

2024-04-27 19:55
瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2024年2期



Reading Check

1~4 CCBD

Language Study

1.at an average of 2.eventually

3.comparison(s) 4.has broken the record

5.right away


Reading Check

1~4 BDBA

Language Study

1.is famous for 2.available

3.in person 4.make up for

5.impressive 6.is home to


Reading Check

1~4 DABD

Language Study

1.efficient 2.consistent 3.took over

4.attractive 5.is equipped with


Reading Check

1~4 DBBD


Reading Check

1~4 DBDC

Language Study

1.significant 2.necessarily

3.successfully 4.acted/acts as

5.considerable 6.sources 7.approval


Dear David,

I'm terribly sorry to hear that you don't feel well lately.Thus,I'm writing to offer you some advice on healthy eating.

First of all,if you want to be healthy,you have to cut down on desserts and cut out sweet drinks.Besides this,you can keep healthy by consuming different kinds of fresh foods,especially fruit and vegetables which are full of vitamins and fiber,rather than processed food.Finally,it's better to develop consistent eating habits and eat a modest amount of food.

In my opinion,healthy eating starts with having a healthy attitude towards food.I do hope you can keep a healthy diet and have a healthy body.


Li Hua



Activity A Reading for understanding



It mainly introduces the opening ceremony of the 2023 China Cybersecurity Week and some people's opinions on cybersecurity.


1.awareness 2.significance

3.strengthened 4.development

5.transferring 6.concerns 7.applied

8.cautious 9.passwords 10.measures

Activity B Reading for writing


1.Knowing that you have a great interest in knowledge related to cybersecurity,I would like to recommend this activity to you,hoping that it will be of help to you.

2.While using the Internet,we should be wise and careful so that we can benefit from it.


Dear fellow classmates,

It's my great honor to stand here and give a speech on cybersecurity.Given that more and more students are fond of posting on social media,which puts them at some risks,my speech will focus on how to protect ourselves when sharing ourselves.

As far as I am concerned,there are at least three things you can do to protect your security while surfing the Internet.To begin with,it is suggested that you should adjust your privacy setting and make your post visible just to your friends instead of the general public.Besides,it is a good idea that you only accept people you actually know and never meet anyone you meet online alone.Lastly,what I strongly recommend is that please don't give out your address or phone number.

Only by bearing in mind these tips can we make our social media usage more secure.Thank you for your listening!


Reading Check

1~4 DCAC



1.so beautiful that it took my breath away

2.It was not until he went through real hardship


Dear David,

I have great news! Next week,our city will host the “Chinese Food Festival” from February 10th to 15th at City Park.It's a perfect chance for you to explore Chinese cuisine.There will be so many kinds of dishes that they are sure to satisfy your stomach.Don't miss the chance to try Peking roast duck,Sichuan hot pot and dim sum.I know how much you love Chinese food,so I invite you to join us for this extraordinary event.It will be an unforgettable experience filled with delicious food and cultural wonders.

Looking forward to your response.


Li Hua


Reading Check

1~3 DDC



1.When seeing/When exposed to the beautiful scenery

2.Whatever the result is

3.Now that you are interested in traditional Chinese culture


Dear Andy,

As a person with a strong interest in noodle-making,I am writing to invite you to a noodle-making event hosted by my class.The activity will be held on Saturday,March 23,2024,at Room 102,School Building.We will begin at 10 am and aim to finish by midday.

I'd like to offer some tips to enhance your noodle-making process: Keep the dough moist but avoid it being too wet,a well-kneaded dough makes for better noodles,and patience is crucial when shaping individual noodles.

I believe you will find this event not only informative but also enjoyable.Looking forward to seeing you.


Li Hua



Reading Check

1~4 DBCD

Language Study

1.but rather 2.previous

3.go back into 4.undertake

5.circulation 6.complain of


Reading Check

1~4 CABC


Reading Check

1~4 BADA

Language Study

1.serve as 2.other than 3.rely on

4.test out 5.focus on 6.sank down

7.deal with



Reading Check

Any answer can be possible as long as it makes sense.


Reading Check

Any answer can be possible as long as it makes sense.


Reading Check

The drought had killed about 40 Grevy's zebras since June,2022,which is the number usually expected to die over an entire year,amounting to almost two percent of the global population of this rare species.


Reading Check

Responsible,considerate and persistent.


Reading Check

They began waking up later,moving more slowly,and walking instead of running to Cheese Station C,as they now knew where the cheese was and how to get there.They became comfortable and even moved their homes to be closer to Cheese Station C,building a social life around the newfound cheese.



Paragraph 1:

It wasn't long before I could make outwhat it was—a jeep! And it was heading straight for the place we stayed at! There was a man in the driver's seat.Not a local.Our community was small,and I didn't recognize him at all.“You need help?” he asked.“Can you give us a ride back into town?” I asked cautiously.“Our car won't start again until it sits overnight.” He thought for a while and asked to take a look at our car.I knew it was hopeless,but I didn't want to be rude to a stranger trying to help.

Paragraph 2:

He checked the engine and said,“I know what's wrong.” The man continued to say,“Lucky for you.I have that tool with me.” He went to fetch the tool and got to repair our strange car,and after several minutes,the engine began to work again.I felt so surprised,and he told us not to stop again until we got the car home.We had no words to express our gratitude and Sue wanted to pay him some money,but he shook his head and climbed into his jeep,continuing his way.Sue and I believed he was an angel who happened to be passing by.



第一部分 語言基礎

第一節 單句填空

1.exceptional 2.to 3.from

4.has made 5.had been left

6.associations 7.by 8.to 9.Tired

10.consistent 11.minimum 12.slice

13.stuff 14.bold

第二節 完成句子

1.regular exercise strengthens your will and determination

2.other than diligence and perseverance

3.Hardly had I opened the door

4.we had built five new buildings

5.before the teacher came back

6.must have been stuffed with things

7.that the medical and nursing team had done for her

8.that the machines should be checked every year

9.superior to those of many of our friends'

第二部分 閱讀




1~3 BAD



4~7 CCDD



8~11 ABAB



12~15 BBCD



16~20 CDABE

第三部分 語言運用



21~25 ACBCD 26~30 ABBAC

31~35 BAABC



36.is used 37.studying 38.to change

39.biggest 40.when 41.on

42.patterns 43.achievement 44.a


第四部分 寫作


Dear friends,

As we all know,it's very important for us to form healthy eating habits.

However,bad eating habits are still very common among us students.Some of us often go to school without breakfast;some like to have snacks;some are particular about food;and still some eat too much food or drink too many soft drinks.All these bad habits will surely do harm to our health.

From my point of view,we should have a healthy diet in order to keep fit,which generally includes proper amounts of fish,meat,vegetables,fruit as well as main food.Besides,we'd better have meals regularly,and we should try to develop healthy eating habits to build up a strong body.Only in this way can we have enough energy to study better.

That's all. Thank you!


Paragraph 1:

At the beginning,Tanner had planned on giving Brandon all the money he had saved.That way,Brandon could buy whatever wheelchair he liked.On second thought,Tanner decided to give him an electric wheelchair as a present,in case he declined the money.With the help of his mother,Tanner found a wheelchair in an online store,which he thought would be a perfect gift for his friend.After buying the wheelchair,Tanner gave it to Brandon during the school day.Paragraph 2:

Brandon cried when he first got the wheelchair.He was so grateful to his friend for the amazing act of kindness.“Wow,I can't believe he did that for me!” Brandon said,adding that it had been his dream to own an electric wheelchair.Now,it was easier for him to get around,and he wouldn't ever have to worry about his arms getting tired out again.Tanner was happy that his friend liked it.“I will help him as long as he needs me,” Tanner said,wishing more people in the world to care for the disabled.
