

2023-07-28 02:27張冬麗張朋月沈玉君丁京濤
農業工程學報 2023年8期




(1. 農業農村部規劃設計研究院農村能源與環保研究所,北京 100125;2. 農業農村部資源循環利用技術與模式綜合性重點實驗室,北京 100125)



0 引 言




1 糞水酸化貯存中的氮素遷移及其減損特征

1.1 糞水酸化貯存中的氮素遷移


表1 養殖糞水中主要物質含量


圖1 畜禽養殖糞水酸化貯存及其氮素減損增效示意圖

1.2 糞水酸化貯存的氮素減損路徑


1.3 糞水酸化貯存與傳統工藝的差異


圖2 糞水酸化貯存與傳統工藝對比示意圖


2 不同糞水酸化貯存工藝的比較評價

2.1 不同類型酸化劑




2.2 不同類型酸化方式



3 酸化貯存對糞水氮素減損增效影響

3.1 對氨氣排放的影響



表2 糞水酸化后氨氣排放情況

3.2 對N2O氣體排放的影響


3.3 對糞肥還田后土壤肥效的影響

國內外已有研究發現,糞水酸化后還田可以提高土壤中N、P等有效態養分含量,對作物生長具有重要意義(見表3)。酸化糞污不僅可以降低貯存期糞污中氨氣的排放[28],提高糞水中無機鹽成分,在酸化糞污施用到農田后也能夠有效提高作物產量。FANGUEIRO等[48]通過向具有高有機質含量的石灰性壤土和低有機質含量的酸性砂土中施入酸化的糞污,土壤中的NH4+在施入后的30 d內明顯大于添加未酸化糞污的處理,可以看出施入酸化處理的糞污可以使土壤中的N以NH4+的形式停留在土壤中,降低土壤中NH3揮發的損失。S?RENSEN[13,49]等的研究也表明向農田施入酸化后的糞污能夠明顯降低土壤中NH3的揮發,同時其表明施入酸化的糞污的農田中CH4的累積排放量也顯著下降,FROST等[50]的研究表明施入酸化糞污的土壤相對施入未酸化糞污的土壤其氨揮發損失降低了85%,提高了黑麥草對NH4+的利用率,同時也明顯提升了該土壤上種植黑麥草的干物質產量,同樣,也有研究[51]表明土壤表面施入酸化后的糞污能夠有效減少土壤N損失,促進作物對N的吸收。FANGUEIRO等[52]最新研究再次表明在燕麥播種0 和8 d后的土壤表面單獨施用酸化豬糞水或與尿素聯合使用均能有效降低NH3-N的排放,尿素和酸化豬糞水聯合應用還進一步提高了尿素的使用效率。

表3 糞污酸化貯存及施用肥效特征

3.4 對農田環境的影響





4 結論與展望



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Progress in the mechanism for the promotion of nitrogen loss reduction during the acidification storage of animal slurry

ZHANG Dongli, ZHANG Pengyue, SHEN Yujun, DING Jingtao※

(1.,,100125,; 2.,,100125,)

Acidification storage of animal slurry is one of the key technologies to effectively regulate the relationship between microorganisms, environment, and nitrogen for the high reduction of nitrogen loss and efficiency in animal slurry. This review aims to systematically investigate the nitrogen migration and transformation during the acidified storage of animal slurry in recent years. Three acidifiers were used, including the strong acid, hydrolyzed acidic salt, and easily decomposed organic matter. Three types of acidizing storage were then selected, namely long-term, medium, and long-term acidizing in the storage pool and short-term acidizing in the application. Finally, the economic cost and application effectiveness were comparatively evaluated in this case. More importantly, a systematic analysis was performed on the reduction of nitrogen losses and enhancement of fertilizer effectiveness, according to the technical route in the acidification storage. Furthermore, future research directions were addressed to identify the shortcomings of existing technologies for the acidified storage of animal slurry. Specifically, the nitrogen migration and transformation in the acidification storage process of animal slurry were divided into organic nitrogen mineralization, ammonium nitrogen fixation, inhibition of inorganic nitrogen conversion, and nitrification. Two reasons were attributed to reducing the nitrogen loss in the acidification storage of animal slurry. The addition of acidifiers was one way to change the dynamic balance of NH4+and NH3by lowering the pH of animal slurry, in order to promote the formation of NH4+while reducing the emission of dissolved NH3in animal slurry. The microbial activity decreased with the decreasing pH and mineralization of organic matter in animal slurry, thus reducing the production and emission of NH3. The acidification storage of animal slurry reduced the NH3emissions by 15%-77%. The degradation rate of nitrogenous organic compounds decreased with the addition of acidifiers, leading to the lower production of ammonium nitrogen. And the conversion rate of ammonium nitrogen to nitrate nitrogen was also reduced, thus further reducing the conversion of nitrate nitrogen to N2O. To sum up, the nitrogen losses were reduced to alter the microbial action and chemical equilibrium state. In addition, the long-term acidizing process presented more stable acidizing and a wider application range during the application, compared with the medium and long-term acidizing in the storage pool and the short-term acidizing. The acidification storage of animal slurry can be expected to stabilize and retain NH4+in the animal slurry. Therefore, acidification and returning to the field can improve the content of effective nutrients (such as N and P) in the soil for the high efficiency of soil fertility. However, the low efficiency of manure fertility and the secondary pollution can also be found in the unreasonable acidification storage and application in practice. It is a high demand for the quantitative analysis of nitrogen migration and transformation pathways in the process of fecal water storage, the complex acidifiers, and the post-acidification animal slurry in agricultural fields. The assessment and response to environmental risks can be launched for the research and development of acidification storage equipment in the future.

acids; fertilizer efficiency; animal slurry; nitrogen loss reduction










張冬麗,張朋月,沈玉君,等. 畜禽養殖糞水酸化貯存及氮素減損增效研究進展[J]. 農業工程學報,2023,39(8):12-19. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202211070 http://www.tcsae.org

ZHANG Dongli, ZHANG Pengyue, SHEN Yujun, et al. Progress in the mechanism for the promotion of nitrogen loss reduction during the acidification storage of animal slurry[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2023, 39(8): 12-19. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202211070 http://www.tcsae.org

推進糞水還田 實現種養結合—畜禽養殖糞水還田技術研討會在京召開