理全過程規制框架與國際公共監督機制,將對國家的國際話語、發展利益和國內制度產生深刻而復雜的潛在影響,推動了新的全球海洋法律秩序和治理格局不斷發展演變,將為國家管轄范圍以外區域海洋遺傳資源利用、海洋生態系統劃區保護與管理、環境影響評價和相關能力建設等事項提供統一的國際法律框架。文章還注意到,BBNJ 環評規則將為我國獲取深、遠海戰略資源利益和拓展海洋發展空間帶來一定挑戰,也為我國主動對接高標準國際規則、積極引領國際規則制定、增強在國際法律事務中的話語權和影響力提供重要機遇,主張我國應積極面對新的機遇與挑戰,統籌提升國際規則解釋、適用和塑造能力,加快建立完善國內BBNJ 環評制度體系。

風險預防方法作為國際環境法概念,對海洋環境和海洋資源的保護具有重要意義?!禕BNJ 協定》在第七條“一般原則和方法”中強調締約方應遵循“在適當情形下,風險預防原則或風險預防方法”。中國海洋大學王金鵬、姜文琪的《中國視角下風險預防方法在BBNJ 協定中的適用》一文,分析了《BBNJ 協定》中風險預防方法的來源、內涵與適用,BBNJ 一般原則與方法、劃區管理工具及環境影響評價等環節中風險預防方法的構成與中國的參與,認為BBNJ 風險預防方法相對于風險預防原則具有靈活性、法律性質明晰、符合可持續發展理念等特點,可以指導各國在海洋生物多樣性的養護與可持續利用的具體實踐。在中國視角下,風險預防方法具有實踐意義,中國支持風險預防方法在BBNJ 協定中的適用,為相關具體條款的制定做出了貢獻,在國內法中也應重視風險預防的適用。

廈門大學馮金龍、雷麗萍的《第二屆“國家管轄范圍以外區域海洋生物多樣性的國際立法”學術研討會綜述》,是2022 年11 月廈門“國際海洋周”期間,我院舉辦的第二屆BBNJ 國際立法學術研討會的精彩實錄。該文概括了15 位中外專家學者圍繞“包括海洋保護區在內的劃區管理工具”與“環境影響評價、能力建設和海洋技術轉讓以及跨領域問題”兩大議題所作的深入交流與探討。本次研討會正值聯合國BBNJ 第五次政府間談判續會召開前的空檔,上述兩大議題中多位專家學者所貢獻的最新研究,系統分析《BBNJ 協定》談判的現狀及目前所面臨的諸多法律挑戰,為我國參加相關談判提供了智力支持和談判建議。


此外,大連海事大學Muneeb Khan、張晏瑲和山東大學M. Jahanzeb Butt 分享了穆科技(Proshanto K. Mukherji)、馬克西莫·梅希亞(Maximo Q.Mejia)和徐晶晶編著、施普林格出版社2020 年出版的《運動中的海商法》(Maritime Law in Motion)一書的評述。該文認為,21 世紀全球商品的海上運輸方式和海洋資源的開采方式的變化,以及管理海洋和規范航運的法律融入現代實踐,都帶來了“海商法”內涵與定義的重新闡述?!哆\動中的海商法》一書的作者們擁有各不相同的海事背景,包括海員、海事律師、學者、海岸警衛隊官員及國際海事組織專家等,法律專業知識與豐富的涉海實踐經驗使他們能夠為海事法的新論述提供全新的視角,對實際問題的討論全面概述了海洋和航運法律法規體系,填補了航運、海事和海洋治理領域法律和監管方面的重大空白。

2021 年4 月6 日《習近平致廈門大學建校100 周年的賀信》中指出,建設世界一流大學,還需要“全面提升服務區域發展和國家戰略能力”。作為國內海洋法領域的知名高校智庫,廈門大學南海研究院攜本刊將持續關注并推動包括《BBNJ 協定》達成的新背景下國際海洋法領域的新進展、新課題,為建設人類海洋命運共同體、復興中華海洋文明與建設海洋強國做出新的貢獻。


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Editorial Note

The conservation of marine biodiversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ) is a significant focal point in the realm of marine environment protection as advocated by the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). The many years that have passed have witnessed a wide-ranging, in-depth, and ongoing discourse unfolding around this issue within the international community, involving governments,non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and the academic sphere.Specialized Agencies of the United Nations have also organized numerous intergovernmental negotiations, aiming to foster a coordinated and cooperative approach towards addressing global issues related to marine biodiversity and marine ecosystems. During the resumed 5th session of the Intergovernmental Conference on BBNJ, held by the United Nations in February-March 2023,States, including China, reached a consensus on the Agreement under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological Diversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (hereinafter “BBNJ Agreement”). This represents a significant triumph for multilateralism in global ocean governance, signifying the advent of an era of international rule of law for the conservation, development, and cooperation regarding BBNJ. This milestone is expected to exert a profoundly positive impact on the international maritime order.

Driven by its great emphasis on the research of BBNJ topics, the South China Sea Institute (SCSI), Xiamen University has successfully organized two sessions of the International Legislative Symposium on Marine Biodiversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction in 2021 and 2022, yielding a trove of significant academic findings. Moreover, the SCSI’s faculties are dedicated to staying updated on the cutting-edge BBNJ issues and actively engage in various international initiatives. At the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Professor SHI Yubing, the editor-in-chief of China Oceans Law Review,joined the Chinese delegation as an expert advisor to participate in the twoweek-long resumed 5th session of the Intergovernmental Conference on BBNJ held at the United Nations headquarters. The goal was to collectively promote the fairness and justice in the BBNJ Agreement and to safeguard the interests of not only China but also numerous developing States. Throughout the years,China Oceans Law Review has published numerous studies on BBNJ-related topics. This Issue features papers providing fresh insights into this crucial and trending subject, including BBNJ Environmental Impact Assessments:Rules, Impacts and Response, Application of the Precautionary Approach in the BBNJ Treaty From a Chinese Perspective, and The Second Symposium on International Legislation On Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction:Conference Report.

The BBNJ Agreement addresses four major issues, including marine genetic resources, area-based management tools, capacity building and the transfer of marine technology, and environmental impact assessment (EIA).In their paper BBNJ Environmental Impact Assessments: Rules, Impacts and Response, Dr. JIANG Yuhuan and Prof. ZHANG Jiwei from the Third Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources present an in-depth probe into the characteristics and main content of the new BBNJ Agreement’s rules for environmental impact assessments (EIA), their implications for States, and China’s strategies in response thereto. According to the Authors,the EIA system within the BBNJ Agreement has refined the mechanisms for the trigger, execution, and subsequent oversight of EIAs. It has also constructed and improved a regulatory framework for ex ante assessment and entire-process monitoring of marine activities in areas beyond national jurisdiction, along with an international mechanism for public oversight. This system is expected to generate far-reaching and intricate effects on a State’s international discourse, development interests, and domestic systems. It will drive the continuous development and evolution of a new global legal order and governance landscape for the oceans, establishing a unified global legal framework for issues such as marine genetic resources utilization in areas beyond national jurisdiction, area-based protection and management of marine ecosystems, EIAs and associated capacity-building efforts. The Authors also note that the BBNJ EIA rules will bring forth certain challenges for China in terms of securing strategic resource interests in the deep and distant oceans and expanding its ocean development space. Simultaneously, these rules will offer significant opportunities for China to proactively align itself with high-standard international regulations, assume an active leading role in the development of international rules, and bolster its capacity for discourse and influence in international legal affairs. The Authors advocate for China to embrace these opportunities and challenges, enhance its capacity to interpret, apply, and shape these international rules holistically, and expedite the development of a comprehensive domestic BBNJ EIA system.

The precautionary approach, in its capacity as a concept of international environmental law, is of significant importance for the protection of marine environments and marine resources. The BBNJ Agreement underscores the importance of this approach in its Article 7, stating that in relevant circumstances, contracting parties should adhere to the “precautionary principle or precautionary approach, as appropriate”. The paper Application of the Precautionary Approach in the BBNJ Treaty from a Chinese Perspective, coauthored by Prof. WANG Jinpeng and JIANG Wenqi from the Law School,Ocean University of China, offers an analysis of the origin, content, and application of the precautionary approach in the BBNJ Treaty. The paper discusses the composition of the precautionary approach in various aspects of the BBNJ Agreement, including general principles and approaches, area-based management tools, and environmental impact assessments, as well as China’s engagement. The Authors assert that the precautionary approach outlined in the BBNJ Agreement, as compared to the precautionary principle, exhibit flexibility,legal clarity, and alignment with the concept of sustainable development,making it a potential guide for States in their practical efforts to conserve and sustainably use marine biodiversity. The Authors highlight that, from a Chinese perspective, the precautionary approach holds practical significance, and China supports its application in the BBNJ Agreement and has actively contributed to the development of relevant specific provisions. The application of the precautionary approach should also be underscored in domestic legislation.

The Second Symposium on International Legislation On Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction: Conference Report, co-authored by FENG Jinlong and LEI Liping from the School of Law, Xiamen University, is an excellent record of this Symposium held during the World Ocean Week in Xiamen in November 2022. This conference report provides an overview of the in-depth discussions and exchanges among 15 Chinese and foreign experts and scholars regarding two pivotal topics: “Area-based management tools, including marine protected areas” and “Environmental impact assessments, capacitybuilding and the transfer of marine technology, and cross-cutting issues”. It is worth noting that this Symposium took place during a gap period before the resumed 5th session of the Intergovernmental Conference on BBNJ organized by the United Nations. Regarding the two pivotal topics mentioned above,multiple experts and scholars have contributed their latest research, offering a systematic analysis of the current status of negotiations on an international agreement concerning marine biodiversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction,as well as the numerous legal challenges currently faced. These insights serve as intellectual support and negotiation recommendations to facilitate China’s participation in relevant negotiations.

The escalating issue of plastic pollution in the marine environment presents a pressing and pivotal challenge for the international community in the governance of marine ecosystems. In response, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is actively working on the development of an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, with several States,including China, calling for the incorporation of the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities. In the paper On the Applicability of the Principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities in International Legislation on Marine Plastic Pollution, ZHOU Shengquan and Prof. SHI Yubing of the SCSI, Xiamen University presents a deep dive into the practical implications of the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities in international legislation on marine plastic pollution. The paper begins by examining the origins of the issue within the context of international legislation on marine plastic pollution, analyzing the emergence of this principle and its application in areas beyond climate change. It then explores the suitability of this principle in international legislation on marine plastic pollution. The paper is characterized by clear logic and persuasive argumentation, holding significant reference value for the advancement of international law concerning plastic pollution in the marine environment.

Additionally, Prof. CHANG Yen-Chiang, Muneeb Khan M. Jahanzeb Butt share a review of the book Maritime Law in Motion, authored by Proshanto K. Mukherji, Maximo Q. Mejia, and XU Jingjing, and published by Springer in 2020. The Authors hold that changes in the methods of global commodity transportation and the latest approaches to marine resource exploitation in the 21st century, coupled with the integration of maritime and shipping law into modern practices, have led to a reformulation of the content and definition of maritime law. The Authors of the book Maritime Law in Motion come from diverse maritime backgrounds, including seafarers, maritime lawyers, scholars,coast guard officials, and experts from the International Maritime Organization.Their combination of legal expertise and extensive practical experience in the maritime field allows them to provide a fresh perspective on the evolving discourse surrounding maritime law. They comprehensively discuss the legal and regulatory framework of maritime and shipping law based on practical issues, and their work fills significant gaps in the legal and regulatory aspects of shipping, maritime affairs, and ocean governance.

On 6 April 2021, XI Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to Xiamen University celebrating its 100th anniversary, where XI highlights the necessity to “comprehensively enhance the capability to serve regional development and national strategies” in the pursuit of establishing world-class universities. As a prominent academic institution and think tank in the realm of maritime law within China, the SCSI, Xiamen University will, in collaboration with China Oceans Law Review, focus continuously on and drive new advancements and emerging topics within the field of international law of the sea in the context of recent developments like the agreed BBNJ Agreement. These efforts are aimed at making fresh contributions to the building of a maritime community with a shared future, the revitalization of Chinese maritime civilization, and the building of a marine power.


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第一章 向海洋出發