

  • 意外的收獲
    江蘇 劉晨峰Sandy Sikorski and Ken Steinkamp have been regulars at“The Bridge Restaurant and Raw Bar”for four years now,but neither of them ever expected to have as great of a meal as they had in December.This Rhode Island couple was en

    瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2023年11期2024-01-26

  • 我的攀登情結
    江蘇 王木華When I was 13,I climbed my first mountain—a 1,200-metre peak.I loved the challenge of overcoming something bigger than myself.Soon I'd climbed nearly 100 peaks.I often go climbing with my friend Mel Olsen.Three years ago,on

    瘋狂英語·新悅讀 2023年2期2023-10-12

  • Cardinali lives without electricity
    江蘇 陳福金Fabrizio Cardinali,age 72,says he has no use for electricity.For more than fifty years,he has lived entirely without the public electricity network.That makes him one of the few people in Europe unconcerned about rising ener

    瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2023年4期2023-05-10

  • “寵”滿為患
    江蘇 仲其方Australian animal shelters are crowd?ed,and the wait for returning animals can be as long as eight months as pet owners re?turn to work and face rising costs.“In all the 20 years that I've been in rescue,I have never seen it

    瘋狂英語·新悅讀 2022年12期2022-12-24

  • Changes in China in the eyes of a foreigner
    江蘇 于 玲Seeing is believing.US photographer and traveler Peter Crosby knows better than any?one, starting his second bike journey of over 3,000 kilometers across China 27 years after his first expedition in 1994.An eight?episode doc

    瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2022年5期2022-04-29

  • 夢寐以求的生日禮物
    江蘇 張娟Despite being the New York Yankees'biggest fan,Esmy's grandfather had never had the opportunity to watch a game at their stadium—until his 70th birthday,when everything changed.As he was opening his birthday present,the belov

    瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2022年12期2022-03-07

  • Digging for the past
    江蘇 袁晶晶When I was in Grade 3,I watched a video that recreated the discovery of King Tutankhamen's tomb.I remember Howard Carter,a British archeologist who became famous for discovering the tomb of Tutankhamen in 1922,peering throug

    瘋狂英語·新悅讀 2021年5期2021-06-08

  • Making scents of history
    江蘇 陳 偉Incense (香) maker Lu Wen, 38, has so far recreated 108 kinds of incense that had once been used in China's royal courts based on recipes found in a classic book on the history of incense written during the Ming Dynasty.Incen

    瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2021年5期2021-06-04

  • 微鏡頭·鎮江故事攝影大賽獲獎作品選登
    打油菜江蘇/george1127晨光初照江蘇/898989和諧江蘇/陳年的酒牛背鷺在草蕩江蘇/暴風驟雨回歸自然江蘇/鮑育瑞等等我江蘇/大山深處考前熱身江蘇/小 ? 胡后臺菊香江蘇/樵 ? 夫街巷劇場江蘇/清風zga看長江音樂節,我們一起HI起來吧!江蘇/云淡天高城市美容師江蘇/R201T暑假讀書小組江蘇/中不中我和鎮江——故事開始的地方江蘇/Yeq定慧寺里漾梵音江蘇/JSZJLDC關切的目光江蘇/藍藍的海荷塘讀報江蘇/超級老頑童憶當年 ?看今朝 ?夢成真江

    金山 2014年12期2014-05-08
