
Rebirth from a wounded reserve

2024-03-06 09:16陜西
瘋狂英語·新悅讀 2024年1期

陜西 呂 品


主題語境:野生動物保護 篇幅:315詞 建議用時:6分鐘

1Fran?oise Malby?Anthony could tell the quickest way to the Eiffel Tower but knew nothing about animals.Yet somewhere deep inside, she always felt she would end up in a foreign country.

2It was her husband Lawrence Anthony,a South African,who brought out the wanderlust in her.They met in London in 1987,and a year later, they moved to South Africa, where they were drawn by nature and eventually bought Thula Thula—a game reserve of river and 1500 hectares of rolling hills.They were soon working to save an abundance of wild animals, especially elephants and rhinos, from the poachers and hunters who roamed for fun and profit.They also employed some locals,and taught them office work,dealing with guests and cooking French dishes.

3In 2012, however, Lawrence died of a sudden heart attack.Fran?oise was alone, and didn't know where to begin.A few days later, she received a call.Thabo, a three?year?old male rhino, had taken a bullet.It was the poachers.How could the poachers break into the fence in broad daylight?At that point,a rumor suggested it was an inside job.Maybe some?one was trying to frighten her into leaving.

4Lawrence was gone.A rhino was in trouble and she couldn't rely on security men.Since booking after booking had been canceled due to Lawrence's passing away, Fran?oise finally had an empty bank account.But how could she leave the dream that Lawrence and she had fought so hard for?

5Fran?oise slowly found her feet.Eventually, Thabo recovered from the trauma.She set up meetings with the staff to go over reserve and animal issues and to agree on priori?ties.She even launched her own rhino fund.The desperate days have helped redefine the purpose of life without Lawrence, and she understands that the mission to protect Thula Thula's wildlife has become hers,and hers alone.

Reading Check

1.What caused Fran?oise Malby?Anthony to end up in a foreign country?

A.Her job opportunities.

B.Her love for animals.

C.Her husband's inspiration.

D.Her desire for adventure.

2.How did Lawrence and Fran?oise contribute to the protection of wildlife?

A.They worked as security guards.

B.They opened a game reserve.

C.They hunted poachers for fun.

D.They employed locals as guides.

3.How did Fran?oise respond to the challenges after Lawrence's death?

A.She sold Thula Thula and moved back to France.

B.She started her own security company to protect the reserve.

C.She faced the difficulties and launched a rhino fund.

D.She left the reserve and found a new job in an office.

4.How has the experience of dealing with tough situations affected Fran?oise?

A.She has gained the strength to live bravely.

B.Her reserve has begun to bring in money.

C.Her management skills have been shared by others.

D.She has become expert in attending to injured animals.

Language Study







be drawn by 被……吸引

rolling hills 起伏的山丘

an abundance of 大量的

heart attack 心臟病發作

rely on 依賴


At present, major parks across the US are facing a 1.________(grow) problem.From getting too close to wildlife to camping in off?limit areas, more and more visitors are break?ing park 2.________(rule).In July alone, park rangers handled more than 11,000 inci?dents at the 10 most visited 3.________(nation)parks.

Record numbers of visitors at Yellowstone National Park, in Wyoming, have caused problems.Visitors stray from 4.________(mark) paths in order to take selfies 5.________wildlife, getting too close to elk, grizzly bears, and bison.As drivers slow 6.________to snap pictures of the animals,traffic backs up.

The breaking of park rules comes from disbelief among visitors.More than 52,000 warnings 7.________(issue) at Yellowstone in 2015, up almost 20 percent from the year before.That 8.________(worry) the National Park Service.As the number of visitors in?creases,the group is working 9.________(protect)national land for future generations.The top 10 parks,including Yosemite in California and the Grand Canyon in Arizona,hosted al?most 44 million people last year.That's a 26 percent increase from a decade 10.________(early).

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