

  • 本月精選
    er Story無疆·WORLDWater always finds its way out from the mountains山不轉水轉 065While the mountains is not turning,the water can turn,if water is not turning,the clouds may turn,if even the clouds are not turning,we could always turn ou

    廈門航空 2022年4期2022-04-21

  • 本月精選
    er Story無疆·WORLDSpring Breeze has its "Faith"春風有“信” 061In March, everything starts to become better.The spring breeze wakes up the flowers and trees and ripples the water, the spring flowers show their faces one after another,the

    廈門航空 2022年3期2022-03-19

  • 本月精選
    er Story無疆·WORLDHello,National Park你好,國家公園 065On October 12th,2021,China officially established the first batch of national parks such as Three Rivers Source,Panda,Northeast Tiger and Leopard,Hainan Tropical Rainforest,Wuyi Mounta

    廈門航空 2022年1期2022-01-22

  • 本月精選
    er Story無疆·WORLDTravel with “sense of atmosphere”“氛圍感”旅行 071The expression of "sense of atmosphere" has become more and more popular and everyone is fond of "sense of atmosphere" and tries to properly utilize the light and shadow,

    廈門航空 2021年12期2021-12-21

  • 本月精選
    er Story無疆·WORLDWhere the mountains and seas meet山海會相逢 063China's roads extend into all directions,including the roads of plains,mountains,deserts and oases,snowy plateaus,seas and the air.All these constitutes the Chinese roads t

    廈門航空 2021年10期2021-12-21

  • 本月精選
    er Story無疆·WORLDThe time-honored canal water悠悠運河水 069The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal,which runs thousands of miles,was built in the Spring and Autumn Period.It is the ancient canal which has the longest mileage and largest engine

    廈門航空 2021年11期2021-11-22

  • 本月精選
    er Story無疆·WORLDThe Beauty of Boundary臨界之美 063In China,the Heihe-Tengchong Line is a magical dividing line: across this line,the beauty of the east becomes the magnificence of the west,the quietness of the east turns into the wild

    廈門航空 2021年9期2021-09-24

  • 本月精選
    er Story無疆·WORLDLet’s go to see the real forest走,去看真正的森林 067The woods,like a piece of grass rather than a prairie could not be named as a forest.What is the real forest.It stretches long and provides nourish and harbor,vast and my

    廈門航空 2021年8期2021-08-26

  • 本月精選
    er Story無疆·WORLDThousands of rivers and mountains are barriers slight萬水千山只等閑 075The 25,000-mile Long March of the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army under the leadership of the Communist Party of China is a great miracle in hum

    廈門航空 2021年7期2021-07-19

  • 無疆”的美術
    能感受到美術是“無疆”的,提高學生的審美能力和創新能力,從而提高學生的核心素養,促進學生的全面發展?!緟⒖嘉墨I】[1]楊笑媛.大學語文的美育功能探究[J].語文學刊,2013(21).[2]李曉曼.淺析在教學實踐中美術學科與其他學科有機融合的實現[J].中國校外教育(中旬),2014(9).[3]趙芳.淺析美術教學中高效課堂的融合[J].新課程(中學),2012(7).[4] 王福陽.綜合藝術課程與教學論[M].北京:高等教育出版社,2008.

    小學教學研究 2021年3期2021-06-28

  • 本月精選
    er Story無疆·WORLDMaking up the land大地妝成 065The ice plateaus make the land white,the mountains make the land green,the flowers make the earth red and the lakes make the earth blue...The night gives me a pair of black eyes,and I want

    廈門航空 2021年6期2021-06-02

  • 本月精選
    er Story無疆·WORLDVegewonder山河萬朵 059Whether it is the vast Tibetan plateau or the bold Loess Plateau; Whether in the mysterious southwestern mountains or the rustic Central Plains; Whether it is a thousand miles of desert, or the gr

    廈門航空 2021年5期2021-04-28

  • 本月精選
    er Story無疆·WORLDGood mountain deeply understands poets' mind好山深會詩人意 065At the end of ancient poetry,there are mountains mostly.In dust world,in this human world,in the smoke and dust,mountains can't be light.Mountains are always t

    廈門航空 2021年4期2021-03-27

  • 本月精選
    er Story無疆·WORLDHear Your Voice聽見你的聲音 071During the journey, the most beautiful encounter is not only to see but also to hear.When the sun rises and the moon sets, watch the flowing clouds in China and listen to the climate change

    廈門航空 2021年2期2021-03-02

  • 本月精選
    er Story無疆·WORLDReunite after a long separation久別重逢 069Place names are code names,titles and symbols,but also culture,life and faith.A place,given a title,has the meaning of life,full of people's emotions and expectations.Even if

    廈門航空 2021年3期2021-03-01

  • 10月精選
    sses by.無疆·WORLDPilgrimage to the Yellow River大河巡禮 073The Yellow River, the second largest river in China is the mother river of the Chinese nation.It originates from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau with its trunk steam going across the

    廈門航空 2020年10期2020-12-11

  • 12月精選
    beings.無疆·WORLDOde to the Great Wall長城賦 065The Great Wall, the walking history and the stretching culture.It is like a dragon, flying over the towering mountains, across the vast expanse of grasslands and deserts, towards the imm

    廈門航空 2020年12期2020-12-01

  • 11月精選
    cessity.無疆·WORLDThe best is whisht autumn佳處是清秋 069The aesthetics and temperament of autumn are out of “desolation” and “withering”, and mean more about “fresh”,“solemn”,“deep”and “cool”.“Whisht autumn” especially means late autumn

    廈門航空 2020年11期2020-11-12

  • 9月精選
    itself.無疆·WORLDYour Name你的名字 067Why will you love a certain place? Maybe just because of its name.Beautiful names touched ancient people and strike us as well.Those simple words are not just simple codes,but a scenic spot, a stor

    廈門航空 2020年9期2020-09-27

  • 8月精選
    society.無疆·WORLDJimei,My Hometown我心歸處是集美 045The poet Nazim Hikmet once said,“There are two things that one can forget only in death,the face of one's mother and the face of one's hometown.” A city that impresses others deeply not

    廈門航空 2020年8期2020-08-20

  • 成語小游戲
    ? ? ? )壽無疆(? ? ? )軍萬馬×? ? (? ? ? )惡不赦————————————(? ? ? )紫千紅(? ? ? )家爭鳴×? ? (? ? ? )萬火急————————————(? ? ? )載難逢各有(? ? ? )秋÷? ? (? ? ? )面埋伏————————————(? ? ? )步穿楊二、下面每行兩個成語中,每個都漏掉了一個字,你能補齊成語,并用漏掉的字再組一個新的成語嗎?例:巧奪天(工)? ? ? ?(料)事如神? ?

    小獼猴學習畫刊·下半月 2020年8期2020-07-28

  • 5月精選
    future.無疆·WORLDLooking for Tea in Fujian福地尋茶 067Fujian is a producing area for tea with a long history.A variety of tea producing areas, numerous tea tree species, abundant experience in collecting and production along with uniqu

    廈門航空 2020年5期2020-05-22

  • 2月精選February
    unicate.無疆·WORLDWorld as a Mirror鏡中之境 079Man is forgetful,but the earth records the traces left by everyone.You can follow the photographer’s lens to see the world,into nature and earth,into life and time.Take the world as a mirro

    廈門航空 2020年2期2020-02-27

  • 心靈的翅膀 —— 中國醫學人文大會主題曲
    量甘于奉獻,大愛無疆我們共患難,我們共風雨我們共歡樂安康蕓蕓眾生我們都一樣心中有無數夢想期盼渴望一個心靈的港灣和諧 溫暖 仁愛一心善良紅塵中有多少無奈和感傷夢想之路又遠又長不經風雨哪有稻熟和麥香詩和遠方我們一起共創共享心靈的翅膀讓我不再彷徨人文之愛給我前行的力量甘于奉獻,大愛無疆我們共患難,我們共風雨我們共歡樂安康心靈的翅膀讓我不再彷徨人文之愛給我前行的力量甘于奉獻,大愛無疆我們共患難,我們共風雨

    中國醫學人文 2019年8期2019-01-05

  • 白衣勝雪

    山花 2015年3期2015-12-02

  • Crying baby mammals all sound the same to Mama
    多版本的關于母愛無疆的故事。這次,讓我們從哺乳動物的身上看看這個特質的另一種體現吧。A sharp cry pierces the air. Soon a worried mother deer approaches the source of the sound, expecting to find her fawn. But the sound is coming from a speaker system, and the call isnt tha

    科學大眾(中學) 2015年4期2015-05-04

  • 白衣勝雪

    山花 2015年5期2015-03-31

  • 《舌尖上的中國》對高中語文作文的啟示

    中學生導報·教學研究 2014年39期2014-10-21
