
Midsummer Night仲夏之夜

2024-01-16 05:24王燁
瘋狂英語·雙語世界 2023年4期


The children were very much puzzled what to do, for itwas Midsummer-night, and they knew that there was a dreambelonging to it; but they could not tell how to come across it.They knew that the dream had something to do with fairies, aqueen, and all manner of lovely things; but that was all.


At first, they thought they would sit up with the doors andwindows open, and the dog on the steps was ready to bark if hesaw anything unusual. Then they felt sure that they could notdream while they were wide-awake, so three of them went to bed,and one dozed in a corner of the porch, with her clothes on.


Presently the dog barked, and two children in their nightgownsran out to see, and one took off her night-cap and lookedout of the window; but it was only old Nurse coming back froma long gossip with the village blacksmiths wife and motherin-law. So the dog looked foolish, and Nurse was angry, and putthem all to bed without any more ado.

不一會兒,狗叫了起來,兩個穿著睡衣的孩子跑出來看,其中一個人摘下睡帽,向窗外看去 ;但只是老萊斯與村里鐵匠的妻子、丈母娘結束長聊后回來了。所以這狗看起來很愚蠢,萊斯很生氣,毫不猶豫地叫他們都上床睡覺。

“Oh,” they cried, “but the fairies, and the queen, and theflowers! What shall we do to see them?”


“Go to sleep,” said Nurse, “and the dream may come toyou;—you cant go to a dream,” she added, for you see she wasjust a peasant woman, and had never travelled far, or into any?land but her own.“


So the children shut their eyes tightly and went to sleep, and I think that they saw something, for their eyes were very bright next morning, and one of them whispered to me, softly, “The queen wore a wreath of flowers last night, dear mother, and, oh, she was very beautiful.”



puzzled adj. 疑惑的;困惑的

midsummer-night 仲夏之夜

belong to… 屬于……

come across 遇到;碰上

fairy n. 仙女

queen n. 王后

manner n. 方式;舉止;行為

bark v. (狗)吠叫

unusual adj. 不同尋常的;異樣的

wide-awake adj. 完全醒過來的

doze v. 打瞌睡

porch n. 門廊

presently adv. 最近;不久;現在

night-gown n. 睡袍

gossip n. 說閑話

blacksmith n. 鐵匠

mother-in-law n. 岳母;婆母

add v. 補充;補充道

peasant n. 農民

tightly adv. 緊緊地

whisper v. 耳語

wreath n. 花環

I. Read the passage and answer the following questions.

1. Did the children know what to do at the midsummer-night?


2. Did the dog on the steps see anything unusual that night?


3. Did the children have a dream when they were wide-awake?


4. Did old Nurse travel far before?


5. Did the children have a dream of the queen that night?


II. Put the following into Chinese.

1. midsummer-night __________________

2. feel sure _________________________

3. have something to do with ___________

4. go to bed _________________________

5. come across _______________________

6. in a corner _______________________

7. at first ___________________________

8. next morning _____________________

9. something unusual _________________

10. look foolish _____________________

III. Choose the correct words in the brackets to fill in the blanks.

1. Those students are puzzled ________ (what / when) to go to the zoo.

2. That night, Richard ________ (has / had) a nice dream.

3. Our teacher of music ________ (knows / knew) that thing last week.

4. That boy doesnt know ________ (how / what) to answer this question in English.

5. It must have ________ (anything /something) to do with the doctor, I think.

6. The white rabbit sat ________ (down / up) when those strangers came to her.

7. George is Marys husband, so Marys father is Georges ________ (mother-in-law / father-in-law).

8. He came back late ________ (because / for) there was something wrong with his car.

9. He has to work hard, ________ (because / for) he wants to support his family.

10. Yesterday afternoon, their maths teacher ________ (wears / wore) a blue T-shirt.

Keys to Midsummer Night

I. 1. No, they didnt. 2. No, it didnt. 3. No, they didnt. 4. No, she didnt. 5. Yes, they did.

II. 1.仲夏之夜 2.確信 3.與……有關系 4.上床睡覺 5.遇到;碰到 6.在拐角處 7.起初;一開始 8.第二天早晨 9.非同尋常的事情 10.看上去愚蠢

III. 1. when 2. had 3. knew 4. how 5. something 6. up (注:當兔子坐起來時,身體的高度反而比行走時或睡著時要高,所以此空只能填寫“up”。)

7. father-in-law 8. because 9. for 10. wore

The Watcher