

2024-05-07 08:59河南谷戰峰
瘋狂英語·新策略 2024年2期

河南 谷戰峰


wink v.& n.眨眼示意

stare v.凝視

glance v.& n.掃視

gaze v.& n.注視

flutter v.(使)顫動

narrow v.瞇起

widen v.張大

roll v.轉動

raise an eyebrow 挑起眉毛

bat one's eyelashes 擠眉弄眼

squint one's eyes 斜視;瞇眼

widen one's eyes 眼睛睜大

roll one's eyes 翻白眼

blink rapidly 快速眨眼

glance sideways 斜視

give someone a sideways look 斜視某人

peer closely 緊盯著看

narrow one's eyes 瞇起眼睛

stare intently 凝視著

cast a side glance 斜視

gawk at 目不轉睛地看

flutter one's eyelids 眼皮顫動

catch a glimpse 瞥見

droop one's eyelids 眼皮下垂

glance over 掃一眼

give a disdainful look 鄙視地看一下

shoot someone a dirty look 投以不友好的眼神

leer at 暗送秋波

glare at 怒視

goggle at 瞪大眼睛看

peer through 透過……凝視

scan with one's eyes 用目光掃視

fix one's gaze on 盯著看

sweep one's eyes over 用目光掃過

give someone a death stare 殺氣凜凜地看某人/死死地盯著某人


She raised an eyebrow in surprise when she heard the unexpected news.當她聽到這個意外的消息時,她驚訝地挑起眉毛。

The bright light made her blink rapidly as she adjusted to the sudden brightness.強烈的光線讓她迅速眨眼,以適應突然的明亮。

She glanced sideways at her colleagues, trying to gauge their reaction to her presentation.她斜視著同事,試圖判斷他們對她的演講有何反應。

He peered closely at the tiny words printed on the contract, ensuring he didn't miss any important details.他仔細地看著合同上印刷的細小字,確保沒有遺漏任何重要的細節。

With suspicion, she narrowed her eyes and carefully observed the stranger's movements.她懷疑地瞇起眼睛,仔細觀察著陌生人的一舉一動。

The detective stared intently at the crime scene, searching for any clues that might solve the mystery.偵探專注地盯著犯罪現場,尋找能解開謎團的任何線索。

She cast a side glance at her competitor, a mix of competitiveness and jealousy in her eyes.她瞥了一眼競爭對手,心中充滿了競爭和嫉妒。

The crowd gawked at the celebrity as she walked down the red carpet, awestruck by her presence.人們目不轉睛地看著那位名人在紅地毯上行走,對她的出現感到驚嘆不已。

As she hurried past, I could only catch a glimpse of her beautiful smile.當她匆匆走過時,我只能瞥見她美麗的微笑。

Feeling exhausted, she let her eyelids droop and took a moment to rest her weary eyes.她感到疲倦不堪,眼皮下垂,讓疲憊的雙眼休息片刻。

With a disdainful look, she gave her rude colleague a silent message that she was not impressed.帶著鄙視的眼神,她給了粗魯的同事一個無聲的信息,但她不以為然。

Fed up with the constant interruptions, he shot his coworker a dirty look, silently demanding silence.受夠了不斷被打斷,他沖著同事投去一個不友好的眼神,默默要求他安靜。

The child goggled at the circus performers, amazed by their acrobatic skills.孩子目瞪口呆地盯著馬戲團演員,對他們的雜技技巧感到不可思議。

He peered through the window, trying to catch a glimpse of the mysterious figure lurking outside.他透過窗戶凝視著,試圖瞥見潛伏在外面的神秘人物。

Unable to look away, he fixed his gaze on the mesmerizing sunset, captivated by its beauty.無法移開目光,他目不轉睛地盯著迷人的日落,被它的美所吸引。

As the model walked down the runway, all eyes swept over her, admiring her grace and elegance.當模特走過T 臺時,所有的目光都聚焦在她身上,欣賞著她的優美和優雅。


As she entered the room, all eyes were on her.People couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, intrigued by her mysterious aura.She ignored their curiosity and dismissed their judgment.Blinking rapidly, she adjusted to the bright lights that seemed to narrow her eyes.Feeling slightly tired, she let her eyelids droop momentarily, but quickly snapped them open.Catching someone's judgmental gaze, she shot them a dirty look, full of defiance.Undeterred, she continued to move forward, observing every detail of the room with a glare.Finally, her gaze fixed on a particular spot, determined to make a lasting impression.With a sweeping motion, she let her eyes traverse the crowd, leaving an indelible mark on everyone she encountered.當她走進房間時,所有人的目光都投向她。人們忍不住挑起眉毛,對她神秘的氣質感到好奇。她無視他們的好奇心,對他們的評判不屑一顧。她頻繁地眨了眼,適應了似乎讓她瞇起眼睛的明亮的燈光。稍微有點疲倦,她把眼皮稍稍低垂,但很快又猛地睜開了眼睛。她撞見了一個帶有審判意味的眼神,她向那人投去一個不友好的眼神,充滿了蔑視。她毫不退縮,繼續向前走,蹬著眼睛觀察著房間的每一個細節。最后,她的目光鎖定在一個不尋常的地方,她決心給人留下深刻的印象。她用掃視的動作,讓目光在人群中游走,給她遇到的每個人留下了難以磨滅的印記。




He ____________________ when he heard the news.


The little girl ____________________ to get her mother's attention.


He ____________________ while trying to read the words on the sign.


She ____________________ upon hearing the shocking news.


He ____________________ her explanation, unaffected.


When she heard the surprise, she ____________________ to hide her excitement.


He ____________________ the stranger, feeling a bit suspicious.


She ____________________ to show her dissatisfaction.


He ____________________ the painting, trying to understand the artist's intention.


He ____________________ what he saw suspiciously.


The sun was setting, casting a warm golden glow over the peaceful park.As I took my evening stroll, I couldn't help but notice a peculiar scene unfolding before me.

I saw a young couple sitting on a bench, 1.________(熱切地凝視著) each other.Their eyes locked, and with a slight smile, they 2.________(瞥一眼) the world around them.Their love was evident when they gently 3.________(掃一眼) one another.

On the other side of the park, a group of teenagers gathered.One of them 4.________(鄙視地看一下) to another, causing tension to fill the air.Shooting someone a dirty look was exchanged, and a glare followed suit.They 5.________(瞪大眼睛看) each other,searching for a hint of remorse.

As my walk continued, I reached a clearing where an elderly man stood, 6.________(透過……凝視) a pair of binoculars (雙筒望遠鏡).He scanned the horizon with anticipation, hoping to 7.________(瞥見) something extraordinary.

Further ahead, a woman sat alone on a bench, 8.________(盯著看) a book.She 9.________(用目光掃過) the pages, absorbing the words with intensity.

Lastly, a family sat on a picnic blanket, enjoying their day.The father 10.________(瞪了女兒一眼) as she reached for a chocolate bar before dinner, enforcing his rule with a stern gaze.
