
巧用書面表達范文 提高學生寫作水平

2023-06-23 04:49武發俊
云南教育·中學教師 2023年2期






Dear Sir/Madam,

Im writing to sign up for the selection of little envoys of cultural exchange to promote the communication with foreign schools.

Above all, I have traveled to Europe twice for summer camps before, which helped me experience foreign cultures and look at things from different perspectives. Actually, I am chairman of Student Union, so I will be the right person to share Chinese school culture with foreigners, such as student clubs and school activities.

If you need to contact me, please call 6513099. I believe that the chance can broaden my horizon and make me grow in many ways. Thank you!


Li Hua



(2)第二段表述了兩點申請理由,引出理由的連接詞“Above all”“Actually”不太匹配。

(3)第三段中的句子“I believe that the chance can broaden my horizon and make me grow in many ways.”應該是申請理由,放在最后一段存在表達邏輯上的混亂,與上一句“If you need to contact me, please call 6513099.”關聯度不高,思維有點跳躍式?!癐f you need to contact me, please call 6513099.”這一句在“申請”中有點生硬。



Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Li Hua. Informed that youre selecting little envoys of cultural exchange, Im writing to sign up for it to promote the communication with foreign schools.

First and foremost, I have traveled to Europe twice for summer camps before, which has helped me experience foreign cultures and look at things from different perspectives. Besides, being chairman of Student Union, I will be the right person to share Chinese school culture with foreigners, such as student clubs and school activities. Last but not least, its an opportunity to broaden my horizon and make me grow in many ways.

If you need some more information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 6513099 . Thank you!


Li Hua



Dear Tim,

How are you doing? Anything fun? Ive just joined my schools chorus club, which I enjoy very much.

With a total of 50 music-loving members, the chorus is very popular with students. We need every Tuesday afternoon in the school music hall to practice singing. Our conductor, one of my classmates, has chosen three classical songs, which we plan to perform at a charity show next month to raise money for the drought-stricken areas. Our music teacher is very supportive to our plan and she has promised to accompany us on the piano.

Could you write back and tell me about the student clubs of your school? Looking forward to your reply.

Best wishes,

Li Hua


(1)文本給人留下的印象不好,寫信完畢簽字處不適宜用“Best wishes”替代“Yours”。

(2)第二段中,句子“We need every Tuesday afternoon in the school music hall to practice singing.”明顯有中式英語的痕跡,表達不地道。


該范文有113個詞,行文流暢、簡練,尤其是第一段,用“Anything fun?”表達寫信目的,簡單明了,確實將自己置身于情境交際之中,但寫信完畢簽字處應將“Best wishes”改為“Yours”。第二段中,將句子“We need every Tuesday afternoon in the school music hall to practice singing.”改為“We need to practice singing in the school music hall every Tuesday afternoon.”更符合英語表達,較為妥當。



Dear Eric,

Im Li Hua, chief editor of the school English newspaper. We are starting a new column which welcomes readers to write articles for it. I wonder whether youd like to share your story. The requirements are as follows.

There must be many role models who have inspired you so much. The article is supposed to focus on the theme“A Role Model in My Life”. As for the length of the text, there is no limit. While submitting your work, dont forget to include a self-introduction, Finally, please send your article to teenstoday@126.com before the deadline of March 31st.

If you have any question, please feel free to contact me. Your contribution will be highly appreciated.


Li Hua


(1)第一段的“鳳頭”不突出,過于冗長;寫信人是Eric的好友,沒有必要再介紹自己“Im Li Hua”。




Dear Eric,

Being chief editor of the school English newspaper for a new column, I wonder whether youd like to share your article on it.

As follows are the detailed requirements. To begin with, the article is supposed to focus on the theme “A Role Model in My Life”, who has inspired you so much. And next, as for the length of the text, there is no limit. In addition, while submitting your work, dont forget to include a self-introduction, Finally, please send your article to teenstoday@126.com before the deadline of March 31st.

If you have some question, please feel free to contact me. Your contribution will be highly appreciated.



Dear Eric,

How are you doing? Recently I have taken up the Chinese martial arts, which is great fun. Maybe you will also be interested in it.

Martial arts, also known as Wushu, is a traditional sport in China. I started practising it last month in order to build up my body and relieve the stress from study as well. As scheduled, we gather in the school gym to do the sport twice a week. Our coach tells us that Wushu makes people feel a sense of calm, confidence and peace. The one-month training has benefited me a lot. My health has improved significantly. And I have come to understand the concept of good sportsmanship.

Why not join me in practicing Wushu?



(2)第二段中,練武術帶來的好處:“...Wushu makes people feel a sense of calm, confidence and peace.”(武術使人有一種平靜、自信、平和的感覺)“calm”和“peace”是近義詞,顯得重復。




How are you doing? Having taken up the Chinese martial arts recently, Im writing to show off my thrilling /enjoyable/pleasurable experience with you in excitement.(28個詞)

Hows everything going? Having been practicing martial arts for weeks, I have a strong desire (that Im willing) to express my burning passion for it in this letter.(27個詞)

第二段中,談到練武術的益處,人們首先想到的是“果敢”“堅毅”,若將句子“...Wushu makes people feel a sense of calm, confidence and peace.”改為“...Wushu makes people feel a sense of bravery, confidence and perseverance.”更好,既可避免用詞重復,其觀點表達也更容易被人接受和理解。




Dear Chris,

Word came that our school is going to hold a class meeting whose topic is related to Chinese traditional customs. Because this activity will be presented on the English website, I sincerely want you to offer me some advice.

As far as we know, there is a huge cultural difference between China and the western countries. In order to get more clicks, youd better tell me which Chinese culture you westerners prefer. Whats more, if I want to decorate my website with some Chinese elements, what should I do? Knowing you are interested in China, I do believe you can help me solve these puzzles.

If possible, you can reply to me as soon as possible. I will take your advice into consideration. I really appreciate your help.


Li Hua



(2)一些小細節的嚴謹程度不夠,同樣功用的表達用詞重復。如第一段和第二段中都有“want somebody to do something”的句式;第三段中,“If possible, you can reply to me as soon as possible.”一個句子用了兩個“possible”,稍顯無趣。



As schedule,our school will hold a class meeting related to Chinese traditional customs and presented on the English website, I sincerely wish you to offer me some advice.(30個詞)

為避免重復,可將第一段“... I sincerely want you to offer me some advice.”中的“want”改為“wish”。第三段中,若將“If possible”改為“If convenient”,既避免了用詞重復,效果也更佳。



When it comes to ocean, its pollution is becoming more and more serious. World Ocean Day, falling on June 8th, is aimed at raising awareness of ocean conservation.

Ocean plays a key role in our world. Not only does ocean offer us sufficient food, but also it maintains the balance of nature. Thus, it is imperative to protect ocean. First of all, what we can do is to place importance on our daily actions. For example, garbage cant be thrown into ocean. Whats more, we can also hand out leaflets to call on more people to protect the ocean. The more people are involved, the better the ocean environment is.

All in all, it is high time that we devoted ourselves to protecting ocean. To protect ocean is to protect ourselves.


第二段中,句子“First of all, what we can do is to place importance on our daily actions.”有問題。


在第二段句子“First of all,what we can do is to place importance on our daily actions.”中 ,具體的句子成分:“what we can do”作主語,“to place importance on our daily actions”作表語,當不定式作表語,前面主語有“do”時,后面表語“to do”的“to”應該省略,這個句子應改為:“First of all,what we can do is place importance on our daily actions.”


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