

2024-04-28 08:28陸晗
現代世界警察 2024年3期








































The First Female Police Pilot

By Lu Han

"The vast, cloudless sky over Hulun Buir is as clear as sapphire. A glance at the sky calms you down and draws you closer to the heights above,"says Shao Xinxin. When Shao talks about the azure sky in her hometown, her eyes flashes with reminiscence..

Shao has yearned to fly high across the broad sky since her childhood. Now, she has become China's first female police pilot trained by the Ministry of Public Security. She is also the first woman in Inner Mongolia to pilot a police helicopter. She has grown from an ordinary household registration police officer to a woman pilot, fulfilling her dream of riding high in the blue sky.

A Life-changing Notice

After graduating from the Inner Mongolia Police Professional College in 2010, Shao was selected as a police officer through the civil service recruitment exam in the Public Security Bureau of Arun Banner, Hulun Buir City, Inner Mongolia. She was responsible for household registration, a complex and demanding task that directly affects the day-to-day lives of local people. Shao dived headfirst into her role, and was always eager to learn, seek advice, and reflect on her duties. With her hard work and dedication, she quickly grew and adapted to her position.

One day in July 2011, she came across a notice from the Public Security Department of Inner Mongolia: China's Ministry of Public Security was recruiting for pilot candidates among police forces nationwide. Her eyes fixed on the notice and her heart thumping with excitement, Shao hit on the idea: "I'll give it a shot,"she thought.

With the support of her superiors, Shao traveled from Arun Banner to Hailar District in Hulun Buir City, where she began her application with a health check at a hospital. After that, she returned to her day-to-day duties. A month later she got a phone call from the Police Aviation Administration Office under the Ministry of Public Security: she had made it to the next round of the selection process.

"I was at work when the call came. I was so overjoyed to hear the news that I wanted to jump about in celebration, but I stopped myself after seeing some residents seeking me out for help,"Shao says with a grin. "I held back my euphoric mood until after work, and only then did I share the fantastic news with my family over the phone."

Her parents were initially delighted, but they quickly became worried. Being a pilot would be an honor, but it is also fraught with danger. Though the thoughts tumbled around her head all night long, Shao resolved the next morning, "Please let me have a try, or I will regret it for the rest of my life."

Despite her parents' mixed feelings of hope and anxiety, Shao made her way to Tianjin for the next round of the examination. It was not until she arrived that she discovered she was one of nearly 30 candidates from across the country. She was the only woman among them.

The gender imbalance dented her confidence. She even briefly considered giving up. But then she remembered her childhood aspirations and that strengthened her resolve. She wanted to go all out no matter what happens and live a life with no regrets.

The second round of the selection involved even a more rigorous health check-up, professional tests, and endurance challenges. As the group thinned and the pressure mounted, Shao felt increasingly nervous. While more and more candidates failed and left, she managed to stay. Eventually, 18 candidates emerged victorious, with Shao shining as the only woman among them.

When the final list was announced, celebratory cheers filled the air and Shao truly felt that she was on the verge of fulfilling her dream.

The Weight of Being First

Successfully enrolled as a member of the third training class for police aviation pilots organized by the Ministry of Public Security, Shao, along with her classmates, commenced her exhilarating but arduous training in September 2011. The journey started with an intensive dive into theoretical knowledge for six and a half months, followed by nearly two years of flying drills.

As the initial waves of excitement subsided, Shao became fully aware that tough challenges were just about to unfold.

Aeronautical meteorology, airframe systems, aerodynamics, and other technical fields were a new world completely foreign to her. Shao was learning everything from scratch and initially struggled to keep up with the lectures and had to spend more time digesting them after class. With a packed daily schedule, she leveraged all her spare time and squeezed every moment she could to bury herself in study. Her intensive training was characterized by both mental and physical preparation.

"I ran seven or eight laps around the 400-meter track every evening until utterly exhausted. Then I would lie down on the grass and gaze into the star-studded sky. How gorgeous it was!"Shao recalls with a smile.

As the only female trainee in the class, Shao found herself under extra scrutiny. Curiosity drove many, either on purpose or by accident, to wonder how the first female police pilot trainee would fair. However, this recognition did not swell Shao's pride but instilled a stronger sense of duty in her.

"Now that they labeled me as the ‘first' female police pilot, so I was determined to live up to the label. I would try hard to prove that a female pilot is inferior to no man. Instead I can make great achievements as well, thereby being a credit to the police aviation endeavor,"Shao says firmly.

After the intensive theoretical studies, flying drills happened. Moving from the classroom to the cockpit, she edged one step closer to her dream of flying high in the sky.

This phase of rigorous training was a test of both mental strength and physical endurance.

Piloting a helicopter requires extreme precision, as a mere millimeter's adjustment in the angle of the control stick can result in significant changes in flight dynamics. Through the collective lever, cyclic stick, and foot pedals, the pilot can control the swashplate, rotor hub, and tail rotor to perform complex maneuvers. Factors such as crosswinds can affect the aircraft at any moment, thus requiring pinpoint precision with adjustments.

Hours of continuous flight training would numb her arms and left them motionless. The next day would, however, found her as energetic and diligent in the routinely hash training.

In July 2012, under the guidance of her instructor, Shao took to the skies for the first time. She was unflinching rather than nervous or afraid, not even amid a series of extreme flight maneuvers. The instructor was impressed and couldn't help but praise her: "Judging from your mental strength, you're born to be a pilot."

On August 20, 2012, Shao successfully piloted a helicopter by herself and completed all training tasks, becoming just the second trainee for a solo flight in her class. Upon hearing her instructor's proud announcement about her eligibility to graduate, she felt as if her dream blossoming into reality.

From the Helicopter to the Drone

After graduating from the training class, Shao returned to Inner Mongolia and joined the only local police aviation unit. Over the years, she has flown for more than 500 hours for over 100 missions, from emergency rescue to fighting floods, from disaster relief to medical assistance.

Rigorous training and real-world operations have equipped her with a better understanding of the role of a female pilot in police aviation.

On a long-distance mission in September 2017, Shao and her crew encountered severe weather conditions while flying their helicopter across rugged mountainous terrain. They were besieged by torrential rain, thunder and lightning—it was like a scene from the movies. Even worse, they lost contact with the control tower due to radio signal loss, and the tank was more than half empty.

At this critical juncture, Shao and her teammates tapped into their wealth of? expertise and decided to change the route immediately. Navigating their way through mountains with just their naked eyes, they took a perilous three-hour, low-altitude flight before finally reaching safety.

"That was the first time I came across such tough weather conditions. With no time to be nervous or afraid at that point, all I concentrated on was getting back safe and sound. It was not until later that I realized how dangerous it was,"Shao says when reflecting on the heart-stopping experience. "I am often a little bit slow to register the danger, since in the cockpit, my sole focus is on controlling the aircraft, leaving my feelings about what was happening in the back of my mind."

However, these emergency situations did not deter her and her dedication to her police aviation career never wavers. At home, in her study, two helicopter cockpit diagrams are a constant reminder of her commitment. She engages in a daily ritual of practice and memorization. She believes it is essential to keep sharpening her skills and ensure every detail is firmly etched into her memory.

In 2018, to align with the Ministry of Public Security's directive to further bolster police aviation capabilities, the Public Security Department of Inner Mongolia decided to promote the extensive use of drones among its police force. Shao was transitioned from frontline duties to a position in the department, tasked with spearheading the establishment of a local police drone division.

The transition from the helicopter to the drone meant a fresh start for Shao. Undeterred, Shao immersed herself in intensive training, extensive research, and meticulous study, aiming to piece together a comprehensive strategy for developing a local police drone force. She was involved in the establishment of standardized management protocols for things like personnel training and the daily maintenance of drones. Day by day, her assiduous efforts were rewarded – the police drone force has built greatness from the ground up.

As of today, Inner Mongolia has established five specialized police drone squads, comprising over 300 licensed pilots and a fleet of more than 600 drones of various types. In 2022, to further advance the local police aviation force, the Public Security Department of Inner Mongolia set up police drone training bases respectively in Ordos City and Xilingol League.

Shao also took part in the drafting of industry standards, including the specifications for the unified exterior coating of police drones, under the auspices of the Ministry of Public Security, contributing to the development of the national police aviation force.

"Police helicopters and police drones are to our police aviation force what two wings are to a bird. With the wings flapping in synergy, our police aviation will definitely soar to new heights,"says Shao as she gazes into the vastness of the azure sky.

( Translated by Zhang Yanzhou )

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